A Fantasy World

Chapter 1

This story is about Charly and his wife Jane. They bought a house together and found a magical place inside it.

They were both busy moving in to their new house. As suddenly Charly found an old closet in a room upstairs. He was curious and opened the door. He saw a lot of jackets and other clothes. He called Jane to come look. Jane was curious to, and looked through the jackets. While she looked she saw a small door in the backside of the closet. She opened it.. It was pretty dark. The opening was barely big enough to fit in. But as curious as she was, she crawled in. Charly followed her.

Wow they said. Both very surprised what they have found in their closet..
They were in the middle of a forest. They didn't know what happened. Charly thought it was best to go back, but Jane convinced him to go look around in the forest. So they did.

They walked for a while, and it looked like a normal forest.. Then suddenly a lady appeared.

Who are you? She asked.

Well, uhm we bought a house and found a hidden door to this closet..

Then the lady looked happy, you finally came she said.. like she was suspecting them..

She asked them to follow her, so they did..
We arrived at a small town, all houses were made out of wood.. but it looked so magical.

She brought them to a big house, and told Jane to go inside. Charly asked why he couldn't go inside. And she told Charly to just wait outside.

So Jane went inside. A lot of woman were staring at Jane as she walked through a hallway to finally meet a woman who seemed to be the leader.

''Welcome queen!
We have waited a long time for you to arrive.I will let you get comfortable for a couple of weeks, and then we can get to work. There is a big house at the end of the street were you can live with your husband. ''

Jane and Charly moved in, since the lady told them time stood still in this world. So when they get back to their old world nothing has changed.

They really enjoyed staying there, the house very comfy with lots of luxury and lots of delicious food.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Theswordsman 1 year
Looking forward to the next chapter