A Welcome Change

  By Adminer_Anon

chapter 1

Jake looked over to his girlfriend Lyssa and noticed that her favorite jeans were looking noticeably more bug. Not that she was overweight or anything, but the two months since they started dating had clearly starting to show on his new love. Many lavish dinners out, cinema trips with plenty of snacks, parties with friends and cosy nights in eating pizza and ice cream had added a soft layer of pudge to Lyssa's waist, thighs, bum, and boobs. In fact, the fabric of everything she owned seemed to strain a little tighter over her expanding features. Jake had never considered himself attracted to bigger women, actually one thing that had attracted him to Lyssa in the first place was her fit physique and dedication to the gym. However, with colder weather and the security of their blossoming relationship, it was clear that Lyssa had begun to relax a little bit more when it came to staying in tip top shape. For some reason, Jake couldn’t resist admiring his girlfriend’s growing curves, subtly squeezing her new softness while cuddling on the couch, or even better in bed.

As the months progressed and winter began to set in, Jake continued to shower his perfect girl in affections; gifts, flowers, sweet treats and home cooked meal. Safe to say, Lyssa was simply swooning over her attentive boyfriend who would often sneak up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist and place his palms on her stomach. It was strange that in the past, she would squirm away from anyone who tried to touch her stomach, but with Jake she felt completely safe. Even the fact that she’d gone up a couple of dress sizes in their four month relationship didn’t seem to bother her, especially as Jake had picked up cute outfits and larger lingerie to show off the body that her boyfriend couldn’t seem to get enough of.

Jake’s favorite time of day was the morning. Lyssa would always get up a little earlier than him to go for shower and get a head start on breakfast. He watched from bed, as she’d slowly get up and languorously stretch, causing the already tight pajama top to ride up revealing her soft, round belly which was now threatening to surpass her full D-cup breasts. This morning, Lyssa looked bigger than ever. Her belly now has a shadow of it’s own underneath, with protruding love handles, thick thighs and a large bum that threatened to break the elastic on her shrinking pajama shorts. It was impossible to hide his boner and before Lyssa could even finish her morning stretch, he lept out of bed, wrapping his arms around this chubby goddess, nuzzling her neck and biting her earlobe. Lyssa made a satisfied coo as Jake began to massage her large breasts, and suggested “want to join me in the shower this morning?” The wide grin of Jake’s face didn’t warrant an answer and soon they were in the shower, with Lyssa’s body pressed against the steamed glass and Jake thrusting ardently from behind. He loved this position as he could survey the wider hips and sizable ass of his girlfriend, while placing a hand onto her soft, round stomach. After they’d both climaxed, Lyssa stepped out of the shower to begin drying off while Jake wondered to himself “wow, she’s just perfect, but I wonder exactly… how much does she weigh these days?” The scales were propped up in the space between the bath and the sink, and so casually Jake pulled them out and stepped on pretending to check his own weight. To his surprise, Lyssa nonchalantly stepped on after him revealing truly staggering number… 174 kg… how did Lyssa go from 130 kg to 174 in four short months. That’s 44 kg in four months, around 11kg every month of their relationship? To Jake’s further surprise, Lyssa didn’t seem shocked or upset by the number, but simply smiled and Jake and headed out of the bathroom.

Weeks since the shower incident went by and Lyssa didn’t show any sign of slowing down when it came to her eating habits. Jake especially loved it when he “accidentally” ordered too much food and watched as his now officially fat girlfriend stuffed her stomach. One evening in particular, as he pretended to watch the movie, while in fact watching the far more entertaining spectacle of Lyssa’s indulgence, she reached forwards for another slice of pizza, letting out a little groan which was then followed by a “pop” and “ping”. Confused, the couple looked at each other before releasing that the button of Lyssa’s work pants was missing, revealing a taut, round belly. Instead of reacting, Lyssa let out a happy sigh of relief and kept eating, clearly happy with the extra room for her stomach to expand. Jake continued to watch, mouth agape and cock throbbing at the sight of her.

Six months into their relationship and Lyssa’s transformation had pushed ahead. She’d completely replaced her entire wardrobe, having broken buttons, zips and seams of her old clothes long ago. Everything about her had gotten wider, ticker, softer and heavier, with her stomach far surpassing everything. Several times in the last month, strangers offered their seats to the breathless Lyssa assuming that she was heavily pregnant, her stomach being a round globe often firm from her late night stuffing sessions. Jake increasingly struggled to control himself around this fat beauty. During sex, he’d always encourage her to get on top so he could see those thighs spread to make room for her extended midriff and those large breasts heaving atop. He loved to feel the weight of her on top of him, each time the pressure of her fat body felt greater. As they fucked, her entire body shake and wiggled with the exertion. Gravity led her belly to drop between her tights and onto Jake’s firm, athletic abs. He grabbed at Lyssa’s huge stomach, ran his fingers through the folds on each side of what used to her waist, dug his fingers in the soft, seemingly endless flesh of her ass. Sex truly had never been better.

It had been one year to the day of Jake and Lyssa's totally blissful relationship. They were both happy, with Lyssa’s moving in to Jake’s apartment and even talk of buying a new place together next year. As they went about their usual morning routine and sex, shower and breakfast, Jake pulled out those scales once again, placing them on the floor in front of Lyssa as she brushed her teeth by the sink. With a cheeky look, his girlfriend stepped onto the scales which creaked under her new weight. She looked down but couldn’t see past those gigantic boobs and even bigger belly. Jake, however, saw the number as soon as the dial stopped - 260. He couldn’t believe his eyes. His once slim girlfriend had gained 130 kg in a year… she’d doubled her weight, and he couldn’t be more proud of her.

[My first story. Feedback welcome]
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
9   2   2595


Jack-Elray 4 years
Very good story! Especially for a first, i would def love to se you write something longer. Draw out that gaining. Jazzman is right tho you need to change to Lbs. If she was 130kg to start she would already be fat
Jazzman 4 years
It's very nice writing. But kg is kilograms which is 2.2 lbs.You're obviously dealing in pounds.lbs not kg