Chapter 1 - amy - 1

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It was first day back after the winter holidays, i came into registration and took my seat. As the teacher read out the announcements i noticed someone i haven't seen before, a new girl, after looking at her for a few seconds i got a little chill down my spine.

She was so hot, not exactly your stereotypical hot girl but more my kinda hot girl. You see I've always liked bigger women. Not massive but still pretty fat.

I looked at her discretely for a few more seconds, she had dark blonde hair, brown eyes and a little double chin. Her breasts were large and her belly was bigger. It strained at her tight white shirt and you could see a little exposed patch at the side of her belly. It looked super smooth and soft. Her belly pushed out onto her lap and rested, it formed into two rolls as well. Her thighs were touching together and her legs were huge. Her ass was pushed down and spread aside due to her weight which was probably around 200lbs.

Suddenly she turned to the side and glared straight at me. I froze in shock not sure what to do. As i was about to turn my head and pretend nothing happened she yawned and stretched up allowing her shirt to raise up slightly exposing the bottom of her belly. She looked down at my crotch noticing a slight bulge where my boner had formed and winked.

She went into her bag and brought out a notepad. She wrote down something on it, tore the page out and left it on her desk putting the notepad away in her bag. As she bent down to her bag she paused looked up at me and rubbed her belly through her shirt. She then zipped up her bag and stood up as the bell went she stood up, placing the note on my desk, it read:

"Meet me at the library xx"

My heart sank, i felt sick and confused thinking my self an idiot for staring. But i just thought fuck it and went to the library.

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3 chapters, created 6 years , updated 5 years
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Ninetythree 5 years
Thanks again for the feedback so far, the pants ripping is always something I'm up for, especially those buttons on her shirt popping.
As for the getting caught by parents, I'm not a big fan of that but if there is any other way they could be caught in t
Monokuma 5 years
Continue the story develop the relationship between the two them as she grows. Also you like the getting caught do you then why not make it that her partent find out that Josh is force feeding Amy and try to stop it but it make her grow even more. You cou
Theswordsman 5 years
You could make it to where her pants rip during the stuffing session
Ninetythree 5 years
All comments are really appreciated and will be taken into consideration, thanks smiley
Blubberjiggler1 6 years
Holy cow this is so hot. I hope he feeds that little piggy till she nearly bursts. Would love the storyline to continue with Amy becoming a massive blimp too fat to fit in a classroom. She would have to be home fed err ahh I meant home schooled.
Big E 6 years
Tolle Geschichte!
Aber wie geht es weiter?