
  By Theguynextinline

chapter 1

I walk into the room, fresh from the shower, towel around waist, to find you laying on your side under the covers. You’re lazily snacking on your favorite treats, hereby referred to as ‘Fatty Snacks’ (*registered trademark).

‘Sorry - started without you’.
I smile;
‘Feeling greedy? But I got them all for you anyway - You’re only apologizing because it makes you feel more like a pig’.

You smirk; This is true, and hearing it said out loud turns you on. Nice and easy, you roll onto your back, another Fatty Snack in hand. This causes the blankets to fall from your body, revealing your naked form, and your other hand casually fondling your belly. When you had brought up the idea three months ago you were around 110 pounds. I had the money, you had the time, and you had stuffed that time with stuffing after stuffing; Everything I could provide, any takeout dish you pleased, and a weight gain shake to go with each. At first it had been difficult for you to get down all the food you needed - You had high expectations of yourself - but now it was your pleasure. It was hard to think about stopping at the end. You probably could.

In this time you had ballooned up to 180 pounds. When we first met in person you had been wearing an outfit that was popular during the summer; Long baggy pants which pulled tight on a waist slightly thinner than your hips, and a crop top that draped over your boobs to create a windblown curtain framing the strip of skin it revealed. You still wear that outfit sometimes, but the top no longer drapes over your breasts but holds them, tightening along your upper belly, and the pants have snugged up significantly around your inflating ass, while only fitting if neatly tucked under your growing belly.

‘You always talk a big game, So why don’t you come over and get started on this greedy piggy?’

I like to be the one in control, but you always have something to say that gets my blood flowing - my dick stands at attention and is evident through the meek towel I’m still wearing. I let the towel fall to the floor, and walk over to you, slowly, because I like to tease, because with all the food you now rush down your throat you can’t get me to rush.
6 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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