Fat Art

Chapter 1

He sat there inside a weird box like thing and he was completely naked. The box covered his arms, legs and head. His arms and legs were tied down, there were a few other straps around him keeping him in place, he couldn’t move at all. There was a tube going into his mouth that was attached to a funnel on the outside of the box. The only parts of him that was outside the box was his big fat belly and man boobs, his greed and gluttony was on display for everyone to see. Currently his poor defenceless belly was being slapped and jiggled, he could hear laughing accompanied by the sound of his fat belly getting slapped. He couldn’t see as the box covered his head and was in complete darkness but he could hear everything they were saying. They were commenting on how fat he was and the size of his belly and boobs.
Suddenly a sweet tasting liquid entered his mouth, he kept swallowing the liquid until it stopped, it went on for several minutes. The entire time he drank the liquid his belly was being jiggled and rubbed while his boobs were being grabbed. They started playing with his big plump nipples, they pinched and rubbed them. He moaned loudly and heard the people outside the box burst out laughing. More liquid pored into his mouth.
He had no idea how long he had been in the box so far, his belly was so full of the sweet liquid that they were pouring into him. It kept going though, more and more liquid was going down his throat and into his belly. The slapping and jiggling of his belly and boobs never stopped either. He could do nothing but sit there and take it.
He felt a finger going into his belly button, while a pair of hands fondled his big blubbery boobies. The finger pushed into the blubbery fat of his belly button. He moaned due to the fullness of his belly. It was fine at the start when his belly was empty and more flabby, now it was bloated and bulging due to the liquid. He needed a rest but I didn’t come, more sweet liquid entered his mouth and he swallowed. Outside the box he could hear talking and laughing.
“Look at this big porky belly”
“This is what happens when your a greedy piggy, you get big and fat”
“Is it a man or a woman?”
“His fat belly is so soft and smooth”
“What a jelly belly, look at it jiggle “
They were all laughing and talking about him, he felt so embarrassed. He was constantly embarrassed about his size, he’d always been a big guy. Even as a kid he was a big plump boy . Now sitting here with his huge fat belly and boobs on display was torture for him. He always hated having his bare body seen. He always stayed away from beaches, swimming pools and gyms. Any place were he might be expected to take of his t-shirt, visits to the doctors were a nightmare too. But now here he was, the centre of attention with his huge bare belly and moobs on display. What made him feel even more embarrassed was that before he got in the box he had his belly and chest hair removed by some kind of cream, he was told it should last a few months. He looked in the mirror afterwards and was shocked, he looked like a big fat white pig. His belly was even paler than before. His tits looked more like a woman’s now too, they were so big and smooth.
Even though he was completely humiliated by his situation he found that he was getting aroused when they were playing with his fat belly and moobs. Feeling someone’s hands grab and play with his fat was exciting him in a strange way, he didn’t understand what he was feeling. Before this he would of never wanted his body touched or played with but in a weird way he was enjoying it. The feeling of being completely helpless while people laughed and played with his fat defenceless body was making him horny. He was utterly confused by the situation.
His boobs were being played with again, they were being lifted up the dropped on top of his belly, he could feel his titty fat wobbled around on top of his belly. His nipples were pinched and were being rolled between someone’s thumbs and index fingers. He moaned and groaned in pleasure, he felt his dick starting to get hard. His nipples were so soft and sensitive, he tried not to respond but he couldn’t help it. They pulled on his soft nipples and started pulling them upwards and lifting his boobs, his nipples started to stretch as his boobs stopped rising due to there weight. The porker was groaning due to the pleasure of having his nipples pulled on so much. They let go of his nips and his boobs fell back down and wobbled to a stop.
The bottom of his belly was then grabbed and lifted up. There was a lot of laughing outside the box as they started to jiggle his belly, the porker groaned as the liquid sloshed around in his belly. He could do nothing to stop them jiggling him, his big fat defenceless belly was there for their enjoyment. They were enjoying having this big helpless porker to play with, they enjoyed filling his belly too. Knowing that the fattening liquid they were pouring into the funnel was going straight into his already huge overfed belly was exciting them. Seeing and feeling his belly getting rounder and more bloated as they poured in the fattening liquid gave them a sense of power, they could do anything to this big porker and he had to take it.
A huge amount of the sweet liquid was poured into his mouth, the flow kept going and going. He had no way to stop it, all he could do was swallow it and fill his belly.
Someone started rubbing the top of his stuffed belly, it was bloated with the liquid and the rubbing felt good and soothed the bloating feeling. They rubbed and patted his belly for a while as it grumbled. He was thankfully for the belly rub as it gave him some relief. It didn’t last long as more liquid was poured into him.
He hoped it would end soon, he was so full now and his belly was starting to hurt. His belly felt so bloated and tight now, he needs to lie down and sleep of all this fattening liquid they were pouring into him.
It went on for a while longer, more liquid and belly slaps then things went quite . Suddenly he heard a noise at his head, someone removed the bit of the box were his head was. The bright light blinded him for a few seconds. Once he could see again he looked into the eyes of the man who got him into this situation. The man smiled at the porker and patted his bloated belly, it was tight like a drum and grumbling loudly. The porker moaned as the man patted and poked at his poor grumbling belly. He could only watch as the man’s hands explored his belly, he felt every part of it. His hands eventually went up towards the porkers boobs, he started to rub his nipples. The porker tried his best not too moan but he failed. He let out a long loud moan as the man played with his boobies.
The porkers belly let out a loud grumble. The man smiled then stood up, he started to unlock the box, it took a few minutes to unlock and remove the box that was around the porker. He then took the straps off, releasing the porker. The porker wanted to get up but couldn’t, his belly was stuffed beyond maximum capacity. The man took the porkers hands and helped him up. Once he was up the man patted his belly and said.
“This way porky, I’ve got a room here for you”
He lead the naked porker to a nice looking room with a bed, there was a bedside table full of juice and food. There was also a bathroom on the other side. The porker was happy to see the bed, he waddled to the bed and lay down on his back, he was trying to rub his belly but it was far too big to reach the whole thing. The man walked over to the bed and smiled.
“Would you like a belly rub?”
The porker blushed then nodded. The man sat down on the bed and started to rub the porker huge belly, his belly rumbled away as he massaged the huge bloated belly.
“You look like a big beautiful butterball lying down like this”
The man was rubbing the bottom of the porkers belly now, he was enjoying rubbing the big soft underbelly, the porker was enjoying it too. The man laughed when he looked down and saw that the porker was hard.
“That’s a cute little dick you have butterball. Would you like me too sort you out, I doubt you’ll be able to reach yourself”
He smiled at the porker who looked shocked. The porker was stuffed and horny, he knew there was no way he could jerk off. He could barely move. He nodded.
The man reached down and wrapped his hand around the porkers little hard dick. He rubbed it up and down, the porker moaned in pleasure. With his other hand the man started to rub and slap the huge stuffed belly. The sound of the porkers belly getting slapped and moaning filled the room. Within minutes he was sweating and breathing heavy. It didn’t take long for the fatty to cum, he spurted a huge load all over his underbelly.
“That was a nice big load butterball, I’ll get you cleaned up then let you get some rest. We have another big day ahead off us tomorrow. You did so well today, I knew you were going to be perfect. Tomorrow’s installation starts at 1pm ”
The man cleaned up the porker who was still lying there unable to move.
“I’ve searched for years to find someone like you, a big fat greedy butterball who I can put in a display and show off there fat. I’ve always loved big fat bellies and moobs, I want to show them off to the world and show everyone just how beautiful fat is. I’m glad you agreed to work with me and become my art subject, you seem to be enjoying it too”
The porker nodded.
“I’m glad your enjoying it, it’s going to be hard on your belly but you will get used to it. Once your stomach stretches you’ll be able to handle more and more, and that means a fatter belly and boobs for you. Now get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well my beautiful fat butterball”
1 chapter, created 9 months , updated 9 months
13   2   1730


Lrz 6 months
Satana 7 months
Very arousing story! Thank you!