Circus Fatties

Chapter 1

My eyes opened and all i could see was white light. Once my eyes had adjusted I looked around, I had no idea where i was. There was a curtain around me like in a hospital.
“Shite, what happened last night. I only went out for a few drinks. I can’t remember a thing. Damn I feel weird”
I tried to sit up and something stopped me, I quickly realised that my arms and legs were strapped to the bed. My body felt weird too, it felt heavy, so did my arms and legs as I was struggling. There was a cover over me. I looked down as saw a big mound in the middle of the cover, I had no idea what was under the cover. I could feel something heavy on top off me. I never knew what the hell was happening. My ass felt weird too, it felt stretched as if something was shoved up it.
I could hear weird noises beyond the curtain, it sounded like machines there was also moaning noises. They sound bed almost sexual.
I began to shout for help, after a few minutes I heard a door open. Foot steps started to get closer to me, the foot steps were accompanied by jingling.
A head peeked through the curtains.
I thought that I was a weird messed up dream because the head that peaked through the curtains, it was the head of a clown. The clown grinned at me, a shiver when through my whole body.
“Finally your up, you sleepy piggy” said the Clown.
“Who are you? Where am I?”
The Clown laughed. As I started to wake up and come to my senses I noticed I felt weird. My body didn’t feel right.
“What’s this weight on me, take it off” I demanded, the clown laughed. “My ass feels weird too, what have you done too me”
“I can’t take the weight off you silly pig. And I’m afraid you ass is connected up to an enema machine, your butt is nice and plugged up and every now and again your insides will get a nice clear out’ the Clown laughed. He spoke in a sing song kind of way, it was freaking me out even more.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“You big fat dick has a tube in it too, so you can pee when you want. You won’t be leaving this bed for quite a while so you better get used to it”
The Clown then peaked under the cover and laughed.
“You did have a nice big dick didn’t you. Wait till you see it now, it’s a tiny little pee pee” the Clown said then burst out laughing.
“What are you talking about?” i asked.
“You’ll find out soon, I can’t wait to see your reaction to your new body” replied the Clown.
As I lay they listing to all this, a loud grumble came from my stomach, it was a lot louder than it usually was. The Clown laughed.
“I think it’s time to introduce you to your new friend”
He pulled of the cover and I saw my body. A huge fat belly had replaced my once slender stomach, above that sat two big fat man boobs.. The clown laughed and started to slap my new big belly, it felt weird as it jiggled and wobbled with every slap. I was shocked, it didn’t seem real. This couldn’t be me, this had to be some kind of nightmare. The clown continued to slap and jiggle my belly. It was so big and gelatinous, it was a strange sensation having all this new fat wobbled around. It must be real though, I can feel every slap, poke and every jiggle. There was nothing I could do except lie there and watch my bloated up body get jiggled and wobbled around.
“Say hello to your fat belly, what do you think. It didn’t take that long for it to grow, you ballooned up so fast, you even grew a pair of cute little boobies. I’ve never had a piggy grow so fast, your a natural fatty”
The Clown pulled the sheet of the roof and revealed a huge mirror, I could see my whole body now. I was big and fat now. My belly looked huge, it was round and pale, every time I moved it wobbled around like jelly. It was so big it even covered my dick. The clown laughed.
“What do you think of your new belly, it’s one big wobbly jelly belly isn’t it”
He then started to play with my big moobs, he jiggled them and laughed. He then started to rub my now big pink nipples. They were huge now, they stretched out so much. I moaned as he rubbed and tickled them. They were super sensitive.
“Now remember what I said about your dick. Let me show you” said the Clown.
The Clown grabbed the bottom of my belly, I felt his fingers sink into my soft jelly like belly. He lifted my belly out of the way so I could see my dick. I gasped at what I saw. My once big proud dick was now tiny and pathetic. It looked like a little wrinkly white maggot. The clown laughed at my reaction.
“Please what’s happening, why are you doing this?”
“I guess you don’t remember do you, you. You were being a drunk asshole and you were shouting at me and my troupe. You insulted my beautiful fat man too, he’s such a big sweety too, you made him sad. No one makes my beautiful fatty sad” the Clown said, his voice went deeper, it sent a shiver down.
“So with a small amount of sleepy juice in your beer you became my next fat man. You think your belly is fat now, this is nothing, your going to get huge. Here is a glance of your future piggy”
The Clown started to pull the curtain around until it was totally bunched up . I was shocked at what i saw. There was four huge obese people on beds hooked up to machines. He couldn’t tell if they were men or women, they all had huge bellies that covered their legs and massive boobs that hung half way down their bellies. They had tubes coming out from between there legs, there were tubes in there’s mouth that were connected to machines. It looked like stuff was being pumped through the tubes and into their mouths.
The Clown walked over to one of the fat men and patted his huge belly that covered most of his legs, the fat man grunted behind the tube that was in his mouth.
“Here is the fatty you insulted, you laughed at him and said his belly was disgusting. DISGUSTING! How could you, this belly is beautiful. Just look at how huge and fat it is, look at it jiggle”
The Clown started to jiggled the obese man’s belly, it was like a sea of blubber. It was so soft and gelatinous, it jiggled and wobbled at the slightest touch. I was hypnotized, I couldn’t stop staring at the obese man’s belly. I felt my dick harden as I stared at the huge belly wobbling in front of me.
Fat people had always disgusted me, seeing them walk around with there big bellies bouncing around in front of them grossed me out. Especially when there fat was hanging out of their clothes. But now this huge fat belly that would normally disgust me was turning me on. I tried to reach down towards my dick but my hands were bound. The Clown laughed.
“Is my fatties belly turning you on, soon you’ll have a belly just like this. Would you like me to give you a hand fatty? Do you want me to jerk off that little dick of yours?”
“Keep your hands off me you freak!” I shouted at the Clown.
The Clown laughed and shook his head. He walked over to me and slapped my fat belly. The sound of my belly getting slapped was accompanied by a lot of jiggling. My belly wobbled embarrassingly, it was like a huge bowl of jelly.
“Silly fat piggy, I’ll teach you not to speak to me like that”
The clown brought out a device and pressed a button. All of a sudden there were other circus folk around him. They all had some kind of equipment with them. I saw tubes and funnels and other things. There were nipples clamps and butt plugs and other sorts of sex toys.
On of the circus folk walked over with a tube. He was very fat with a huge blubbery belly and moobs. He was only wearing a pair of speedos, his huge pale belly and moobs looked so soft , every part of him jiggled with every move he made. I couldn’t take my eyes of his big oversized belly. The Clown laughed and said.
“Do you like his big greedy belly? This is Eric another one of my fatties. I’m fattening him up slower than the rest, he owes me money and he’s paying it off by working for me and by adding pounds to his body”
The Clown began to rub and slap Eric’s belly. I couldn’t stop looking at the huge jiggling belly.
“He still has a lot to pay back, so he’s going to end up stuck in a bed like these fatties one day. Aren’t you Eric?”
“Y....yes I’m going to be a huge fatty just like them. I.. I want to be one of your big fatties” Eric replied while looking at the huge bed bound fatties.
Eric’s face told another story, I could tell he didn’t want to become a huge fat blob. He seemed scared of the clown.
“Right let’s get on, get that tube down his throat fatty. We need to start stuffing his big belly” said the clown.
Eric picked up a tube and aimed it towards my mouth. I clamped my mouth shut, there was no way I was going to let them shove a tube down my throat.
“Naughty, open your mouth. Let fat Eric insert the tube”
I didn’t, the Clown was starting to look annoyed.
“Eric you have a minute to get that tube in him or you will be punished. Hurry up fatty and get that tube in him!” the Clown said.
Eric had a sad look on his face. He looked at me and said sorry. He then reached under my belly hang and grabbed my balls. He started to squeeze them really hard.
“ohhhh ahhh what are you....ahhhhh” I cried out in pain.
“Open your mouth or i’ll squeeze harder” Eric said.
Eric squeezed a bit harder, I cried out again and said.
“Ahhhh ok...ok. Please stop”
I opened my mouth and he let go off my balls.
“Well done fatty, that definitely got his mouth open. Now get that tube in him” the clown said.
Eric stuffed the tube in my mouth then he said.
“Keep swallowing as I push the tube in, ok”
The tube was gently pushed down into my stomach. Eric kept asking me if I was ok. It was a horrible feeling and it made me want to gag. The Clown was rubbing my belly the whole time. Once the tube was in my stomach they set up the machine. Eric started to fill the machine with a thick looking liquid.
“Mmmm doesn’t that looks tasty. This is going to make you so big and fat. Just look at Eric, this stuff is what’s turning him into a big fatty” the Clown said. He grabbed a hand full of Eric’s soft belly fat and jiggled it.
I could see a fluid making it’s way through the tube, I could do nothing but watch as it entered me, it went straight into my belly. After about ten minutes of constant feeding I started to feel full. After another ten minutes I felt completely stuffed. I tried to tell them to stop but I couldn’t say anything with the tube down my throat.
“Awww is the fatty full, too bad. You’ve only taken a third of your shake so far. You have so much more to take” the clown said and patted the top off my belly.
“Your starting to get nice and stuffed. Your going to feel so bloated after you’ve finished your shake”
Half an hour later I was finished. The shake felt so heavy in my stomach. The clown was poking my stomach and laughing.
“Every week from now on I’ll be adding more and more to your shake intake. You e been kept asleep for the past few months so this is just to start you off”
I doubt I could get up and move even if I wasn’t tied down. My belly felt so stuffed.
“Now I’ll let you sleep for a while. Fatty Eric here has a show to put on. His show is really popular, people love seeing a fatty embarrass themselves”
The Clown grabbed Eric’s massive jiggly belly and wobbled it. Eric just stood there and blushed as his belly was being played with by the Clown. His belly was massive and really soft. It didn’t take much to start his blubbery belly from wobbling. I couldn’t stop staring, I couldn’t explain why I was so hypnotized by jiggling fat bellies. I felt my dick start to harden under my own huge belly.
“Right fatty you get to sleep, and you fatty, get ready for your show”
After the Clown and Eric left I began to wonder what Eric’s show was.
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
13   1   1249


Ohirish 2 weeks