Selling Fatties

Chapter 1 - At the doctor's

He told he would have to go on sale, he was weighed and measured. He hasn’t lost any weight, he was told he would have to at least lose 50lbs to begin with. Instead of loosing weight he put on another 15 lbs . The doctor circled him, pinching and poking his soft gelatinous body. He was well above 430lbs now. The doctor grabbed his huge fat belly and lifted it up, he jiggled the lifted belly fat.
“This is your problem right here, it’s this big greedy belly. That’s why you keep getting fatter” the doctor said as he jiggled the fat boys belly.
“The bigger your belly gets the more you eat, and the more eat the bigger your belly gets. It’s a constant cycle of growing fatter and greedier”
The fat boy blushed, he was 36, short and obese. The doctor continued to examine his blubbery body. There was a trainee doctor in the room as well, she was trying her best not too laugh at the poor porker being examined. The doctor noticed the trainee and told her to come over.
“Have you ever examined a big fat belly like this?” Said the doctor.
“No I haven’t, this is the first time I’ve seen someone so large ummm.... naked”
“Your ok with the trainee examining you, aren’t you billy. This is Shelia, she’s training to be a doctor”
“Y...yeah sure” billy answered the doctor, his face was bright red.
“First check his boobs, oops I mean pecks” The doctor said , the trainee laughed.
She brought her hands up towards Billy’s big hanging breasts. They were huge full boobs with big pink stretched out nipples. She grabbed them, her hands sunk into the soft titty skin.
“Wow they are just like real boobies. I wish mine were as big as yours” she laughed and jiggled his boobs.
“Yeah billy has the biggest pair of man boobs I’ve ever seen. You don’t mind me calling them boobs do you Billy?”
“No it’s fine, they are quite ...... large”
“Quite large? They are positively massive” the trainee laughed. She was still jiggling Billy’s fat boobs.
“As you can see, his nipples are really large. You will find men with boobs have really sensitive nipples” the doctor told the trainee.
“Has Billy got sensitive nipples?”
“Give them a pinch and find out”
The trainee reached up and pinched the middle of Billy’s nipples between her thumb and index finger and rubbed . Billy gave out a moan.
“ohhhhhh” groaned Billy.
All I he attention to his big blubbery body was turning him on and now his boobs were being played with.
“I think he likes this Doctor. Are you enjoying this big boy?”
Billy could only nod his head and groan. He was totally turned on now. Billy was shocked when the doctor said.
“Now let’s check his penis”
The trainee giggled, Billy was stunned, he didn’t know what to do.
“Billy could you lift up you belly for us. Lift it up as much as you can”
Billy did as he was told, he reached down and grabbed the bottom of his huge belly apron. It took a few tried to get it lifted, the soft fat kept slipping back down. Once he has his belly held up properly the doctor and the trainee had a look at Billy’s genitals. The trainee burst out laughing.
“Is it hard, it’s still so tiny” Shelia said.
The doctor gave out a chuckle. Billy was bright red with embarrassment, the doctor usually humiliated him but this was far more extreme. The phone in the doctors office started to ring, the doctor picked it up. After a few seconds he said.
“I’ll be right there. Shelia, keep on examining Billy here, I need to nip away for a few minutes”
The doctor then left the room leaving Billy and Shelia alone together. Billy was still standing their with his huge belly lifted up and his tiny genitals exposed.
“So Billy, I bet you haven’t see this little thing in a while” Shelia said and slapped his held up belly.
“I’ve always wondered how you big fat boys masturbate, can you even reach your tiny little dick” Shelia said.
Shelia started to rub his big pink nipples again, Billy only moaned in response.
“Come on fatty, show me how a big fat piggy jerks off”
“I need to be lying down first” replied Billy.
Billy lay back on the bed in the doctors office, it creaked under his weight. Billy leaned sideways a bit , his big fat belly spilled sideways. He stretched out his arm past his belly and reached down towards his tiny cock. He was already out of breath and their was still plenty of blubber for him to push past. After a few minutes of huffing and puffing his fingers reached his dick. He only managed to grasp it with his index finger and thumb.
“Just look at you, you’ve not even started to jerk and your already sweating like a big fat pig”
Billy felt completely humiliated but he was so horny. Having this attractive woman telling him what to do was so hot.
“Now jerk that tiny dick for me piggy”
Billy started to jerk off his tiny dick with his two fingers. Shelia started playing with his big fat belly and moobs as he jerked. Billy was out of breath within minutes of jerking off, sweat was beading of his face a few minutes later he was getting close to cumming. Before he came though the doctor opened the door and the doctor walked in, two big beefy guys walked in behind the doctor. They were dressed in what looked like rubber suits. Billy got a fright and let go of his dick. The doctor and the big beefy guys laughed at the sight of Billy. Billy shifted and lay on his back, his belly that was spilling sideways now wobbled back on top of him like a huge pile of jelly.
Billy was worried now, he had seen big guys dressed like that before, they were the ones who took the fatties away.
“W..W...what’s going on” Billy asked.
“That depends on Shelias decision” the doctor replied.
Shelia was still playing with Billy’s big blubbery belly and moobs.
“I definitely want him, he’s such a big fat obedient piggy”
“Ok then, I’ll get you to sign for him. After that he’ll be taken away until he reaches your target weight” said the doctor.
Billy started to panic, he tried to get off the doctors bed but failed. He was like an upside down turtle , his big fat belly was weighing him down. His whole body was jiggling as he tried to get up.
“He’s such a big jiggly porker, he can’t even get up. I’m so glad you rang me up last week. I’ve been looking for my own personal piggy for ages”
Billy tried to get off the bed as the two men advanced towards him, but he was to fat and slow to get away. They grabbed him by the arms and held him still.
The doctor walked over to billy holding what looked like some king of loop with a little box like thing on it.
“I’m afraid you are going to be sold Billy, I gave you plenty of chances to loose weight but you just kept getting fatter” the doctor said as he reached down to Billy’s groin.
“I’m going to have to put this on you. It will keep you obedient”
The doctor kneeled down In front of billy, billy felt the doctor doing something to his groin. He felt something tight going around his balls.
“Jeez this is hard to put on, there is so much fat and your cock and balls are tiny”
The doctor took a good few minutes trying to fit the contraption around Billy’s genitals.
“The thing I’ve just put around your little balls is a shock device. Try to escape fatty and BUZZ. Your little balls with get a nice shock”
The two buff guys were laughing at Billy. They had one arm each holding him in place on either side. With their free arms they were grabbing and fondling the poor fat boys fat body, they were playing with his fat belly and moobs. Shelia walked over to Billy.
“Did you really think I was a trainee doctor. I just wanted a chance to see you naked and play with you blubber before I bought you. My husband is going to love you too, he loves big fatties”

Billy couldn’t believe this was happening to him. The government passed a law which said that fat people who didn’t try to loose weight would become government property and sold off. They were costing the government too much money in health bills. You would occasionally see big fatties getting dragged off naked and put into vans. No one really knew what happened to the fatties after that but Billy was going to find out really soon.
“Don’t worry fatty, your going away with these men for a while. They are going to make you nice and fat for me” Shelia said as she reached down and stoked his big quivering belly.
She could see how frightened he was and rubbed his belly gently.
“Don’t be so scared, they are only going to make you fatter, you are already turning yourself into a big fat piggy. They are only going to speed things up. Let’s get this piggy to the compound”
The two buff guys helped get Billy up off the bed. The doctor walked over and put a collar around Billy’s neck. He then pit a leash on the collar.
“Would you like to walk your fatty to the van” the doctor asked Shelia.
“I would love too, come on fatty. Let’s get you to the van”
Shelia started dragging Billy, who was still totally naked, out of the doctors office and through the building. They passed a lot of people who laughed and commented on seeing a big naked fatty wobble past them. Billy’s belly was swinging back and fourth as he was forced to walk, his big fat moobs were wobbling and bouncing around too. Billy wanted to run, but he was on a leash and had the device around his balls. There was also the two beefy guys. The other main problem was that he was huge and obese, there was no way he could escape.
“There’s another fat piggy for market”
“Look at that fatties belly jiggle, what a jelly belly”
“Look at that porker, if you don’t stop eating you will end up a big fatty like him.
Billy was bright red with humiliation, he had never been naked In front of another person before, except doctors. Now all these people were seeing what a big fat piggy he was, all of his blubber was on display.
Shelia dragged him outside and took him too a big white van. They opened the big back doors. Inside sat another big fat boy, his arms and legs were strapped down. The fat boy grunted and groaned in protest and was struggling against the straps. The whole time he struggled his huge fat body jiggled, his huge fat tits and belly wobbled around.
Shelia and the Doctor laughed at the sight of the struggling bound fatty.
“This is going to be you in minute my big fat piggy” Shelia said.

The doctor got in the van and walked up to the struggling fatty.
“Looks at you , sweating like a big fat hog. You need to stop fighting it fat boy. Let’s see here, yeah this should stop you struggling”
The doctor took some nipple clamps off the wall off the van. The fat boy looked horrified. The doctor picked up the fat boys left boob and placed the clamp on his nipple. The fatty moaned In pain, he got even louder as his right nipple was clamped too. The nipple clamps were joined by a metal chain, in the middle of the chain there was a longer chain coming off from it. The doctor took the longer middle chain and put it around a bar that was above the fat boy, once the chain was around the bar he started to pull on it. The chain started to pull the fat boys nipples up, as his nipples were pulled upwards the rest of his boobs started to rise, the weight of his boobs pulled down on his nipples. The doctor kept pulling on the chain and lifting the poor fat boys boobs, the fat boy was groaning in pain and shouting behind his ball gag. His nipples were really stretched now, the clamps had a good grip on his big pink nipples.
“No more squirming fatty or you’ll hurt those big nips of yours Even more” the doctor said as he slapped the fat boys big fat belly.
Shelia laughed at what the doctor just did to the poor fatty in the van.
“Thays one way to stop him squirming. You better do it to Billy too, I don’t what my fatty to be a bother. Get in and get your boobies clamped” Shelia giggled as she grabbed one of Billy’s big nipples.
Billy couldn’t believe what he was seeing, it got even worse when the doctor said.
“Get in Billy , lets get you set up. Your owner wants your boobies raised up too”
The got Billy in the van and strapped him on to a chair Then put a ball gag into his mouth. The doctor then took the same type of clamps he used on the other fatty and did the same to billy.
Billy was couldn’t do anything as he watched his big fat boobs get lifted in the air by his nipples, he groaned in pain, it felt like his nipples were going to be ripped off. The doctor stood back and laughed. He took his phone out of his pocket.
“May I take some pictures of your fatty Shelia” the doctor asked.
“What a fantastic idea, I’m going to take some too”
They both took pictures of Billy and the other fatty. They both looked totally humiliated.
“Awww look at your big fat faces, you look so sad. This is what you get for being a pair of fat greedy piggies”
“I can’t wait to see peoples reactions online, they are going to love these pictures. You both look so pathetic” The doctor said.
The two big porkers could only moan, there poor nipples felt squashed and stretched. Billy looked horrified and looked at the doctors phone.
“Don’t worry Billy, I’ll be sure to show your family the pictures. I’ll shoe them what has become of their family piggy” said the doctor.

Once they took the pictures the doctor asked Shelia if she had anything else to say to her fatty.
“You be a good fatty and do what your told. I put you down for the extreme course so they can do what they like to you. I’m fine with that as long as you get nice and fat for me ok. Have fun fatty!”

The doctor told the guys to shut the door. A few minutes later the van started up and drove off. The fatties just looked at each other, they were helpless. The movement of the van made there suspended boobs jiggle around and pulled on their nipples even more. The road got rough and their boobs started to bounce around even more. The van hit a pot hole and their big fat boobies bounced high in the air. When the boobs flopped back down they tugged badly on there nipples. The clamp on Billy left nipple lost grip and slipped off causing him a great amount of pain. He screamed in pain as his fat tit slapped against his belly, his nipple felt like it was on fire. The clamp completely nipped the tip of his nipple as it came off. His poor big nipple looked squished at the tip.
One of the guys peeked in to see what the screening was about. He laughed when he saw that Billy’s boob was free from the clamp.
“That must of hurt, poor fatty. Let’s get that boob back up in the air. It’s what the doctor ordered”
The man went over beside Billy and lifted up his fat boob. Billy shook his head and tried to tell the man to stop but it was muffled due to the gag. The man the put the clamp on to Billy’s already sore nipple, he screamed at the pain as the clamp bit into his nipple. The man laughed and said.
“No wonder if lost grip, look at your big fat boobies bounce”
The man slapped Billy’s fat belly and grabbed at the soft jiggly flab.
“Your such a soft fat pig, your going to love it here fatty. This belly is going to get so much bigger and fatter” the man said.
The man continued to play with Billy’s big blubbery belly. The fat boy could do nothing but sit there and take it. The man started to rub the underside of his big hanging boobs, they felt so soft.
Billy’s nipple was hurting even worse now, especially as the van bounced over the rough road. The other fatties nipples were hurting too. They both groaned in pain as their big fat boobs bounced and jiggled, there big nipples getting stretched with every bounce.
The man turned his attention to the other fatty, he slapped and jiggled his big soft belly.
“Your a big porker too aren’t you, look at all this fat. Your one naughty piggy, stuffing yourself so much and turning yourself into a big fat piggy” said the man.
He continued to play with the fatties until they reached there destination. The ride lasted for about an hour and they were glad when it stopped. Their nipples felt weird and numb now and almost pleasurable. The van was parked and they heard many voices outside. The doors to the van opened, there where a bunch of men outside who all burst out laughing at the two poor fatties.
“Look at the size of these piggies, they are going to fatten up beautifully” said one of the men. His name was Alvin, he was the owner and boss of the Farm.
1 chapter, created 6 months , updated 6 months
17   2   1976


Simpforbigfa... 6 months
OMG THIS WAS SOO HOT I WISH I WAS BILLY SOO BAD I can't wait for future chapters
DikkeGert 6 months
again a hot story with fat shaming that turns me so on