Fattening cookies

Chapter 1 Lost girl in the forest

Sara 25 years old girl. Long red hair. He has an athletic figure. He loves running and exercising. He does it every day. She comes from an orphanage so she has no family or boyfriend. He just works a regular job. One day she went for a run in a forest she had never entered before and got lost. Her cell phone had no reception so she couldn't call for help. After a few hours, he meets an old lady on the road. Sorry. Can you help me? How can I help you young lady? I got lost. I don't know how to get out of the forest. Do you know any way to get out of here? Yes there are 2 ways. If you follow this path on the right side you will come out of the forest within. 8 hours. However, if you follow the path on the left, you will be out of the forest in 3 hours. However, if I were you, I would choose the longer path. And why longer? Because there is a young man living here. He has a house in the forest. One hour from here. He's not dangerous or anything. However, he is solitary and is usually very hospitable to his guests. But the longer you stay with him, the more you weigh? What do you mean? Let's say he likes to cuddle new girls he meets. He does everything to get them addicted to his cookies. They are apparently so good that you can quickly become addicted to them. One girl was there for 2 weeks and ran away. I saw her. It was obvious that she had gained a little weight. That's why I advise against this path. Especially since you're a slim girl. Thank you for this advice, but 8 hours is a bit too much. I'll take the shorter path and take a chance. I understand your choice, but don't think I warned you. Thank you very much for showing the way out of the forest. No problem. Have a wide road. When Sara leaves, the old lady mutters something. When will someone finally take the long path and listen to me? Meanwhile, Sarah is thinking to herself. There. I won't walk for 8 hours. At most, I'll spend the night at this guy's. And we'll see how it goes. I think this lady is exaggerating a bit...
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