Chapter 1
Since childhood, Jacob had a dream—he wanted to be fat. Even as a little nine-year-old boy, he imagined how wonderful it would be to feel his big belly, fat butt, and often weighed himself on the scales.Sometimes he stuffed his clothes with pillows and blankets to feel fat, but this only led to the fact that the clothes were torn. When he turned 12, he began to look enviously at the fat boys in the city. He envied even those boys who was a bit chubby.
“Why does everyone dream of losing weight?” He thought, stepping on the scales, “Being thin is so disgusting!” The electronic scales showed 77kg. In fact, he was not thin. He had a quite flabby belly that was divided into two folds when he sat down. He had a round face with sweet, plump cheeks, but without the double chin that sometimes occurs in very obese men. He wanted to become really fat! He lived alone in his own small flat. And led a rather carefree life and had enough money not only for the necessary expenses, but also for entertainment. But there was one thing for which his means were not enough. He had enough food to keep him from starving, but he dreamed for mountains of food, fatty dishes, so that he could eat and fill all day and night and become fatter and fatter and fatter. It was a lifestyle that he could not afford. And he tried to gain weight, constantly eating a little more than was necessary, or treating himself to chocolate bars from time to time. But he was not one of those guys who gained a little weight, and the arrow on their scale fluctuated around 80 kg. His last hope was to find someone who would be willing to buy him food or even feed him, but a female fat admirer is something he rarely know where to meet. After much thought and hesitation, he decided to post an ad on this feedism forum he founded: "Young Man seeks sponsor who would fatten him up and help him become very fat! No sex! Only feedings! Only at your expense and free of charge! If anyone is interested, write…”
“Yeah, I doubt it will work!” He sighed. But one day, about a month after he left the note, he received a letter. It was from a young girl named Daniela. She wrote that she had read his ad and was ready to feed him until he got as fat as he wanted, and would pay all the necessary expenses. She promised to fulfil all his wishes! As long as he will agree to live with her, and she insisted that no sex is required.
Jacob, who had not thought about the complexity of the situation until that moment, was not sure that bringing a complete stranger into his home was such a good idea. But in the end, curiosity and the desire to get fat got the better of all his fears. He responded and invited Daniela to visit. She promised to come on Friday, and Jacob spent the rest of the week on edge.
He couldn't think of anything else, he kept looking at himself in the mirror and weighing several times a day. He tried to imagine himself getting fatter and... he couldn't. And then, on Friday, around noon, the doorbell rang. He was unusually excited and ran to the door and slowly opened it. In front of his stood a tall and, in her opinion, rather handsome girl. She smiled at him. Jacob examined her and felt warm inside. She was very voluptuous with wide hips, perky tits, and quite large belly.
“Hi!”, said Daniela Jacob became even more nervous. “I'm Daniela!”
She shook his hand vigorously. Next to her stood four large paper bags and Jacob was ready to bet that they were full of food. “Hi, and I'm Jacob”, he said a little embarrassedly, although Daniela seemed like a cool girl.
“Please come in!”, he stepped aside, letting her in.
Daniela carried the bags into the living room. Jacob knew it was a difficult suggestion, but he couldn’t wait any longer and said bluntly, “Well, I think we’ll just get started! Let’s do it this way: I’ll sit on the couch, you’ll feed me all these delicious things, and in the meantime we can chat about whatever we want!”
Daniela brightened up noticeably after these words. And they just got started. Jacob settled more comfortably on the couch while Daniela ran from the living room to the kitchen and back. He even got excited looking at what she was bringing her–so many delicious and fatty foods–and all just for him… and him alone!
There were hamburgers, pizzas, sausages, cheese sandwiches, meatballs, spaghetti, French rolls, and so on and so forth in the same spirit. Jacob closed his eyes and Daniela began to gently put pieces of food into his mouth, and meanwhile she chattered casually about all sorts of things, especially about her love of fatties, and Jacob wanted to get fatter more and more. He learned more about Daniela and liked her even more and more. He liked the tenderness with which she fed him. Hour after hour he did nothing but chew and swallow, enjoying every morsel of fatty food. It’s turned out that Daniela was indeed a female feeder. She never experienced such relationships before but was eager to start with him. She was a feeder once. But recently become more active with feeds others. Mostly online.
Jacob had already eaten so much that he could hardly believe it, but he wanted more and more. It was the best thing he had ever experienced. After hours of non-stop gluttony, he finally felt that he was full to the brim and could not eat another bite. He clasped his hands around his incredibly large and round belly, which now felt very heavy. All the four bags were empty. He had eaten so much food that could feed a large family. Panting, he thanked Daniela for the delicious feast and said she could come and visit him anytime. Daniela was happy. “I’ll be sure to come again! I’ll come as often as you want me to…ahem…er… How about tomorrow?”
Daniela was very polite and left the house…alone – Jacob was too full to get up and see her to the door. He felt so heavy and he loved it! Stroking his big belly, he burped and soon dozed off. He had dreams about food, gluttony and getting fat. He saw himself bloated like a balloon, but as if through a veil of fog. Even in the dreams he couldn’t see himself as fat. But he felt incredibly huge, swallowing tons and tons of oozing food. And he felt an insatiable hunger awakening within him.
Jacob slept until 11:30 the next morning. He no longer felt full. On the contrary, he felt a little hungry! For a moment he thought that this fantastic gluttony with Daniela was nothing more than a dream. But then he saw here and there traces of yesterday's gluttony, although Daniela tried to clean everything up properly. He smiled and picked up a few pieces of paper from the floor, left over from yesterday's fantastic feast. And he thought no more about it. He ran into the bathroom and jumped on the scale. He was eager to find out how much weight he had gained if any. After an incredibly long second, the electronic display finally showed: 77.5 kg; he had not gained even half a kilo!
He was disappointed. So much food and the same weight! Angry, he went to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. Jacob did not even want to eat breakfast. The unchanged weight had ruined his appetite. He had just sat down in front of the Telly with a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang. He got up and opened it. It was beautiful Daniela. “Hello,” she said, smiling.
He only now remembered that Daniela had promised to come by the next day. “I hope you slept well,” she immediately noticed that Jacob looked sleepy, “I suppose you wouldn’t mind a little breakfast?” Jacob chuckled.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, “If you don’t want to continue, I’ll leave. It’s okay!” He noticed the disappointment in her eyes. “Well, how can I say it!” He answered, “The thing is, I haven’t gained an ounce! I thought I’d put on at least a pound after all that food. But I still weigh a measly 77½…”
Daniela smiled. “Oh, well, if that’s all it is, you don’t have to worry! In fact, I didn’t expect you to start gaining weight right away. But I'm sure you have a great time!”
She put two of the six paper bags down so he could see what was inside. "You think a good breakfast would help me?" Jacob smiled and let her in. The breakfast was simply amazing. Daniela had bought everything you could imagine. There were toast, waffles, pancakes, chocolate cereal, muffins, eggs, French rolls, croissants, pastries, and so on. He was stunned. And just sat down on the couch with Daniela began to feed him the best and most hearty breakfast he had ever had. His anger about his weight evaporated. He just sat and ate and listened to Daniela’s words, just like yesterday. The longest he went without chewing something was a few seconds. He didn't care, the gluttony continued all day. Daniela was well prepared. Breakfast slowly turned into lunch, and lunch into dinner. It was about 3:30 p.m. when Jacob felt so full that he could not swallow another bite.
She noticed that he was very tired and said that it was time for her to go. Jacob just nodded weakly, said "uh-huh" and fell asleep. Then, Daniela carefully tidied up the room. Before leaving, she returned to him. There, on the couch, slept his sweet little feedie. He lay on the couch and smiled in his sleep. His hands rested on his incredibly swollen belly. His breathing was heavy from the overflow of food in his stomach. Daniela smiled and left the house. When Jacob woke up, he felt great and, again, the feeling of being full was gone... he went straight to the bathroom, but then he saw a note on the scale: “Don’t weigh yourself yet. Wait a few days! D.”
He was dying to know his weight, but he fought himself. He wanted Daniela to come quickly. And she did, an hour later, laden with bags of food. Two weeks passed, the same thing every day. She bought more and more food and Jacob ate it all down to the last crumb. After two weeks, Daniela finally allowed Jacob to weigh himself. He was very nervous before stepping on the scale. How had his weight changed after two weeks of non-stop gluttony?
He stepped on the scale and saw on the screen… …86 kg. He had gained almost 9 kilos in just 14 days! He was so happy! And Daniela was too. While he hadn't noticed that he had gained weight because he had been wearing stretchy clothes for the last two weeks and had been too busy eating, Daniela had noticed a slight change in his plump body.
Most of the fat Jacob had gained had settled in his stomach, which now hung over his waist a bit in two delicious folds when he sat down. More and more often, his T-shirt would slip up, revealing the soft folds of fat on his stomach. Although she had noticed that Jacob's clothes were becoming a bit tight in some places, she hadn't even thought to mention it to him. She was enjoying watching the guy grow out of his clothes. His bottom and thighs had also become a little bigger and rounder, but he had always worn stretchy pants, so it wasn't that noticeable. His face hadn't changed at all. Jacob said that he felt great about putting on weight. This only made him want to eat more and gain weight even faster!
A week later, Jacob received an email from a young woman named Noa who wanted to be his feeder. He did not reply to the email right away. When he posted the ad online, he did not expect to get even one response. Now there were TWO!
All day long, while Daniela was feeding him, he thought about what it would be like to be fed by two feeders. With two feeders, he would be able to indulge in gluttony 24 hours a day. And two feeders meant twice the amount of food! He thought that would be just wonderful, because over the past week, he had noticed that thanks to Daniela his appetite had increased significantly. Now, he could easily eat more food than Daniela brought and still feel hungry the next morning. A day later, he asked Daniela how she would feel about having another girl feeding him. At first, Daniela was not very happy to hear this, but agreed. The next day, he wrote back and invited Noa to visit, but warned that she would not be her only feeder. Two days later, Noa arrived. This time, Daniela was the one to open the door and let her in while Jacob was stuffing himself. Daniela really wanted to leave her standing outside the door.
Noa was shorter, and her long black hair reached her shoulders. She was quite small girl, and behaved very politely and brought a huge bag. Daniela was not happy, but she also tried to be polite. When Noa entered the living room, she saw what she had long dreamed of: a young and plump guy sitting on the couch, surrounded by food, gobbling like it was his last time, and his plump belly protruded from under a very tight T-shirt.
“Hi! I'm Noa ... er ... nice to meet you!”, Only now Jacob stopped eating.
“Hi! I'm Jacob!”, he said with his mouth full of muffin. He liked Noa! She was a nice, cool girl, not curvy like Daniela, but she was very nice. He found that Noa concentrated on sweets. While Daniela bought him all sorts of greasy food, like French fries, pizzas and hamburgers, Noa brought every kind of sweet that he could imagine—sweets, chocolates, sugar, marzipan, cakes and so on, in all shapes and sizes.
“Would you like some?”, she asked him, smiling, and Jacob, very excited, said: “Oh, yes!”
For the rest of the day, Daniela and Noa fed Jacob together. It was not easy, especially for Daniela, but gradually she and Noa talked more and more, and little by little they became friends. But Jacob had the best time!
He was happier than he had ever been in his entire life, he was just lying there stuffing himself with every kind of greasy food he could imagine, put right into his mouth by two hot girls, and he knew he was going to get fatter and fatter. It was 3 a.m. when he felt sleepy. He had overeaten like never before. Noa had made a huge impression on him. She could easily coax him into eating the last candy bar or the last two hamburgers. When she said, "Hey, I know you can finish that!" or "You're not going to leave half of that chocolate muffin, are you?!"
Jacob felt like he could eat even more. Daniela and Noa left the flat, agreeing that they would both come over the next day. From that day on, Jacob's lifestyle changed completely. The two feeders were allowed to come over whenever they wanted. And they visited him as often as they could. And they always brought tons of food with them, which Jacob always ate to the last crumb. Now gluttony was the only thing he did during his days. The girls shared everything for him and even paid the bills. He got up only to go to the toilet, take a bath, change clothes or weigh himself. And every day he gained more and more weight. Systematic overeating had a very visible effect.
He was gaining weight at an astonishing rate—about a kilogram a day. After three weeks with his girls, he already weighed 100 kilograms. 25 extra kilos in 3 weeks! The changes were now very noticeable! His whole body became round and fleshy. His stomach became much bigger, prettier, whiter and softer. His belly was sticking out from under his very tight T-shirt, hanging over his waistband and resting on his thighs in two delicious rolls of fat. His chests had also grown larger and were ready to burst out from under his shirt, forming a large moons. His arms had become very plump, with constrictions on them, and his T-shirt was ready to come apart at the seams. His waist was now divided into two creamy-white folds of fat, hanging over his waistband on both sides. And on the couch rested his fattened bottom—two huge balls of flesh; very wide, very soft, swaying like jelly with every step she took. His legs had also become very fat. When he turned, his huge thighs rubbed against each other and trembled. Feeling that he never felt before. Stretched marks had appeared on his knees, and even his feet had become plumper. And only his face and chin remained practically the same as before. With such a body, all his clothes were already too small for him, but he continued to wear them. He loved the feeling of his clothes getting tighter and tighter, making him feel even fatter. The fabric was stretched to the limit and fat was sticking out everywhere. He wanted to wear his old clothes for as long as possible. The bottom fold of his stomach was now exposed almost all the time because his T-shirt kept sliding up over his belly. The buttons and zippers on his pants were constantly open, folds of fat were hanging out of his waistband, and his moobs were growing too. When he reached a certain weight, he received another letter from a girl who wanted to fatten him up. Daniela and Noa tried to talk him out of answering the letter. They wanted Jacob to be theirs alone, but he had already made up her mind. He liked the girls, but his main goal was more important: he wanted to be even fatter!
Even at 120 limos, he felt skinny and wanted to change that! And he didn’t want to miss any opportunity to get even fatter! A new feeder meant even more food for him to eat!
The thought of being fattened up by three feeders was driving him crazy! But it turned out that was only the beginning: when he lowered his swaying butt in front of the computer to answer the letter, he found three more new letters! Each was from a new feeder, each wanting to help him get even fatter! Without wasting any time, he answered all four and invited them over. He lay down on his bed and dreamily thought about the days to come.
Smiling, he felt sleepy and, stroking and kneading the soft folds of fat on his stomach, he dreamed of unimaginable mountains of food. The next day he received two more new letters—two more feeders! And one of them said that she had read about him on some website about chubby guys!
“Oh, my God!” Jacob thought. He was shocked! But not because his story was published on the Internet, but because of how many people would now read about it and… how many new feeders would write to him! Now he had 8 of them, but how many more people would want to fatten him up in the future? Jacob’s life changed again.
He was never alone in his apartment anymore. Visitors were constantly coming to him, wanting only one thing: to help him become fatter and fatter. Sometimes he received letters from feeders who wanted to come to him. Daniela and Noa, who remained Jacob’s favourite girls, became his personal assistants. They kept track of who came to him and that he was always happy with everything. Daniela checked his mailbox. Responded to sensible offers and deleted letters with content like “I want to come to you and fuck your fat ass” and so on. All day long Jacob now did nothing but eat, eat and eat, chatting with new feeders; he tore himself away from food only for the toilet and shower.
He was constantly surrounded by at least three feeders, who stuffed his belly with every delicacy imaginable. His stomach was now full almost all the time he was awake. His appetite had increased very strongly.
College Fiction
2 chapters, created 2 weeks
, updated 2 weeks