Chapter 1: Haley’s huge hope
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After she finished her first burrito Haley decided to take a look at herself in the mirror. She looked at herself, second burrito in hand. Her eyes were brown, a common color, as was her hair. Her arms were very moderate, neither skinny nor fat, her breasts were on the larger end of a C cup, also pretty average, if on the larger side of average. Unfortunately they were the only large thing on her. Most women would be quite pleased with this. But not Haley. She continued to examine herself. Her belly was average too, maybe a bit skinny, but not excessively so. So was her butt, so were her thighs, so were her sides, so was her everything. Haley hated how average she was, she took a bite of her burrito and fantasized about her stomach plumping up until her clothing needed a few X’s in its size. She took another bite and imagined her arms thickening up. Bite after bite her body got fatter and fatter, her legs became plump, her butt, her belly. By the end of her burrito Haley’s entire body was round and soft and jiggly. In her mind anyway. Karen began to touch herself while saying to herself “Fatter and fatter and fatter and. . .” ad nauseum.
As she rubbed her clit Haley continued to daydream about gaining. In her imagination Haley ate an absurd amount of food, putting any garbage disposal to shame. She ate burgers, pizza, burritos, whole cakes and pies. Anything and everything she could imagine. In the process Haley’s imaginary self grew to thousands and thousands of pounds. She was a tremendous ball of fat by the time she finished and was pulled back to reality by the feeling of tension and pleasure building up higher and higher inside her, until she eventually climaxed. As reality rushes back into her mind Haley was left with nothing but her thoughts.
Haley had an interesting thought. This was more fun than any night with her old boyfriend had been. So no big loss that they had broken up. Haley looked at her reflection and saw her moderately skinny body again. It had no plush parts. Nothing was soft. Nothing was inviting, not in reality anyway. Haley made a resolution to herself in her mind. From now on she would try to gain weight, to make her fantasies a reality, to get fatter and fatter with each day that passed. God the thought was hot, but Haley had thought this before. Quite a few times in fact. She’d never actually done much. She’d binge on fast food for a few days before she'd chicken out and resume her ordinary life. She’d lose the weight, keep going to work, date a guy who liked skinny B****s again. Give it a couple of months and it would be like nothing had ever happened. Haley was normally turned on by her imagination, her dreams of softness, of roundness, of pudge, chub, lard, fat, whatever you called it. Just listing off synonyms was enough to get her going normally. But right now? Nothing. Nothing but a bitter sense of hopelessness and a belief that she’d never be happy. Not really anyway. She put a hand on her mirror and looked at herself, saying out loud “It’s all a lie, isn’t it?”
After she finished her meal Haley flopped on her bed, lying on her back and staring up at the ceiling. She spoke to herself out loud “Yeah, but what if it was true this time?” She shook her head, no. It wasn’t true. It never was. But why not? What was she afraid of? Haley asked herself seriously then listed off her reasons while counting them off on her fingers. “First, it’s bad for my health. Being overweight has a ton of illness attached, and fitness is near impossible to keep going with the kind of softness I want.” Haley went to the gym pretty regularly and took vitamins daily, but what happiness did that bring her? Not much. “Second,” Haley put up a finger “relationships, I’ll never find a guy who likes me if I get too fat. Third,” her third finger went up “People will look down on me.” Stupid, ugly, lazy, uncontrolled, there was no end to the insults aimed at big girls. Tubby, fat b***h, pig, cow, land whale, the insults didn’t end. “Fourth. . .” She thought for a moment and couldn’t think of a fourth, so she shrugged “Well whatever. The three is enough anyway.” Then she said “But, what if I could pair that down to two? One even? Zero ideally.” Haley’s gears were turning. She was no doctor or scientist, Haley was a part time convenience store clerk for crying out loud. But finding someone who liked fat girls, she could do that.
So Haley grabbed her laptop and sat up in bed with her back against the headboard. She went to Google and typed in “Guys who like fat girls near me.” Then hit enter. A few dating sites popped up, including a knockoff of okay cupid, a site she had used normally. Haley said “Well, that was easy. Why didn’t I try this before?” to herself and shook her head. She set up an account and put out some feelers looking for a guy who liked fat girls and wanted to fatten up a skinny girl. Then she decided to go to sleep.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
11 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year