Chapter 1
Author’s note: Something I wrote back in 2017-ish. Not sure if anyone remembers it, but it was written right around when Curses by bontaque first came out. Unfinished and probably will stay that way. Sorry 15-year old me, this concept kinda sucks.There was around another chapter and a half I wrote but after I deleted the story I only saved a good portion of the first chapter. The second chapter got progressively more f**ked up, and that’s when I deleted it after a bunch of people sent me hate lmaooo. To the one comment who I remember did in fact enjoy it, this is dedicated to you, buddy. Now onto to the story!
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“Get up, you worseless piece of shit.” I commanded, my brow furrowed in a grimace. He was sobbing by now, his tense body erupting in shakes and shivers. I was very pleased, while he was frightened beyond believe, just where I wanted him.
“Please, forgive me. I’m so sorry. Don’t do this to me, anything but this.” He cries, his voice shrill and pleading for mercy. I smiled sadisticly, my lips curling into a grin. “To think I helped you lose all that weight, to change your lard-ass body into one of a god’s. Typical. All I asked for you was to keep me company and to love me, to never deceit or cheat me, like my own damn father. Yet you did just that, cheating with my friend, who I had set up to prove your loyality.”
My fingers snapped in rage and he slowly inflated his body another 50 pounds. His belly folded over again, the weight piling on the area he hated most, his stomach. The scars increased in dexterity as well, just to damage his psychologically perception of himself even more. The boy’s poor mama was a drunk, a gorgeous prostitute by day, a heinous creature at night whenever alcohol touched her firey red lips.
The memories of our first night’s encounter was reminiscing in my mind. Back when he still was enamored with me, when he was still an obese loser. I had finally agreed to go out with the porker from college, pitying the misshapen overfed lump and offering him the promise of free dinner; knowing fully well it was an offer he couldn’t refuse. By the looks of him, he had to be stifling a good chunk of his income to food alone. Not only were his clothes horribly constricting and meant for someone at least 30 pounds lights, but the edges of his t-shirt were fraying as well. Maybe it would of been fairly unnoticeable to the average passerby, but not to my perceptive eyes. Hey, if you were actively avoiding the watchful eyes of the convent like I was at the time, I’m sure you would of picked up on a couple of things or two.
He wasn’t unattractive by any means, quite the opposite. He had a boyish charm, and his fervent blush only highlighted his perfect complexion. And those eyes. Those damned eyes. It was like staring into a saccharine muddle of oozing honey. If it wasn’t for those eyes, I would of scoffed and mocked him for even wasting his time. However, as you can guess, I didn’t. I couldn’t even look away. Hell, there was no doubt in my mind if he lost a good hundred pounds, he could model. No question about it… Too bad he was positively adorned in lung-crushing adipose. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying being overweight is an instant turnoff. Quite the opposite. Some people look better with some extra “cushioning” than without it. He on the other hand, well the best way I can describe it was that he was simply overflowing with flab. No, not that cute baby fat. This shit just looked lumpy and deformed.
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…that’s it. Yep. That’s all I have. Enjoy the short shit-fest of a story! Maybe I’ll continue and revamp it someday. Who knows.
Edit: Thank you so much for commenting and actually bothering to read this sorry! Look who came crawling back to add more to the story. Whelp. Maybe it’s a WIP after all. Perhaps if I get a co-author, I’ll churn something out. Comment if you’re interested in co-authoring or DM me I guess.
College Fiction
Fit to Fat
First person
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years
You need a co-author?
Sign me up.
Or let’s start a new story together.