Hypnosis Script 1

  By Chuborange

Chapter 1 - before you start, and script

Hypnosis will not work if the person you are hypnotising doesn't want to be hypnotised, so seek their consent first. Do not use hypnosis with anyone who has or might have psychosis or certain types of personality disorder, as it could make your condition worse.

As you'll see, this script is not focused on altering anyone's behaviour; just to experience being fatter.

If using remotely, make sure you set up a webcam so you can see the person you are hypnotising. You will be speaking for the entire time, so keep a drink nearby if you need. Not sure how long this would take, suggest making sure you're not going to be disturbed for an hour or so.

I'd love to hear any feedback on this - let me know if you've tried it. Who knows, I might write another script or two in future!


Just begin by making yourself comfortable. Rest your feet flat on the floor and rest your hands on your lap, or by your side.

Now, fix your gaze on a point on the wall or ceiling ahead of you. Any spot will do, do you have it? [Yes]. Good. Now just stare very intently at that spot. Notice everything about it. The shape and size, its colour, whether it's light or dark, its texture... And when you've got a really clear picture of that spot in your head, just allow your eyes to close, and keep picturing that spot behind your eyelids. I wonder if it has changed at all - you might find the colours have changed, or it might have disappeared entirely...

Now, shift your attention to the sounds around you. Just focus on what you can hear, maybe the sound of your computer nearby, other people in the house or your neighbours (ad lib and sounds that they might be able to hear outside their body). And now shift your focus to the sounds inside your body, your breathing, maybe your digestion or your heartbeat... And notice too the sound of my voice, and know that wherever you go during this hypnotic trance, my voice will go with you, gently guiding you through.

And as you focus on the sound of my voice, take a moment now to focus on how your body feels, from your feet, supported by the floor/bed, up through your legs and hips, noticing how heavy they feel now as you relax completely, your back and arms just relaxing now, their weight pressing into the chair/bed, up through your neck and into your face, every muscle in your face relaxing now, from your cheeks and jaw, to your eyes and forehead. [If eyes are not closed, add: just noticing your eyelids feel so heavy now, as if a tiny drop of water is sitting at the end of each eyelash, gently tugging them closed...[when closed] and you can enjoy how good it feels to close your eyes and rest your eyelids, can't you?] And any time you need to adjust your position to feel more comfortable, you can just go ahead and do that, do you understand? [Yes]. And any time I ask you a question, you can just answer yes or no without having to think too much about the answer, just mindlessly answering yes or no, do you understand?

And you can just let a wonderful sense of relaxation wash over you now, noticing any cares or stresses just melt away completely, as you now imagine yourself standing at the top of a flight of 10 steps, leading down to a quiet, inviting beach. You can get ready to go down these steps, one at a time, and notice that with each step you go down, that sense of relaxation you feel just doubling, getting twice as strong, do you understand? [Yes]. Good, well done, now get ready to go down the first step, and notice as you do, you feel twice as relaxed, body getting heavier and mind opening, now the second step, good, noticing your sense of relaxation doubling again, as you go down the third step, your heavy body so supported by the bed/chair as you feel doubly more relaxed. Now stepping down the fourth step, relaxation doubling, noticing how relaxed you can become as you go down the next step, each step heavy, almost sluggish, as you get closer to the beach, down the next step, even more relaxed, even heavier, feeling so good to relax so much as you go down the eighth step now, body so heavy, mind so calm and relaxed now, going down the ninth step, ready to take the last step into that beautiful beach, and as you do, just noticing how deeply relaxed you can feel now, and how good that can feel. And now, on the beach, just notice the warm sun on your skin, a gentle breeze, and finding a good spot to put your towel down and rest.

And now, noticing how much heavier you feel, as if going down those stairs has made you even fatter than you were before. Feeling lucky to try this out for size in this wonderful, quiet place, you can just take a moment to notice some of the changes in your body. And I don't know quite how much heavier you are, but you look like you've ballooned up, easily 50lbs heavier, and you can enjoy noticing where this new weight has settled on your body, can't you? [Yes] . And just noticing your fat thighs touch and rub together as you walk to that spot to lie down, how heavy you feel when you do make it down onto your towel. And you can just enjoy being held here, experiencing your new, fatter body, isn't that right? [Yes]. Because it's not just your legs which are heavier, you've put weight on all over...your belly, your hips, your chest, your face, even, every part of you feeling fatter now. Just noticing how it feels to be this heavy, this large, this fat... You can enjoy the feeling of your soft belly pushing out in front of you, like a beach ball, supporting your plump breasts, drooping slightly, swollen from the weight you've gained, feeling the sun on your exposed nipples, noticing how exposed you are as you lie here, sunbathing, your fleshy body on display for anyone walking past. As you sit up to take a drink, noticing how much more effort this takes than you've been used to, how much more of you there is to push up now, and how your doughy stomach folds over into delicious chubby rolls as you do. Grunting slightly from the exertion, you twist sideways to grab your bottle, reaching out with your flabby arm, pouring the cool liquid down your throat, noticing the pouch of fat on your double chin as you open your mouth to drink... And it feels good to try out being this size, doesn't it? [Yes] You can just enjoy being held here, so totally relaxed, experiencing your fatter body, isn't that right? [Yes] And as you look up, you can just see a sexy stranger getting out of the water, looking over at your fat body, lying there in the sun. And I don't know whether it's your fat tits, your gut or your entire body that catches their eye, but you swear you see them wink before they turn back around for a swim.

And if you come back here next time, maybe you can join them, but for now, just enjoying feeling the sun warming all of your body as you lie back down, spending a few more moments taking in what it feels like to be this fat before collecting your things, heaving your fat body back up, and heading back up those stairs. And just finding yourself at those stairs now, knowing that as you go back up them, that heaviness will float away, leaving you feeling calm and relaxed, lighter and ready to return to normal, remembering what you need to remember and forgetting anything you've just experienced that you'd prefer to forget. And just walking back up those stairs now, happy to have tried out a larger size, and as you reach the top, feeling good, ready to let go of any memories of this trance which don't serve you.
And as you get ready to wake up, I will count from 5 down to 1, every number helping you to feel more awake, and when I reach one you will be wide awake, no longer hypnotised, feeling good and ready to enjoy the rest of the day/evening. 5, relaxed and calm, starting to wake up now, 4, noticing you are more and more awake, 3 feeling good, 2 nearly awake, feeling so good for having been hypnotised, and 1, wide awake.


If you want to use this more than once, you can make modifications. You might not need to spend so long on the first bits, inducing hypnosis. You can go to town on the description, helps if you know the kind of things they might feel about being fatter. Throw in the odd question to confirm; better to ask questions where the answer is "yes" as answering "no" can disrupt hypnosis if someone isn't especially deep.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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