I Miss This.....

  By Goddesstamara

chapter 1

At one point during the night, he adored to have me tell him, "I'm hungry, I need you so badly"
this would always arouse him beyond anything, at which time I would Domme him and push him down on the bed, grabbing his erection, growling, demanding "I'm so hungry, I have to have you now" he would always have food handy and he'd show me, a donut or a sandwich, whatever, and he'd say "what about this? Will this do?" And I tell would tell him "maybe, maybe if you let me sit on this (squeezing his cock hard), I will eat that instead of you"
He would lay back, surrender his body to me as I mounded him like a horse, waiting with great anticipation for the moment I would lift my belly and let it fall on him so I could settle down farther on to his now throbbing cock, then he would literally shake as he lifted the food to my mouth and placed it within reach. He laid there, mesmerized, hands on my belly, watching me eat, eyes wide, the only motion from him the desperate thrusting of his hips as I rode him, allowing my pussy to devour his cock, deeper and deeper into my fat.
He never failed to orgasm before the last bite .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........................................
I know every one thinks that the feedee is at greatest health risk but this isn't always so.
I miss this because my feeder, of normal height and weight, passed away at age 53. Of natural causes mind you! That means the under lying conditions were there and of a nature that the coroner did not doubt that was what stopped his life. Think about that people.
So I'm not saying stop eating, I'm not saying stop feeding, I'm saying step back and take notice of your health risks and the risks of your gender, race and family history. Take good care of each other, live long and truly enjoy!
1 chapter, created 6 years , updated 6 years
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Rufatyet2 2 years
Wonderfully written.