Chapter 1: A begining
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So, when Rafael was interested in Lucy it came as no surprise to her. What was a surprise was when she loved the man right back. Rafael, who went by Raf to friends, was a dream come true for more reasons than just his bank account. He was a good, kind hearted man. Even in bed he was the image of a selfless lover, and had confided in her that he didn’t find anything sexier than a woman clearly enjoying herself. Whether sexually or innocently made no difference to him either it seemed. He loved it when Lucy enjoyed herself out of bed as well as in it. The man honestly seemed happier when Lucy was satisfied than when he was himself. Lucy’s amateur psychoanalysis said that her husband probably didn’t have the most affectionate parents, and was trying to show that affection himself. A fact supported by what he’d told her of his childhood. But Lucy was no shrink, and she knew that. What she did know was that she loved her husband, and was the luckiest woman in the world to be with him.
One morning Lucy looked in the mirror to see a Barbie doll brought to life once again. Lucy had the combination of a snatched waist with a large chest and butt that made for a flawless hourglass figure. Lucy’s feeling on all this was a combination of pride and gratitude. Lucy loved her body and the life it had gotten her. But she knew that she was not responsible for much of it. Lucy worked damned hard to maintain her body, but a stunning form like this wouldn’t be possible at all if she weren’t blessed with the body for it in the first place.
At least, that’s how things went until Lucy noticed her stomach in the mirror. It was a bit rounder than she’d expected it to be. Lucy jiggled her belly a bit, staring at it In the mirror, “Am I,” and she paused, unable to bring herself to even say the words, “No, it’s just my imagination,” she said walking towards the bathroom, where a scale awaited her. “Watch, it’ll be the same thing it’s always been,” and she stepped on the scale, continuing “somewhere from a hundred and ten pounds to a hundred fif-“ and gasped in horror, the scale had stopped at one hundred and twenty pounds. Five pounds more than the heaviest she’d ever been. Lucy tried to recall everything she’d eaten that last week. She’d only even had dessert twice in those seven days. She’d been denying herself more than ever, but her weight had only gone up. Lucy said “Must be my metabolism slowing down. I’m in my thirties now after all.” Then she sighed and said the words she’d dreaded would come about for years, “Guess that’s no more sweets then. Time for a serious diet.”
As Lucy looked morosely at the scale Raf sat alone in his study. He sat at a desk looking at his stock investments on his laptop with a smile. It was a good day for the market. Well, it was for Raf’s investments anyway. So he text Lucy to ask how things were going. It was easier than walking across the house, and Raf wasn’t fond of shouting. So, texts. She said that today was neither great nor terrible. “Well, can’t be having that, now can we?” he said as he thought of what could make Lucy happier. She made Raf smile every second she could it seemed, so he figured that doing the same for her was only fair. He looked at a calendar then spoke with a chuckle, “It’s Sunday, so I’ll get her a sundae.” He smiled softly at his own joke as he pulled up a delivery app. “Knowing Lucy she’ll complain about her figure, but be glad to have it in the end.” Raf said to himself with a chuckle. Raf wished that Lucy didn’t concern herself with looks so much. Rafael didn’t care one way or the other about weight. Lucy could weigh ten pounds or ten million as far as Raf was concerned, he just wanted to make her squeal with delight. Raf loved that feeling of being able to make Lucy so happy that she was unable to contain herself, unable to maintain propriety and decorum. Which, all made Raf a fairly simple man. If his wife was smiling than he was too.
Lucy wasn’t Raf’s first girlfriend, though she was his first and only wife. That seriousness made him want to put a smile on her face even more. Lucy didn’t really care much about shopping or clothes for their own sake. But Lucy was elated by anything she thought made her prettier. Raf suspected that she saw beauty as her safeguard against a cold, uncaring world. He constantly tried to find other ways to make her happy. But nothing seemed to work but her own beauty and sweets. Lucy adored anything sweet, but she viewed every pound gained as erosion in the walls of beauty that kept her safe. So all joy in her was sadly short lived. If only there was a way for her to indulge without gaining weight. That or a way to make it so she can be happy being heavier.
Lucy’s moment of contemplation was interrupted by the doorbell ringing, followed by her cell phone doing the same. Lucy looked at her phone to see a message from Raf. It simply read “Hey Hon, can you get that?” so after texting him that she would Lucy went to the door. When she answered Lucy was greeted by a man carrying a gigantic plastic cup with a lid on it. He said “Delivery for,” then squinted at the table, reading “A, uumm,” then after a moment saying “Lucy! For Lucy and, uumm,” for Lucy to hold out a hand saying “Yeah, I’m Lucy. Give it here.” With a mildly annoyed tone. The deliveryman did so and Lucy read the plastic container. “Wow. This thing really is written badly,” she said as she walked back inside with the cup. “Whose handwriting is this bad, and why are they the one writing names on cups?” Lucy shrugged and finished “Whatever.” Before noticing there were two spoons with the sundae and muttering “Raf must’ve meant for us to split this.” Before calling her husband “Hey Raf, the sundae is here.”
Rafael arrived in the dining room, where he met his beloved, who wore a sleek white dress. Lucy always liked to dress up, even when she wasn’t doing anything, like today. She said “Hey Hon, I assume this ice cream is meant for both of us?” To which Raf nodded, saying “Yea, I figured it would be like old days,” as he sat down at the table. Then, when Lucy set down the ice cream he removed the lid and took one of the two plastic spoons, giving the other to Lucy. Raf said “Oh! And this” then took out his phone and opened the Spotify app. Moments later a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers began to play. Lucy broke out in laughter, saying, “God, I remember when I first heard this song. I was,” then she spent a while trying to remember, eventually Raf cut in with “At the sorority house that night you guys threw a party and yours truly came.” With a wide grin. Lucy laughed and said “Yes. I think it was the party we met at. This was the song that was playing when we met if I recall correctly.” The couple continued to reminisce for a while, until Raf realized something. He’d eaten about half of the sundae, by himself, Lucy had only put her spoon into the ice cream once, then put the spoon into her mouth as if taking a bite, she then played with the spoon as Raf ate. When he noticed Raf said “I thought we were trying to relive the old days. Why haven’t you had any ice cream Lucy?”
Lucy felt a weird bit of panic. “What do you mean?” she asked. Raf said “You remember, the same week as we heard that song. We went out and got ice cream together. It was the next day after the party. You’d had a boozy shake at the party and told me how much you loved ice cream. So I asked you to meet me at the ice cream shop the next day. That’s why I got this sundae, I’d figured we’d recreate that date here.” Lucy said “I’m sorry. But I can’t.” Raf looked at her confused, and Lucy continued, “It’s just been so hard to keep the weight off lately. I’m in my thirties, my metabolism isn’t what it was when we met.” Raf answered, “Is that what you’re afraid of? I’m not just with you because you’re skin-“ and Lucy cut off her husband, “Oh? You aren’t? Maybe you like to romanticize things, but I know how it works. You’re the rich playboy with more money than God, and I’m the sexy trophy wife you fell for when you were young and hormonal.” Then she sighed and continued “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you, I know you are more than that. I know we are more than that.” And she looked at the sundae with a weirdly mournful look on her face. “I’m just having trouble accepting that the past is in the past. I know my best days are behind me and that they’re never coming back.” Raf shook his head and answered “Aren’t you exaggerating a bit? You’re thirty two and afraid to gain a couple of pounds, not ninety and dying of cancer.” Lucy sighed again and said “I’m sorry, you’re the independently wealthy guy with the world at his fingertips, and I’m the pretty girl with nothing but her looks. Her looks that are fading fast. I know I’m not exactly hideous. But I’m past my prime, and its only getting further behind me.” She then said “Being the pretty girl of your dreams is going to join it in the rear view mirror soon. Isn’t it?” she then got up and started walking to their bedroom, as she left Lucy said “I’m sorry. I don’t feel like looking back at what I’ve lost right now. Ice cream is in my past too. We can talk more tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Raf was stunned in silence, unable to say a word as Lucy gave her little speech. “I’ll never see her happy again.” He muttered to himself, and it wasn’t just the ice cream. Every ounce of the woman seemed to be drenched in misery all of a sudden. “I need to take my mind off of this.” Raf said as he took another bite of the ice cream. He pulled out his cell phone and called James, Raf’s last college buddy to still talk with him regularly.
James picked up after a few rings and answered “Yo Rafael! Everyone’s favorite archangel, how it hanging man?” which Raf couldn’t find a response to, not quickly enough for James anyway. Because he filled the silence with “That rough eh?” Raf said “That obvious?” to which his friend replied “Uh huh. Why don’t you tell me all about it. I haven’t met a problem yet that a bit of brainstorming couldn’t help with.” James may have never grown up, but he wasn’t wrong. So Raf told him “Lucy’s having problems. She’s stuck in the past and missing what she used to be, y’know?” To which James answered “Honestly brah? No, not really.” Of course he doesn’t. The man never left his past In the first place. How could he miss it? Raf sighed and said “Listen she. . .” and summarized the events leading up to this conversation.
The two bounced Ideas back and forth for hours until James said “Okay. Here’s another idea.” The guy never ran out of plans. Most of them were bad, but James did strike gold every now and again, so Raf listened intently, “You said you don’t care that she’s putting on weight, and Lucy is obsessed with staying thin for you anyway, right?” Raf said “Yes.” And James continued “What if you told her you like fat chicks? Like, tell her it’s a secret you’ve kept quiet cause you’re embarrassed or whatever. I love you man, and you’re girl is great, but she is conceited as fuck. Like, she’s so vain she probably thinks that song is about her. She does everything she can to be beautiful and is only happy when she knows she is. But she cares more about how you see her than the rest of the world, so if it’s gaining weight that she’s freaking out about, make that a positive for her.”
Raf honestly wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, but it was the best plan either had come up with that day. Granted, that is a low bar, the next best plan was subliminal messaging. So Raf said “Okay. Let me sleep on it. I’ll tell you how it goes if I do it.”
Meanwhile Lucy sits on her bed, regretting what she’d told her husband that day. “Why was I so harsh on him.” But she knew why. Even though they’d spent nearly every waking moment together for years, he’d never understand why Lucy had to feel beautiful, how badly it hurt to think otherwise, how horrible it was to know things would only get worse. Still, she regretted being so short with Raf, he only meant the best for her and she knew it. Lucy sighed, “If only there was a way.” She then chuckled, finishing “A way to eat more ice cream.” Before breaking out in laughter.
The bedroom door then opened for Raf to come in. He smiled and said “Well, sounds like someone is feeling better.” Lucy gave one last “ha” then said “Yeah, that or going insane, maybe both.” Raf chuckled quietly and Lucy continued “So, I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I just don’t know how to handle gaining weight. I’ve always been able to just stay skinny, I can’t stand to imagine you looking at me as less because I gained weight. I know you’re not going to drop me like a sack of rocks for it, I just can’t stand to imagine you pretending to think I’m attractive when you don’t.”
Well, Raf thought, now or never. I couldn’t ask for a better time to try the plan. Besides, she’ll only hate herself more as she ages and gains weight. So, he said “Okay,” and sighed. Raf could hardly believe he was doing this. “I didn’t want to say it before but it looks like I’d better just out and say it.” Lucy watched on bated breath as Raf continued, “I like bigger girls. Like, fatter.” Lucy’s jaw literally dropped open. Too late to stop now, “I don’t know why, I don’t even know when it started exactly. I’ve only been coming to terms with it recently myself. I was trying to think of how to tell you without making you feel like you had to change yourself for me. So, you don’t have to gain weight on my account. But don’t worry about me liking you less if you do.”
Lucy sat in silence for what felt like a year to Raf before answering. When she did she said “Wait. So you mean to tell me I could’ve been stuffing my face with ice cream and brownies this whole time?” The reaction made Raf chuckle a bit. Lucy kept speaking, “Don’t you laugh! You know how hard I have to work just to not go skinny dipping in a pool of maple syrup every day.” Raf did not need to fake a smile at that imagery. She continued “I could’ve had ice cream earlier today, and yesterday, and the day before that. In fact, order me some more ice cream right now. Every moment I’m not eating ice cream is a moment wasted.“ she then put a hand on each of Raf’s cheeks and said “That wasn’t a joke. Oh! And get it with hot fudge, and some brownies, cookies too. I won’t stop until diabetes forces me to!” and she began to cackle maniacally. “What have I unleashed?” Raf whispered to himself, half jokingly as he opened up the Postmates app on his phone.
When the doorbell rang Lucy peeled out as she sprinted to the door. Yes, peeled out, on foot. Don’t question it. Raf got to the door to see a, nearly manic, Lucy running back from the door toward the table, ice cream in hand. On one hand Raf knew this couldn’t possibly be healthy, mentally or physically. On the other hand he couldn’t remember seeing Lucy this happy since their wedding day. Raf wasn’t sure if he was happy or sad that she’d probably calm down about this sooner or later. Sooner or later, but not today. Lucy was a woman on fire, whichh is somewhat ironic with ice cream, but it’s true. She didn’t even bother sitting down before a spoonful of the stuff was in her mouth.
Lucy was in love with this. All of the guilt of eating fattening, sugary foods. All of the fear of being abandoned when fat turned her beauty into ugliness. All of the voices in her head shouting “no, I don’t care if it’s what you want. It’s practically suicide.” Everything was gone. All of the negativity was anyway, the joy of indulging was stronger than ever. The delicious taste, no longer plague by fear and doubt had became like a blanket to Lucy. The interplay of temperatures between hot fudge and cold ice cream was neigh orgasmic. The thick fudge coating her throat upon swallowing, only to be washed down by more ice cream, then to coat her throat again as she ate more, made Lucy feel like she was drunk. Well, it did till the brain freeze hit anyway. Despite being on this planet for decades, Lucy had never experienced brain freeze before, not that she could remember anyway. Maybe as a child. But ever since her first diet at age twelve Lucy had slowly savored every sweet thing she ate. She’d known that she could only have so much, so she had to draw out the experience as much as she could.
The pain made Lucy very nearly fall over as she reeled back in her chair. Raf reflexively jumped out of his seat to catch her, but Lucy was able to stop herself before that was needed. It was a good thing too, since he didn’t make it up to her fast enough to actually catch her. In the end his attempt turned into a pseudo hug, rather than a catch. Raf asked “What happened?” in surprised concern, for Lucy to put a hand to her forehead and say “A terrible headache, and it hit me very suddenly.” Which made Raf laugh for a bit. So Lucy gave her husband a puzzled look until he said “That’s brain freeze, I think it is anyway. You’ve been eating your ice cream pretty fast, so it makes sense.” Lucy put a hand on her aching head and groaned in pain. So Raf stood up and said “Hold on, I’ll make you something warm to cancel that out.” He then started off toward the kitchen.
Shortly after Raf returned with a cup of warm (not quite hot) chocolate. Lucy was eating ice cream through obvious pain. Breathing out in an attempt to warm her mouth up between taking bites of her ice cream. Raf started to laugh before catching himself and putting the cocoa on the table. As Raf did so he said “Here, hold it against the back and top of your mouth for a while. It should help.” Lucy immediately did so without question, then began to eat again, taking occasional drinks of her cocoa to keep her mouth warm. Then Raf sat down beside his wife.
Lucy ate like a machine, alternating between a bite of ice cream and a sip of cocoa till the ice cream was finished, when she downed the rest of the cocoa in one giant swig. She looked down at Raf with a giant smile on her face, and said “So,” reaching under the table to find Raf was more than ready to go to bed with her. Lucy smiled and said “Care for a roll in the hay?” while stroking his member under the table. “You can just imagine how fat I’ll be after a year or two of this. Or ten maybe. How fat do you want me anyway?” to which Raf smiled. He’d always just assumed that Lucy knew he enjoyed her being happy in more ways than one. But he’d never said it explicitly, and nothing made Lucy happier than sweets, so it would look the same half of the time. Raf caught himself smiling dreamily and said “Umm whatever you want. Like I said, just feel free and-“ Lucy nodded and said “Uh Huh, right. You have no preferences or desires at all. Well, if you want me to be a whale then good news. I wasn’t kidding before. Nothing is stopping me from having sweets but diabetic shock.” And she gave Raf’s member one last stroke before standing up and saying “Come on. Bed now.”
Magical Realism
Weight gain
7 chapters, created 4 months
, updated 4 months