
  By Moocao  Premium

Chapter 1 Oh Kay

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Note to the reader: I am not an expert in hypnotism. All details are made up for story's sake. Enjoy! Also,

This story is written in first person. The point of view character is named in a paragraph containing only their name.


I feel like I suddenly became a black hole, sucking in everything that gets remotely near me. I thought on this as I ate my second Cheeseburger. The Second of three, and even though I was full halfway through the first, I knew I would finish them all, and the fries that came with them, and my drink, then see about getting more somehow. I had lost the ability to stop eating entirely it seems. Do I even want to stop anymore? Or do I just want to make it stop hurting? Then I can eat even more, feel even better, get happier. How the hell did I end up like this? Well, I guess it all started about a year ago, when I could still make myself stop eating. I thought back to how this all began, as I continued to eat under the strange compulsion that had gripped me.

I saw an add on T.V. for a hypnotist, honestly expecting nothing to happen at all, but figuring it was worth the risk. Mainly because I didn’t expect to actually pay for it. See, “Hypno Hank” had a stupid name, but he had a great payment policy. Well, great for the customer anyway, I suspect that Hank has had problems with it. But he had somehow offered an even better deal than an automatic refund if a customer was unsatisfied. You didn’t have to pay Hank in the first place. You only paid him if and when the outcome of his treatment was to your liking. According to the add they took out during the add on T.V. anyway. I’ve been hoping to find a way to lose weight and fight depression for a while, so it’s worth a shot. I’ve always felt out of control, and these two things have always been the problem. Misery and fat, they overwhelm me no matter how hard I fight. So, that’s what I want to eliminate. Best of all today I have a day off work, so I watched standup comedians on T.V. Gabriel Iglesias joked about being “fluffy” and eating huge amounts with some family friends. Eventually my laughter turned into annoyance and hunger. I really wanted to eat, but my new diet was simple, I could only have one meal a day, and I sure as hell wasn’t blowing it on a bowl of cereal. As an add for Carl’s Jr. Came on I thought of how terrible life was, I was alone and hungry and. . . I shook my head, I would not allow this to turn into another downward spiral of ranting litanies of everything wrong with my life. I’d do SOMETHING, anything at all. I thought back to the add about the psychic, well, it beats rating my emotions again. Who knows? Kaybe it will work out. So I got into my car and headed out to see if this Hank guy was legit.


So, one more day at work as a hypnotist. I thought back to my past as I had a break from my newly busy schedule. So I thought back to the past. I’d learned hypnotism under Madam Eva. She was a great teacher, and the best hypnotist alive I think, but she was an awful human being, constantly manipulating her own customers and tricking people to get more money out of them. Eventually, after years of working with Eva I’d finally saved up enough money to start my own business. I couldn’t stand lying to customers anymore, and I’d finally gotten enough experience as a hypnotist to strike out on my own. But being honest was apparently an excellent way to go broke from a lack of business. So, after weeks of nobody coming into my front door I had an idea. I still couldn’t bring myself to be like Eva, to lie and cheat customers, but I did have one idea. Charge nothing until after a customer is satisfied. Yeah, I’ll get cheated out of payment a bunch, but I’ll also get business from honest folks who just didn’t trust hypnotism to do anything, and I’m fine with even a tenth of my customers actually paying if it means a hundred more people come in the door. Best of all, I could change to an ordinary billing style once I have a solid crop of people coming regularly. The plan worked as expected, it brought in a ton of new business, and sure, a lot of them never paid me, even if I was able to help them. Whatever, it’s still a net gain. All I’d lost from my payment plan was time, and that’s the one thing I had plenty of. As I thought on my situation a woman walked into my store.

She was tall, curvy, and sleek. My potential customer’s hips swayed with each step she took. She had a huge chest and a come hither vibe to every motion she made that forced me to work very hard just to not fantasize about inappropriate things. It made me wonder whether this woman was the most provocative person I’ve ever seen, or if I had just been single for far too long and needed to get off. She had huge, luscious breasts that seemed to enter the room an hour before the rest of her. The woman’s lips looked soft and luscious. I felt like I would kill a man if it meant having those lips on my own. Her skin was perfectly, sun kissed with a mild tan. She had long, black hair, that was solky smooth. She was perfect in every way but one. The woman was far too thin for my tastes. Granted, my tastes were far from ordinary, though something about this woman screamed “seductive” before she even opened her mouth. The woman introduced herself as Kay and began talking. Even as we spoke I couldn’t stop looking her luscious body over again and again as my mind went on thinking of if she was single and how I could find out. Kay was about six feet tall, my height more or less, so it was easy to tell. She had chocolate brown eyes and hair that matched perfectly. She had an infectious smile, I normally had a flatly neutral face when I introduced myself to people, but she was smiling, and I found myself wearing a grin so hard that my cheeks hurt. It didn’t hurt that she was smoking hot, to the point I might find myself smiling just from the sight of her. In the end I found myself tripping over my words like I was an awkward teenager again. Thankfully Kay didn’t seem to mind, I bet she’s so used to it that she didn’t even notice

After introductions the woman said “So, am I correct in understanding that I can receive hypnotism here and pay you after if it works?” I nodded, saying “and only IF it works. So don’t be afraid of money wasted.” She then asked “So, how exactly does it work?” I replied “Simplicity itself. Hypnotism can help you to share secrets the you hide from even yourself, and it can change your motivations and desires. But there are a few major limitations to keep in mind. Hypnotism can only achieve changes that you actually want, I couldn’t make you motivated to become an artist unless you want to want it. You don’t even have to want to be one, just to want to want it, dumb as that may sound. Also, I can’t make you smarter, faster, or more charismatic. I can’t make you otherwise better in a general sense either, except to make you more motivated and driven maybe. Your limitations and ability shall remain largely unchanged, unless something like fear or lack of motivation was all that was holding you back. You can’t just improve yourself by having me tell you to be better. But there are some surprising benefits to hypnotism despite that. The human body and mind have far greater capabilities than most are aware of, and hypnotism can help you to access those better.” Kay nodded thoughtfully and asked “So, can you make my diet work better, or help with my depression? Maybe even make it easier to focus at work.” I nodded and said “We can certainly try. I have a soundproofed room in the back and can put you under hypnosis there. Now, just be aware, I can only help you to feel happier if that’s what you really want, or at least want to want. I know how this sounds, but a lot of people don’t really want to change, even if that change is just to be happier.” Kay nodded and asked me, “So, when can we begin?” I walked to the front door and turned the sign over from “open,” to “closed,” before saying “Right now if you’d like. Just follow me.” And began walking toward the back of the store.

In the back I had a small room that contained an overstuffed recliner and a small chair with a desk. I sat at the chair and took a pen and a pad of paper from the desk before motioning Kay to sit on the recliner. I asked “Okay, what would you like to do exactly? Motivating yourself to reach an improvement that you truly want is a common goal. So is trying to delve into your mind and uncover things about yourself that even you don’t know.” Kay answered “I’m not quite positive to be honest. It’s strange, I’ve felt like I just should do it for a while now, but I don’t know why. I know I have bouts of depression that come and go, I’m pretty good at masking how I feel, and I can usually make it stop, eventually. But it still sucks to experience, and I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while, but it seems like the best I can do is maintain my weight, neither gaining nor losing any weight, even that’s getting harder though. I usually have to eat something nice and warm to really feel better. Still, I want to be skinny again, like when I was young. I really want to, I just can’t.” I then gave a sigh that honestly felt a bit excessive, finishing, “But I have to admit, what I want the most is to kill the depression. Being skinny is more a means to an end. It makes me feel beautiful, confident, and in control. I despise knowing that I can’t control myself when it comes to food. But when I’m being honest, I know I can’t. Change that for me please. Please.” I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for a pretty face, and this woman had a pretty everything. So I said “Don’t worry Kay. I’ll do my absolute best to make sure this works.”

I felt like the woman didn’t really want to be thin, she’d be a happy fat girl if only it was her decision. But she has to choose it willingly, because what she really wants is control. I dismissed the idea as wishful thinking. It’s just because I think she’s smoking hot, even skinny like this, and I want to see her smiling as she gets nice and chubby. Whatever, I’ll find out by just asking her while she’s under. So I asked, “Okay, now focus on the sound of my voice as I count down. Ten, nine, eight. . .” my newest customer quickly fell asleep without issue.

Once Kay was unconscious I said “Alright Kay. Can you hear my voice?” she nodded dreamily, with a slight smile on her face that made me think of the Mona Lisa. I decided to do a bit of an inspection before saying much else. So I asked, “Tell me honestly, what do you want in life?” Kay continued to speak in a dreamy, half asleep voice, “I want to change. I’ve never been in control of anything in my life. I went to school because I had to. I got a job because I had to, and I’m staying thin because I have to. I want to do something because I want to do it, not because I have to do it.” I couldn’t help but think that I was right, that she would be a happy fatty if it came to it. She would be happy being MY fatty. No, I shook my head, that’s possessive, it’s manipulative, it’s selfish and evil and cruel. It is exactly the kind of thought that I had to fight to be a decent human being and a good hypnotist. I would not end up like Eva, no matter what. So I said “Then pick something you want to do. It doesn’t matter what. Just follow your desires. Do what you want to do, and not just once.” Kay nodded as she mumbled “What I want to do.” Putting a hard emphasis on the word “I.” I nodded to the hypnotized woman and said “Anything at all, if you want it, do it, and do it as long as you want to, as much as much as you can.” Kay said “Do what I want to do. Do it as much as I can, for as long as I want.” So I smiled and added, “and don’t beat yourself up over the way things work out. Just know you’re fine. No guilt, no anxiety. Just do what you want, and be happy.” Kay nodded and I began the process of slowly waking her up without snapping her out of her trance too suddenly.


As Hank finished his count down I fell asleep, but when I awoke I remembered only one thing from the dream I had. I heard a loud, feminine voice ask me “What is it that you desire?” simply. The voice was nearly loud enough that the sheer sound awoke me. But I steeled my resolve and answered “I don’t know.” The voice remained silent for an uncomfortably long time, I eventually said “I want to be happy, I want to be thin, I want to be free and in control.” The voice responded, calmer and more quietly, “And in time you shall have that. But what do you want now. What do you want to do now?” I folded my arms over my stomach and said “I want to be skinny. I want to be beloved.” The voice replied “That is what you want people to think of you, and what you want to be. What do you want to DO?” I said “Nothing but being happy and in control again.” The voice responded “What makes you feel like that? What do you want?” I replied “Honestly? All I want now is a nice, hot, meal.” I saw nothing, but I could feel myself smiling as the voice said “Then go and eat as much as you want. No, as much as you can.”

Then, as I sat in the back room of Hank’s I stopped trying to recall my dream and felt my stomach growling. I looked up at Hank, who was talking to me, but I couldn’t focus on his words. All I could think of was how badly I wanted something, so I said it, “Sorry if this is too sudden. But do you want to get some Carl’s JR. with me? All I can think of is how badly I want a burger and fries.”

Ten minutes later I was walking into the burger joint down the streets from ”Hypno Hank’s” with none other than Hypno Hank himself, we went up to the counter, there was no line, so I marched right up to the counter and said “Hi, can I have a western bacon Cheeseburger meal?” I had a strange thought. I can eat more, I want to eat, so I need to eat as much as I can. I didn’t even mean to do what I did ne t, the words practically fell out of my mouth, “Actually, make that a meal, and two of them.” Hank was standing beside me and said “Aaww thanks, you don’t have to buy me a meal though.” And the word “NO!” Leapt out of my mouth. I absolutely didn’t mean to be mad at him. I calmed down my voice and said ”Sorry, but no. Both orders are for me.” Stupid stupid stupid I thought. What the hell am I doing? I want to make this guy like me. Wait. I want to? I yurned to the cashier and said “You know what, yes, make that four meals actually.” My mind was feeling over what I was doing, I hardly even noticed the cashier saying okay, I was entirely in my head as I gave him my card. “Thank you,” Hank said, “but you really don’t have to. It’s fine, I come here on lunch break all the time.” I smiled at him and said “Good. So I know you like their stuff. The western burger is my favorite here. Hope you like it too.” Hank nodded and said “Yeah, they’re pretty good, I’ve never had two meals before. That’s a lot of food.” I had to pay attention to every word out of the man’s mouth. I want to make him like me, so I need to make him like me as much as I can. So I asked him, “So, what do you like to do for fun Hank?” I asked as we waited for our food.


When the food was ready the worker said “Order up.” Setting two large trays on the counter, each had two burgers and two sleeves of fries on it. I had been talking to Kay when they arrived, but I fell silent when I saw her face. Kay looked like a kid on Christmas morning, excitement and joy lit up her face and what we were talking about was forgotten. “I’ll get it.” Kay said as she started toward the counter. “You don’t have to get it all.” I said. But my feet didn’t move, all I could do was stare at the woman’s hips and her butt, neither was especially big, but even now they made a noticavle hourglass figure on Kay, whose hips swayed back and forth in the most alluring way as she walked. After staring for a moment I took off to help Kay grab our food. We each took two trays and went off to a table.

We sat down across from one another and I said “So,” as Kay took a bite of her burger. Her behind hadn’t even settled on the seat yet before she started eating. Kay shuddered slightly with pleasure as she bit down, she said “O-o-oh-h-h-h yes-s-s-s.” either her words broken up by more shuddering. It was endearing, it was hot, even sexy. Something about the way that Kay ate got me flustered enough that I forgot what I was saying. “So what?” she asked, before noticing she had barbecue sauce on one of her fingers, she licked the sauce off of her finger before returning to the burger. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I said “So, do you come here often?” Because it was all I could think of in the moment. Kay shook her head and spoke between bites, “No, it’s not my first time, but not often.” Before returning to her burger with gusto. Normally I find silences awkward, but dear God was watching Kay eat enough of a show that I didn’t mind. So, I absentmindedly ate with my eyes trained solidly on Kay doing the same. She ate like she was shooting a Muk bang or something, inhaling the food like it was her goal to swallow as much as possible as fast as possible. It was strange, Kay was somehow animalistic and robotic all at once, I’d thought that those were mutually exclusive.


Something is wrong with me. I don’t know what. I don’t know why. I don’t know how it happened. But I know something is wrong. I am absolutely full by the end of the first meal, but all I can think is that I can eat more, so I have to. I must eat as much as I can. So I reach for my second burger, actively trying to stop myself, but unable to do so. Panic filled my mind as I lifted the burger to my mouth again and again, unable to stop. Bite after bite I told myself this would be the last. Bite after bite I was proven wrong. It was strange though, I could feel my heart beating fast and hard, but I couldn’t tell how much of it was fear, how much was excitement, and how much was thinking of Hank. Regardless, I couldn’t tell why, but I knew one thing. I wanted to do this. I couldn’t say why, but I did. The fact that I had no choice in the matter meant thag nobody could judge me, so I was free to do what I wanted, because I wasn’t free, oddly enough. I HAD to eat, but eating was what I wanted. So I was free to enjoy this, I closed my eyes as I took another bite, savoring the taste and the feeling of this moment.

As I finished my second burger I leaned back in my seat and breathed heavily, feeling my swollen stomach rise and fall. I licked my lips to lick off the sauce and crumbs still on them and opened my eyes to see Hank. For a split second my mind was filled with embarrassment and fear. What would he think of me now? But that feeling died almost immediately when I saw his face. Hank looked like it was taking every ounce of restraint that he had just to not dive across the table and grab me. He was practically vibrating with a desire that was as plain as the nose on his face. “Hank?” I asked, more confused than anything, when I caught my sleeve of fries out of the corner of my eye I could feel my hand reaching toward it as if somebody was guiding it there, gently, yet forcefully. Hank asked me “What’s up?” and I answered “I think something is wrong with me. I can’t stop eating.” Hank asked “Do you think something went wrong with the hypnosis? We can undo it you know.” I said “Thank God.” And stood up, taking one step before I reached back and grabbed my tray of food, carrying it with me as I left. Then, the words came out of my mouth before I could think “Bring yours too, I want to eat more before this stops.” I have no idea why, but I really did. I absolutely was not hungry, but I wanted to. Thankfully Hank listened with no further need to be prompted. On the way out to our cars I took the food from Hank without thinking.
7 chapters, created 6 days , updated 1 day
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