New Game! Plus(completed)

Chapter 1: weight worries?

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The warm air flowed through the streets of Tokyo the trees rustling in the gentle spring breeze, Inside Eagle Jump the teams were hard at work as usual on producing a new game aimed for the winter release. Yun Iijima sat at her desk focusing on the character model she was working on. The 20 Year old Yun was a very hard working girl who lived at home with her mother and two younger siblings, a brother and sister. She was 4 foot 11 and has shoulder length blond hair which is usually kept in two pig tails on the side of her head with light pink eyes, she had only worked at Eagle Jump a year. She was picked on in her school days for her then dorky appearance her large round glasses didn’t help either, after graduation she moved to Tokyo and decided to change her image and now wears cute frilly clothes and has ditched her glasses. However she had other worries on her mind. “It’s so hot…but my arms are too chubby too show off right now”. Yun tugged at her sleeves embarrassed by her predicament, Yun was very self-conscious of her appearance and weight especially at her height. She also was extremely jealous of two of her co-workers since Yun Sported a smaller bust size (about and A or B) whereas Hajime and Hifumi had larger more shapely bust lines. She thought back to recent weeks where the team had been snacking more often due to stress of being behind on character models for the game. She tugged at her abdomen, “of course “she muttered to herself her arms weren’t the only casualty in her weight worries. Her stomach usually flat was covered a thin layer of fat, noticeable to no one but herself.

She took a deep breath, “Okay Focus Yun” she clapped her hands on her cheeks and returned her mind to her work. Next to her Aoba Suzukaze was also focusing on her work. Aoba Suzukaze was a new hire and had only came into Eagle jump a short time ago but was a fast learner, the 18 year old high school graduate Aoba was a short 4 foot 10 and had long light purple hair tied up in twintails with purple eyes. She is small and petite and had B cup Breasts, she always wore a suit to work and felt very under dressed if she tried wearing anything else. Aoba is very cheerful and polite and made quick friends in her work space, though she does have a slight childish side and sadistic nature but a harmless teasing one. She is often remarked as still looking like a kid and her suit makes her look like she’s still wearing her school uniform. Aoba was focused on her work as usual but unlike her normal work though this was the first time she had to work on a heavier set character model. The character was designated as the baker in the game and the designer had decided being plump would fit the character most, Aoba was looking up images online since she’d never drawn or modelled overweight characters before. She scratched her head in concentration, “maybe I should ask one of the others” she thought, she looked a Hifumi and sent a message. Hifumi Takimoto had long dark purple-brown hair tied up in a red sometimes light blue ribbon and stood at 5 foot 3 and was a very shy girl often not being able to express herself and always looked uncomfortable when she had to, though she make an effort all the same to change that, especially since she likes cosplay.

From: Aoba Suzukaze
To: Hifumi Takimoto
Message: hey Hifumi, do you have any advice on drawing/modelling chubby/overweight characters.

Hifumi looked at the message and contemplated her response, come to think of it had she actually ever done a chubby character. She looked through her previous work very quickly and realised even she hadn’t done it either. She typed her response.

From: Hifumi Takimoto
To: Aoba Suzukaze
Unfortunately I haven’t either, maybe ask Yun or Kou maybe?

Aoba Turned Towards Yun. “Hey Yun?”.
“Yes Aoba” Yun said in her typical polite way with a smile.
“I’m having trouble with a character model” Aoba said sheepishly.
”what type of character is it” asked Yun Curiously.
Yun was hit with a force almost as if a big sign with an arrow with chubby written on it struck her. She had managed to get her weight worries off her mind and now it came crashing back.
“Oh” Yun said shakily “do you have to make her….like that” Yun Trying to avoid the word chubby,
“The designer said it made sense for the baker lady to be plump” continued Aoba. Another wave hit Yun,
“Really…That’s An…Interesting take” Yun smiled weakly.
Suddenly Aoba heard a Noise under her desk. “Meeeeowwww”. Aoba picked up Mozuku a rather overweight cat, and when mozukus near his owner is sure to follow.
“I see you are struggling with something” As she usually does Shizuku Hazuki appeared out of nowhere. Shizuku Hazuki was the Game Director and often appeared out of nowhere like this. Shizuku stands at 5 foot 3 and has waist-length grey hair with square bangs and wares red oval glasses which accentuate her amber eyes. Shizuku was good natured and calm but had a goofy side too and a little perverted and obsessive side to her too but overall she’s very nice and polite. She can be seen as irresponsible sometimes and gets chewed out for, especially by one of the programmers Umiko Ahagon. Shizuku Smiled “what seems to be the problem Suzukaze?”
Aoba looked up at Shizuku, “well…..I’m uhh having trouble with a certain character design” Aoba looked a little nervous she was still new and hadn’t quite got used to Shizukus flippant nature yet.
“Oh! And which character are you modelling?” Shizuku Looked at Aoba Computer Screen “oh your modelling Lily Huh” Shizuku Smiled Her Scheming smile. Aoba and Shizuku had failed to notice how Yun still looked stunned that she hadn’t even noticed Shizuku Appear. Hifumi just sat and stared at the situation thinking on what to do to help Yun and Aoba but her social skills weren’t the best and she sometimes messed up her intended meaning behind her actions. Aoba looked at Shizuku puzzled as she was staring at Yun a bit more than usual
“Uh…Hazuki” Aoba said softly, Shizuku brought herself back to the conversation
“Hmmm…….why not ask Rin or Kou?” Shizuku suggested, Aoba didn’t really want to bother either of them. Rin Toyama was their AD (Art Director) and was busy managing the schedule to make sure they didn’t have to much crunch Time or fail to meet due dates for their work, then there was Kou Yagami, the main character designer who did most of the concept art for the game but had been very busy lately due to last minute added characters, Lily the plump baker being one of them.
“They’re very busy though so I didn’t really want to bother them” Aoba glanced towards the next booth that Rin and Kou were working in. Shizuku returned her glance to Yun who was muttering under her breath about something, probably her weight again thought Shizuku. Yun always came off the Shizuku as a girl with a massive sweet tooth and love of food and would honestly be happier just letting go and not worrying about her weight. Just then Kou Yagami walked into the booth and handed Yun a character Sheet

“Hey Yun can you model this please since Aoba has already got 3 to work on and you’re nearly done on the last monster I gave you” Kou Yagami Smiled at Yun, she was 5 foot 4 and had long waist length blond hair and light blue eyes she was very slim and also didn’t boast a large bust but unlike Yun couldn’t care less about it as she has always stated she doesn’t have time to date right now any way. The 25 year old character designer always wore basic clothes consisting of a black shirt with either jeans or a skirt. Kou often spent time sleeping at the office to get work done, often leading to Aoba who was a fan of her work hence why she works at Eagle Jump to complain that she sleeps in nothing but her shirt and panties since it was very un-lady like of her.
“Okay no problem Yaga…” Yuns sentence was cut short, Seriously she thought, another plump character. “Uh Yagami what’s with the plumper characters lately?” asked Yun.
“they added another bakery in another town ran by the sister of the character Aoba is modelling, their character descriptions said they like to eat and had similar builds so I thought it made sense for them on be on the larger side” Kou smiled at Yun “if you could model them by the end of the week then that’ll be fine as I know you two are not used to doing heavier characters unless their monsters” Kou walked back to her booth to carry on with checking over the character models to make sure they were up to par and sort out the resolution for each as some were to be a higher resolution depending on importance to story.
The hours went into the night and everyone started leaving for the night. Yun and Aoba were just finishing their respective models, Aoba had been looking online for references and had found some but Yun noticed she seemed embarrassed about said sources.
“Hey Aoba?” Yun sheepishly looked over at her co-worker. Aoba was focused on her computer screen, was she watching something? Yun thought to herself. Yun looked over Aoba shoulder and was shocked by what she saw. “What the ….” Yun got Aobas attention who nearly jumped out of her seat. What was on Aobas screen was a video of a woman, a large woman who was modelling some larger fashion clothing brands whilst talking to the camera, Yun Couldn’t hear what she was saying as Aoba had earphones in. “What are you watching Aoba?” asked Yun both worried and curious,
“A video Hazuki recommended for me to watch as a reference for Lily” Aoba shuffled sheepishly, Wait why was Aoba shuffling and why was she so captivated by this video, just what had their director shown her.
“I also sent you the video as well Yun” Shizuku had appeared out of nowhere again,
“Aaahhhh….Hazuki where did you come from?” Yun jumped back.
“I suggest watching it might give you some ideas for these two characters you’re doing” Shizuku smiled and turned picking Mozuku up and putting him in her bag “I’m heading home now anyway so good luck” she walked out of the doors and towards the elevator leaving Aoba and Yun the last two to leave since Kou was staying overnight as usual. They exited the building and headed towards the train station to catch the last train home, Aoba was quiet the whole time deep in thought about something, Yun sighed worried about whatever video Hazuki had shown Aoba and had sent to her too. Due to the silence the train ride seemed longer than it actually was but Yuns stop was first and they were stopping there now.
“Good night Aoba, see you tomorrow” Aoba stayed silent before realising what Yun had said
“Oh Yun, Good night too you too” she smiled weakly at Yun before the doors closed, Yun watched Aoba go back in thought whilst the train took off again.

Yun returned home to find her mother making dinner and her younger siblings playing in the living room. “I’m Home mom” she loudly announced,
“Yun’s home” Miu ran towards her older sister in joy, Miu was Yuns 10 year old sister who resembled Yun very closely, she often wore her hair in a ponytail to the side and wore a yellow and orange colour scheme.
“Hey Miu, how was school today?” Yun smiled warmly at her sister.
“It was Okay I guess” said Ren Walking in, Ren was Mius twin brother but had dark brown hair instead of blond,
“Oh okay” said Yun honestly she was just happy they weren’t fighting. “Hey Mom what’s for dinner?” Yun yelled towards the kitchen
“We’re having hot pot tonight” Yun heard her mother shout
Yun slipped her shoes off “Okay Mom, do you need any help?”,
“No I’m fine Yun you can go relax in your room if you want” her mother yelled back from the kitchen. Yun left her siblings in the living room to continue playing as she headed to her room, she stepped in shutting the door behind her heading to her desk and switching her laptop on whilst she changed into more comfortable clothes. She grabbed her usual at home clothes, a simple red tracksuit from her school days left open with a white t-shirt underneath she then put her hair up in a loose bun. She sat at her desk and began her normal after work routine, she noticed the e-mail icon with a green number 1 next to it, of course she had that video from Hazuki to watch yet but she felt scared due to Aobas reaction to it.
“I mean I’m an adult so I should be fine right?” she asked herself, she hesitated but opened the e-mail and saw the message Hazuki had sent her

From: Shizuku Hazuki
To: Yun Iijima
Thought you may want to see this as reference for the baker sisters, plus it may make you think about something else  :P

Then she saw the linked video at the bottom of the message and began to hover over it and felt more nervous than ever now, what did she mean make me think of something else. She gulped and opened the link, what she saw was the large woman from before sitting down to begin talking about herself, Yun head many terms mentioned that she’d never heard of, Feedee, Fat Admirer, Feederism,Gainer words like that, but then the woman began going through her plus size fashion haul. During the process she made remarks about her weight and how she’d been piling the pounds on and loved it, wait Yun Thought, she likes that she’s getting fatter?, Yun stared and continued watching just as captivated as Aoba was. She couldn’t look away, why?, she couldn’t figure it out why she was captivated and why she was suddenly hungry as well. The video ended with the woman saying about how big was beautiful and women who want to should just let go and get fat. Yun sat there silent for a time, she began looking up the terms and went down that rabbit hole, but what she learned from it was that some woman who got fat were just sick of diets and exercise and were happier as fatties. Yun hated exercise as much as these people and always tortured herself with constant diets to try and shed the pounds. Her mother knocked on her door and told her the hot pot was ready, Yun snapped out of her thought process and went to dinner, she ended up picking at her food still thinking about what she had read earlier,
“Everything okay Yun?” asked her mother a bit concerned,
Yun just smiled “Yeah it’s just I’m more tired than I thought” she technically wasn’t lying. Dinner finished and Miu and Ren were put to bed by their mother, Yun returned to her room and stared at the mirror, she stripped down to her underwear and stared at herself in the mirror and looked at herself, her slightly padded frame with her chubbier arms and middle, even her thighs were chubbier too, easily hidden under her clothes but like this not so much. She looked herself in the eyes and simply thought, would it be so bad just to let go and be fat?
Meanwhile Aoba was stirring in her sleep as she dreamt, she was sat in her room drawing on her tablet when her mother came in with a table full of food and it was just for her, she licked her lips and started eating and eating, she paused for a moment and looked in the mirror opposite her, she was huge, at least 400 pounds and she giggled and was enjoying it, playing with her belly and now big boobs and flabby arms. She awoke with a gasp sweating profusely, she got up and headed to her mirror, she saw her normal self with her hair down and dressed in her pink stripped pyjamas, she looked at herself and thought, why am I dreaming about being fat and enjoying it?
21 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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