Rescuing the Fox Girl

  By Morbido  

Chapter 0: Introduction

The night was thick with the stench of fear. A foggy veil wrapped around the dense forest, its eerie silence broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and distant howls. Marie's heart pounded in her chest as she ventured deeper into the woods, the cold air biting at her skin. The moon, a mere sliver in the night sky, offered little illumination, but her resolve kept her moving forward. She had to find Sophie.

Marie was an ordinary catgirl. Born with heightened senses and an unyielding determination, she had always been drawn to the mysteries of the world. Her sharp nose could pick up the faintest of scents, and her keen ears could detect the slightest of sounds. It was these abilities that had led her to this forsaken place.

Sophie's disappearance had sent ripples of panic through their small village. The fox girl, with her delicate features and gentle nature, had always been a beacon of light for everyone. But now, she was gone, taken by a malevolent force that none dared to speak of. Rumors of dark rituals and monstrous creatures had been whispered, but Marie needed more than hearsay. She needed to find Sophie, no matter the cost.

As Marie delved deeper into the darkness of the forest, her senses heightened. Every snap of a twig, every whisper of the wind, seemed to guide her further into the unknown. She followed the trail of fear, her determination unwavering despite the looming shadows that threatened to consume her.

And then, she found it. A clearing in the woods, bathed in moonlight, revealed a sight that made her blood run cold. A decrepit castle stood in the center, its windows shattered and its doors hanging off their hinges. Marie approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest.

Inside, she found a scene of horror that would haunt her nightmares for years to come. Chains hung from the walls in the castle under dungeon, their cold metal glinting in the dim light. And in the center of the room, two figures lay bound and helpless. Sophie, the gentle fox girl, and another creature, monstrous and grotesque, locked in a deadly embrace.

Marie's breath caught in her throat as she realized the true horror of what had happened. Sophie had been taken captive by a creature of darkness, a minotaur who fed on her flesh and her fear. And now, it was up to Marie to rescue her, to brave the horrors of the dungeon and confront the beast that lurked within.

With a steely determination, Marie stepped forward into the darkness, her senses on high alert. She would find Sophie, no matter the cost. And she would bring her home, safe and sound, away from the clutches of the monster that threatened to consume them both.

With that, the minotaur leaves both of you alone in the cell, leaving the massive trough of food inside with you...

"S-Sophie, are you o-o~burRRPPpp ~kay? Sorry if I burped.
d-damn ...*groan*... i cant'sh ...*hahhh*... b-breath well"

The fox nods slowly as she responds to you. She begins to feel her belly growing now that the fattening process has started...

I ...*hnnghh*... feel ...*nnghhmm*... s-sho ...*ehhmm*... FULLLL...
I ...*HRRPPphh*... can't'sh e-eat'sh anymore... muh b-belly ish sho b-BIG...
i-it hurt ...*hnnghh*... s-sho much...."

"C-Can you move? I-I'm ...*BBBRRRpp*... chained ...*blurRRPPhh*... up."


Th ank you for reading. Your support means the world to me. Leave a like or comment if you enjoyed the story. Your energy fuels my creativity. Thank you, always.
23 chapters, created 4 months , updated 2 days
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