
Chapter 1

My dom takes me by the leash to the nudist beach. I am completely naked except for a small tanga that digs into my big ass and chubby love handles. Ppl look at us. Well that happens very often. He is tall and athletic and I am sooo round and full. But now they watch even more since I am his dog. And I love it. I even love the idea that I shouldn't like it so much. I am getting wet. I know it. My pussy lips are shaking. They are pegged with a clip earing. Just like my nipples. My dom pats my head while he says loudly : "you are such a good dog, my slave. Lay down with yr big fat belly up in the air"

I obey him. There must be at least 20 ppl looking at us now. Kids are not allowed for obvious reasons. This is not just a nudist beach. There is not much surveillance and ppl indulge in their fantasies and make them true. A couple is making love right next to us. But it is us, me, the center of attention. My dom starts filming us with his mobile. I had a desk job in a previous life but I quit everything to follow him so we have to live by posting our vids. There is no return. Who would hire someone like me now? And anyway I dont want to go back. I adore my dom. He is so beautiful.

He starts playing with the red tanga, passing his fingers over the red marks it made on my incredibly big and soft love handles. He makes me lay there on the sand, without a towel just like a real dog. He knows this makes me wet, damn it. If I tried to protest it would be absurd, since I am so wet. I can't protest. It would be ridiculous.

He smiles, as if he were guessing my thoughts and says: "let's put some sunscreen on you, my piggy slave".

Then he spreads some sun oil all over my body. There is no sunscreen in there of course. He wants me to get sunburnt. Just a little. He also knows the oil will make my body shine and look even bigger.

"Omg slave, you are such a piggy! You have eaten all the icecream I fed you this morning. It was like 1kg of soft creamy chocolate ice cream with caramel sauce.
4 chapters, created 6 years , updated 4 years
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GrowingLoveH... 4 years
@Startnew -- Well, if there is anything I can do to help, I will offer a hand.
Startnew 4 years
@Growinghandles: thank you baby! I am trying but... you know what the problem is
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I find this very erotic to read again. I hope you wrote more — a new story perhaps or continue this one. Thanks for your talents.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Chapter 4 is very nicely done. It provides more background on her and explains her gain and their kinkiness.
Startnew 4 years
Chapter 4 is up after a long absence!
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
I would love to read more of your writing.
Startnew 6 years
No editing sorry. I even find it difficult to write without getting tooo horny and having to stop to play with myself so... read it or leave it.
BBWcreator82 6 years
Needs editing. "PPL" shouldn't be used in a story. Yeah.
Bradypig 6 years
More please!
Sir Saphiel 6 years
Aww, nicely done. smiley