The Big Bang Gainig (amy)

  By Juandinor

chapter 1: un inicio r�pido / a quick start

"Sheldon un favor", dijo Amy en el laboratorio. Se acerc� y dijo �Qu�, pasa Amy? "Necesito que me ayudes a agarrar ese s�ndwich de la mesa", dijo Amy apuntando a la mesa. "Y por qu� no lo haces t�?", "Sheldon usa mis manos en este experimento y no encuentro agua para lavarme la mano". "Okey", dijo Sheldon aburrido. Amy comi� el s�ndwich que le dio Sheldon. Amy se sinti� excitada al pensar en ser alimentada por un hombre como Sheldon. A Sheldon le gusta dar le en la boca comida a Amy. Sheldon dijo "Amy no se qu� opinas pero me gusta darte comida en la boca" (sheldon no sabe aguantar sus emociones). Amy sonrio y dijo "A m� tambi�n".
Pasaron 2 meses en lo que Sheldon y Amy salieron a comer muy seguido. Amy en esos 2 meses Amy gano 10 libras. (recuerda que solo les gusta alimentarla). Esas 10 libras no se vieron mucho pero las caderas de Amy se volvieron un poco m�s rellenitas y sus estomago tambi�n. En ese d�a era d�a de sexo.
En la noche en el medio de hecho el est�mago de Amy gru�o quer�a comida, lo bueno era que estaban solos as� que fueron en la cocina. Abrieron el refrigerador sacaron todo lo que hab�a en ella. Sheldon le dio la comida una por una, Amy se excitaba diciendo: "Mas Sheldon tengo hambre" .Sheldon dijo: "Calma da si ten�a m�s manos te dar�a, como el doctor octopus". Siguieron hasta que se agot� la comida del refrigerador, y tambi�n el sexo.
Una semana m�s tarde, Amy cuando com�a le recordaba lo que paso en la noche de la semana pasada, y Amy segu�a comiendo lo que ten�a hasta que se acabe....

Mi primera historia por favor dejen sugerencias.


"Sheldon a favor," Amy said in the lab. He came over and said What, Amy? "I need you to help me grab that sandwich from the table," Amy said pointing at the table. "And why don't you do it?", "Sheldon uses my hands in this experiment and I can't find water to wash my hand." "Okay," said Sheldon bored. Amy ate the sandwich that Sheldon gave him. Amy was excited to think of being fed by a man like Sheldon. Sheldon likes to give Amy food in the mouth. Sheldon said "Amy I don't know what you think but I like to give you food in your mouth" (sheldon doesn't know how to hold her emotions). Amy smiled and said "Me too."
They spent 2 months in what Sheldon and Amy went out to eat very often. Amy in those 2 months Amy gained 10 pounds. (remember that they only like to feed her). Those 10 pounds didn't look much but Amy's hips became a little more plump and her stomachs too. On that day it was sex day.
In the middle of the night, in fact, Amy's stomach growled, she wanted food, the good thing was that they were alone so they went to the kitchen. They opened the refrigerator and took everything in it. Sheldon gave him the food one by one, Amy was excited saying: "But Sheldon I'm hungry." Handon said: "Calm gives if I had more hands I would give you, like Dr. Octopus." They continued until the food in the refrigerator ran out, and also the sex.
A week later, Amy when she ate reminded her of what happened last night, and Amy kept eating what she had until it was over....

My first story please leave suggestions.
1 chapter, created 5 years , updated 4 years
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