The Evolution of a Feeder

  By Smirkin75

Chapter 1 - how i discovered my wife was a feedee

My wife was coming up the stairs to our condo. That evening I was delivered the bombshell that she was a feedee. That was over a decade ago.

I had found food wrappers, empty half and half containers, and other clues in our condo. She was also getting really fat and was coming up with excuses to not engage in our regular calorie burning past times. I'd witnessed her going into the bathroom with old clothes that no longer fit but never questioned why.

But it had gone on too long. She was getting, in my opinion then, way to big. She jiggled when she walked. Her muffin top was oozing over her pants and she had only recently purchased another, bigger pair. When she sat in my lap her belly would push up against mine instead of her normal flat tummy.

I confronted her just as she came in the front door. I immediately asked about the fattening cream that she appeared to be drinking large quantities of daily. I had found empty containers hidden in the recycling. To my surprise she emitted a groan. She leaned back against the door and wouldn't make eye contact.

"We discussed this before we got married," I shouted. "I don't want a fat wife that can't keep up to me."

She groaned again. But it was not a groan of anger or disgust at me for judging her body. It was a submissive groan. She was turned on and tried to avoid the conversation by kissing me. I was very angry and told her she'd gotten way to fat and that I didn't want a fat wife. This, to my surprise, seemed to be turning her on even more. She pulled me against her, seducing me.

I was still angry. I was confused. But her large breasts were heaving against my chest. I slid my hand down her back and sides. Gliding over the sides of her breasts and continuing down her sides to her new rolls. My fingers lingered. I grabbed a roll and, pressing my full weight against her I pinned her to the wall and whispered, "This. This is what I mean." I squeezed her muffin top and then slapped her thighs so her ass jiggled.

She moaned loudly and whispered, "Yes. Yes I know." She was ashamed of herself. "Yes. I've been a pig," she admitted.

I jammed my hands in her pants. She was the wettest I had ever felt. I held her firmly against the closed front door. My hand pleasing her as I told her I was angered and disappointed in her.

That night I found that I had been dating a feedee for a decade. That she had lied and been deceitful through our entire relationship. That she even married me without telling me this critical piece of her sexuality. It was devastating for me. It shook me to the core.

The next day I found out that she had been on this site for years. She had sexting relationships, a full profile, and had intentionally gained and documented he weight gain for others. I had been excluded. I wanted to see. But she deleted everything. Her laptop was encrypted - conveniently she had forgotten the unlock code. All the evidence was wiped. She stopped gaining. She started getting fit again. My trust in her was shattered.

We struggled. But I didn't leave. I wanted to know this part of my wife's life. She was, and is, an incredible lover and person. So I joined this site. I researched and learned. I changed my porn habits to nurture an appreciation for chubby, fat, and super fat women. I came to find out how intensely powerful the sexual energy is for a well fed piggy. How to jiggle. How to rub. And eventually, how to humiliate my fat piggy.

Our life went on. We became more open about discussing and understanding her fetish. And I grew and changed as my understanding of the potential became more real.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
7   1   3171


Smirkin75 3 years
First draft at what I hope to make a multi-chapter story. This is more the intro and background. What stories do you want me to write next?