The Fat Hatter 2

Chapter 1 - Part 1

Vicky was sat on her bed scrolling through her phone. She was looking at people she envied more than anything. Fat women of all shapes and sizes as she scrolled through many feederism sites and plus size model sites. Vicky had always wanted to be fat since she was a kid but her mother had not supported her in it as she didn’t think it best for her as she was a health nut. Her mother wasn’t a nasty person but had a few odd tendencies about her surrounding fat people in general thanks to her own mother, Vicky’s grandmother. Vicky sighed and dropped her phone on her bedside table. The 18 year old stretched and stood up as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She hated her thin appearance. She was considered attractive by most people with her slim waist, wide hips and pert butt. She put her hands on her perky C cups and her long dark hair that went to her backside as she then placed her hands on her stomach; her brown skin was smooth and had no blemishes as she tried hard to imagine herself 100s of pounds heavier.

“Vicky come down for dinner” her mother called from downstairs as Vicky sighed and slowly made her way down, her mother only ever cooked fruit and veg and lean meats, nothing sweet or sugary in sight. Vicky often was surprised that she wasn’t as thin as her mother, who was a little underweight for her height at 39 years old, but Vicky had to thank her dad for being more easy going and giving her favourites like cupcakes every now and then, a secret between the two of them he often said or it had been until her grandmother found out and went ballistic. At the time her grandmother was still alive and had made her mum kick him out and she was anti-fat, in fact it she was where her mom got it from. Vicky had come across her mother’s diary from when she was a kid and saw she was no different then she was. Her mother had wanted to be fat once too but her own mother had crushed her and turned her into her own mirror image. Vicky wanted to try and help her mother if she could as she thought they could then be happy together at the least.

She sat down across from her mother who had as Vicky had expected made a dinner of nothing but fruit and vegetables. Her mother was the same height as she was but thinner and had shoulder length dark hair like she did, the same dark eyes and had b cups as she had avoided all foods that would have helped in that area. Vicky sighed as her mother sat down too,
“You know it would be great to eat something else once in a while” Vicky said as her mother gave her a small smile.
“Trust me you don’t, I know you think you want to be fat but it’s a phase it’ll pass, it did for me” her mother said as Vicky didn’t believe her as her mother couldn’t look her in the eyes when she said this. Vicky knew that deep down her mother still wanted to be fat too like she did. After the small dinner Vicky returned upstairs and began to browse the internet as she swiped through a bunch of weight gain forums. She was reading about repressed Feedees and people who repressed getting fat as she came across a small forum that she couldn’t believe was real. It was talking about an article a small time independent journalist had written and peoples experiences with it as she found a link to the original article `The Fat Hatter` written by Alice Smith. She read on and smiled and chuckled, surely this couldn’t be real right? She wished it was though as it would help matters with her and her mother.

She lay back and imagined it as she closed her eyes and had fell asleep before she knew it. She felt a warm breeze flow over her as she felt content and comfortable as she was hit by the scent of grass and lavender flowers. She felt relaxed as she opened her eyes and saw herself in a brightly lit field surrounded by trees and flowers with a small cottage a few metres away from her. She saw movement not far from her as someone else was there too also waking up.
“Mom?” Vicky asked as she saw her mother was there too. Her mother looked around and saw her as she went wide eyes,
“Vicky? What are you doing in my dream?” her mother asked as Vicky shrugged,
“I was going to ask the same thing” Vicky responded. They were both hit by the scent of freshly baked pastries as they both looked around at the cottage and saw its doors were open. Vicky stood up as she took a couple of steps forwards as her mother slowly stood.
“Think we should head in?” Vicky asked as she had a feeling about what was in there. Her mother looked hesitant as Vicky just smiled at her,
“I mean what’s the worse that can happen? It’s a dream after all right?” Vicky beamed at her mother.

Her mother reluctantly nodded and walked with Vicky as they made their way inside. They stepped into a hallway that was very wide and brightly decorated. There were no stairs as it was only one floor but was very spacious inside. They looked around and saw a large living room and a closed door they assumed to be a bedroom as they wandered further into the cottage. Vicky was excited as her mother was still nervous as she paused now and then as Vicky had to encourage her along from time to time. They found the kitchen and a round conservatory attached that had the door slightly open as Vicky could just see two large armchairs and the end of a table as they were both taken by surprise when a voice called to them,
“Well Vicky, Martha do join me won’t you” it sounded jovial and young as Vicky approached the door. Vicky pushed the door open more as her mother followed closely behind her before they stepped in, their eyes widened when they saw the man sat at the large round table. The man was large, huge, round and full as he beamed up at them. Vicky saw a tent like purple tail coat hung up behind him as he had his shirt sleeves rolled up to his just below where his elbows would be if they weren’t completely buried in fat.

His writs were buried too as it seemed almost seamless where the fat forearm and hands began and ended. His belly was pushing against his tight looking waist coat as the buttons looked ready to pop. His shirt collar was undone by a few buttons as his vast thick double chin filled the gap. His blond curly hair was visible under the light brown top hat he wore as he motioned for them to sit down. Vicky sat down as she looked at how he filled the chair he was in, his ass was wide and spread out so far she guessed it took up the space of 5 or 6 of her. His suit pants looking painted on tight as it left little to the imagination of just how fat his legs were. Vicky looked up to see her mother still standing and saw the hesitation on her face again as she looked at the table full of pastries and cakes. Vicky looked back at the large man and he nodded and smiled gently at her.
“Now no need to be shy or scared Martha” the man said gently as he warmly beamed and Martha slowly sat down next to her daughter. She still looked like she was unsure of what to do as Vicky spoke first.

“You’re the Fat Hatter right?” Vicky asked. The large man beamed and chuckled,
“That’s right, I see you’ve read up on me, well that makes things a little easier I guess” The Fat Hatter said as he then looked at Martha.
“No need to be so nervous, I only appear to those who need me” he smiled warmly at Martha before she spoke up for the first time.
“Why are we here, and what do you want?” Martha asked her tone a little stern but with a notable undertone of anxiousness. He smiled again as he sifted his vast weight,
“Well to talk and then offer you both a choice, no strings attached of course” he said as he reached for a cup of tea and took a sip. Martha gave a look of disbelief as he just smiled; Vicky was getting hungry just looking at the food, she did look up though as he returned his gaze to her.
“I was hoping you could help my me and mom but didn’t expect..”
“For a visit so soon after you found out about me? Yes well you were on my list but I figured it may be best to come ahead of time” The Hatter beamed and Martha gave her daughter a sharp look before she looked back at the Hatter.

“Visit, you still haven’t told us where we are or how we got here?” Martha said as The Hatter just put his tea cup down and leaned back in his chair as it creaked a little under the second shift in weight.
“Where do you think we are?” he asked with a smile as Martha looked around and then saw in the distance a familiar sight of her childhood dog playing with a 10 year old her in the distance, it was one of her favourite memories as she was shaken by it a she turned back to him.
“But that’s…” Martha asked,
“Well we are in the dream space right now, you and Vicky’s dream scape to be more precise as you can see over there” he pointed a very fat finger at large fat woman who was looking in a mirror and playing with her fat as Vicky saw this and blushed, she had never told anyone about that particular dream as her mother quickly turned on her and sighed,
“Your dream Vicky?” Martha asked and Vicky nodded as Martha sighed before she spotted another sight of a very large fat woman sitting on a couch and eating cakes and turned again to her daughter but saw she looked surprised by the sight too.

“That is your dream Martha or an old one at least that’s buried deep down now, but still there clearly” The Hatter said as Martha now blushed and looked back at the sight and now remembered it, before Vicky took her hand,
“See I knew you still wanted it mom, grandmother isn’t here now so you and can finally have what you’ve wanted” Vicky said as Martha sighed, with all those dreams flooding back she couldn’t deny it anymore that it hadn’t ever gone away.
“So to why I’m here, I can give you both what you want, Vicky you already know what to do I take it?” He asked with a mirthful grin. Vicky nodded enthusiastically and began to dig into the food,
“What…” Martha began,
“Just watch and see” The Hatter Said as Martha turned and watched her daughter eat and her eyes widened by what she saw.

Vicky had really begun to dig in as she had never been so hungry and could feel herself blowing up. Her shirt was getting tighter on her as she felt her ass widen and fill out the seat of her sweatpants. She felt as her arms began to fill her shirt sleeves and her belly bulged forwards a little as she moaned in pleasure as she felt so good. She grabbed the milkshakes and downed them as she felt her belly finally pushed through the gap between her sweat pants and shirt as the growing brown orb was rounding out and pushing her breasts up that were too a cup size larger now and still growing. She chowed down on the muffins as her cheeks filled out and became chubby as a layer of fat formed a small double chin. Vicky was now twice the girl she was a few minutes ago as she took a break and gave a belch a she looked at herself. She beamed as she looked up at her mother, who looked white in the face,
“Are you going to join mum?” Vicky smiled at her mother who looked at her belly and then at the food on the table that was appearing and replacing the eaten food.

“I mean this is just a dream right?” Martha said weakly as The Fat Hatter chuckled,
“I should say that this is permanent, you’ll wake up tomorrow like you end up here, reality changed to reflect it of course” The Hatter said and Martha went quiet again as she looked between her daughter and the food and her own fat dream over in the field. Was this her chance to finally live it? To get past her mother’s constant nagging about her weight?
“Mum” Vicky took her mother’s hand again “You know this is what you deeply want” Vicky said with a gentle smile as Martha sighed and knew her daughter was right, this was what she wanted too.
“Yeah, guess I can’t run from it anymore, I do want this after all” Martha said as she smiled and took a muffin in her hand and took a deep breath before she bit into it and felt a warm feeling envelop her. She felt her belly surge a little as it pressed slightly against her pyjama bottoms as she felt 10 pounds fill her frame. Vicky smiled as she watched as her mother took more cakes and muffins as she watched her mother inflate. Martha was eating with pleasure as she moaned as she had deprived herself of sweet treats for years as she felt her breasts fill up and press against the tank top fabric as her ass and hips began to widen as she seemed to be a pear shape with a fair amount of fat going to her hips and ass.

Martha picked up pace as her appetite exploded in size as her inner fat self was let loose. Her thighs were filling the bottoms as her thighs touched and her ass continued to spread under her as her belly began to pooch slightly on over the waist band as her arms finally began to fill as she was gulping down the shakes now as her chest was growing as she was sitting a CC Cup now. She stopped for breath as she panted as she felt warm and tight in her clothes as she was already a good 60 pounds heavier than a few minutes before.
“Oh my god it feels soooooooo good” Martha moaned as Vicky giggled as she had paused to watch her mother gorger herself.
“Yeah I know, I’m still a little bigger though, not for long though” Vicky giggled as she grabbed another cup cake. Martha just chuckled as the two now gluttonous girls truly dove in. The Fat Hatter watched on as the two women ate themselves fatter in front of his eyes as he chuckled and took another sip of tea.
2 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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