The Fat One

Chapter 1

‘Ready Chelsea?’

My breathing gets heavier as my girlfriend, Mollie, walks into the bedroom holding a pint of thick brown weight gain shake in her left hand and a pack of 4 strawberry glazed doughnuts in the other.

I’m completely naked leaning against the backrest of my king sized bed. I stroke my fiery red hair back and let out a subtle orgasmic moan as I wave her closer.

I guess me and Mollie aren’t exactly a normal couple, some people wouldn’t call us a normal couple just because we’re lesbians but to be honest it’s surprising how many people are actually supportive nowadays!

I met Mollie a little more then a 4 months ago, I was still in the closet about my sexuality but Mollie was more ‘in your face’ about it, she didn’t hide who she was, at 5’10 and about 320 pound it was pretty hard for her fly under the radar, so she didn’t, she was fat, tall and a proud lesbian!

Me on the other hand was the complete opposite, I denied all my sexual kinks mainly through fear of being ridiculed. I had a boyfriend at the time, Toby, we started dating at the ripe age of 16 he was attractive, funny, intelligent and he knew treated me well enough but after 4 years thing between us grew stale. So what do most young people do when their relationship begins to crumble? Talk about it with each other? Breakup and move on? Probably, but we didn’t. We decided to rent a little 2 bedroom bungalow with each other! Everyone told me it was a stupid move but I didn’t listen.

We argued and bickered constantly from day one. It was so difficult to adapt to living with someone, having someone in your personal space all day everyday was driving me insane! I didn’t realise how much I liked being away from people. Before I moved out I would sit in my bedroom all night playing with myself with a wide selection of naughty toys. I loved porn, it was my escape but now that I lived with someone I found it virtually impossible to pleasure myself unless I stayed up really late after Toby had fallen asleep or woke up really early before Tony woke up!

I watched mostly straight porn but as I watched some meathead with muscles thrusting in and out I couldn’t help but notice my eyes shifting more towards the woman. The women that caught my attention the most were the chubbier ones, god I loved seeing them with their thick legs bend up behind their head causing their belly to squash up into rolls as their pussy got pounded!

I often pleasured myself to the thought of being with such a woman, squeezing and jiggling their bellies and overgrown asses! I would then imagine what it would be like to be such a curvaceous woman, I’ve always been a skinny little thing only weighing 100 pound at 5’4 but Toby liked it, he always complemented me saying how much he loved how petite I was, that’s what attracted him to me, so any envious thoughts about big boob round asses and fat bellies were pushed to the back of my brain and locked away!
5 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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The Ivy Leag... 3 years
Loving this so far and can't wait to see more