Opposites Attract

Chapter 1



I've always been a strong believer in karma, good things happen to good people, this is what I tell myself every single day no matter what the situation. Although I never really knew my parents and I went from foster home to foster home I still to myself to be a happy positive person, even throughout my entire childhood getting physically and mentally bullied every single day I went to school I still kept positive, even though I had no friends or family I still kept a smile on my face because I knew that some day All this bad look would suddenly change and I'd have a life that everyone would envy.

I was 18 when I first met Jennifer, I was walking towards the superstore 20 minutes early for a job interview, although i done exceptionally well at school no one wanted to hire me, so this was my last resort but a job is a job so I kept positive as usual.

As I walked across the car park I noticed a woman heavily rest on her walking stick, sweating and panting heavily. She was maybe mid 30's light brown hair scrapped back into a pony tail but it was her hair that caught my attention, it was her size. I remember thinking that she must've weighed 600 pound easily. She was struggling to get her shopping into her car but I carried on walking past her towards the shop front but then all of a sudden I came to sudden halt, like my legs refused to take another step, I thought about my karma, That poor woman struggling in the sun to load her car up, she obviously need help. I guessed it was up to me to help her.

'Excuse me miss' I said as I approached her

'*huff*....yes?..' She snapped back quickly, clearly exhausted and fed up

'Do you need some help?' I ask boldly

'If..you...don't.. .mind' The woman replied her face changed from angered to a smile almost instantly

I began to load her car up, I noticed how the bags were bursting with all kinds of junk food, not one piece of fruit or veg insight. She was still resting on her walking stick but managed to catch her breath. I still remember what she was wearing, a pair of loosing fitting 3/4 length sweatpants and a dark grey vest to match. Her belly was so big it hung down to her knees and where she had tucked her overfed belly into her sweatpants the made her sweatpants cling to her flabby ass.

'Thank you so much! I thought I was gonna pass out! What's your name?' She asked me still carrying that giant smile

'No need to thank me, My names James' I reply closing to boot of her car

'You're a life saver James but could I perhaps ask another favour?'


'Come you come with me to my house and help my unload this, I don't think I've got it in me today, it's just to hard for someone my size' she asked with a tone of desperation

I paused for a second and thought about the job interview, then of course I thought about my karma

'Of course I can, miss..'

'Oh call me Jennifer! Are you sure you don't mind James? I don't live very far' She followed up

'Nope I don't mind at all Jennifer' Perhaps they'll let me re book my interview for another day I thought as I got into Jennifer's car.
8 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Japeti110 1 week
Wrote More!!!!
Pd500 4 years
Excellent story! Brings me back to my younger years masturbating to BUF magazine models Teighlor & Kelly. Dimensions used to be a bi-monthly printed edition. They've been in my college briefcase for 28 years. I think it's time to bring them out! 8 chapt
Videos900 4 years
I do indeed plan to continue the story
Deth 4 years
Any plans to continue this story?