From Homeless to Housebound

Chapter 1

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‘Gooood afternoooon sleepy head!’ My wife Carla calls gently

My eyes slowly open and although my vision is blurred I can see her standing over me

‘A-afternoon?’ I say with a yawn

‘You slept in late today Benjamin…you missed breakfast..’ she coos rubbing her soft finger down the side of my chubby cheek

‘Shit!’ I reply looking over at the clock on the wall opposite the bed, noticing that the time is 12:15 ‘I stayed up to late!’ I reply remember playing call of duty until at least 5am

‘Don’t worry big boy, I’ve got you extra for lunch’ Carla reassured me as she pulls a food cart into my field of vision. On the top shelf lays a couple of what look like burgers and possibly burritos as well, on the second shelf rested a bed of chilli cheese fries.

‘You are an absolute angel Carla!’ I laugh licking my greedy hungry lips. You see me and Carla aren’t exactly your normal husband and wife but I’ll get into that later. We met 8 years ago, Carla was 18 and I was 19. I was incredibly poor growing up, my dad left me and my mom to fend for ourselves when I was just 2 years old, apparently he hated being dad, he just wanted to do nothing but drink and gamble. I grew up on a trailer park, my mom tried bless her but she also struggled with alcohol. I remember always being starving as a kid. Everyday I went to bed hungry, wishing that one day I could finally be full.

Carla was the complete opposite, her parents were mega rich, like one of the known richest families in our town, it was her great grandfather that worked the hardest to make them rich and every generation after that has got richer and richer! Carla didn’t need to work, she had anything she wanted already, if she wanted a pony she got a pony, is she wanted a Porsche she got a Porsche! If she wanted a house, she got a house!

She had the looks to go with her pampered lifestyle, being half Mexican she had beautiful long jet black wavy hair that fell to just above her ass, speaking of which her ass was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, it was perfectly round and firm but with enough jiggle to play with! She was the definition of slim thick, her breast were perky but more than a handful and her waist tapered in before her hips projected outwards.

I guess I was kind of good looking at the time, I kept my bright blonde hair buzzed purely because it could do it myself and I didn’t have the money to pay a barber, my blue eyes were bright and caught a lot of people’s attention, plus I had good jawline but being 6’2 and about 130 pound I was extremely underweight and gangly, my limbs seemed to have a mind of there own!

Unfortunately my mother died from a short illness when I was just 15 years old and I was forced to live in foster homes, that wasn’t exactly great, the other foster kids would always beat me up and verbally abuse me.

At 18, the foster care system considered me an adult and kicked me out into the street for me to make my own way in life. I didn’t have money or a job, all I had was the clothes on my back. I didn’t exactly have any friends or family to turn to, so I was forced to live on the streets, that was where I met Carla.

It was tough on the streets, random civilians would hurl abuse at me for no reason, telling me to stop being a bum and get a job, kids would occasionally attack me for no reason other than because it’s ‘fun’, teenagers took pictures of themselves next to me, pretending to care but in reality they were just doing it for social media likes. Believe it or not I even got robbed at least once a week! Imagine that, having nothing but a sleeping bag and small change but still somehow got robbed regularly!

I had to resort to stealing food and water just to survive, I never stole from any independent shops, just the multi-billion dollar ones. Carla just so happened to notice me stealing a sandwich one afternoon. Instead of calling security though, she followed me to my sleeping bag and confronted me privately.

‘Please miss, don’t call the police, I’ll put the sandwich back!’ I begged scared I’d be arrested.

‘What are you homeless or something?’ She asked curiously.

‘Unfortunately, yeah. I’m so hungry I haven’t eaten for days!’ I told her as I slumped down on the pavement.

‘You poor thing! Here, take this…’ she insisted handing me a wad of cash ‘but promise me you’ll only spend this on food! Good, hearty, caloric food! No drugs or alcohol!’ She demanded

‘Jheeze are you sure?! Of course! I’d never even consider drugs or booze! Thank you so much miss!’

‘Please, call me Carla’

‘Thanks Carla, I’m Benjamin’

‘Nice to meet you Benjamin’

Everyday Carla would come by and give me a wad of cash to specifically spend on food, which of course, I did! I felt like a king having $100 in my pocket as I strolled into a local takeout or fast food chain! After about a month I noticed something, my jeans were getting a little tight!

I couldn’t understand why Carla was so fascinated by me, it got to the point that she was visiting me daily! How could a little rich girl like her even consider being seen talking to a person like me? She wasn’t even doing it for social media likes either, not once did she take a picture or video of herself handing me food or a cup of coffee!

One day we was sitting in the town square, Carla had bought me Taco Bell which I was greedily devouring when all of a sudden the button on my jeans popped completely off! I laughed and told her about my recent weight gain since meeting her, she turned bright red and went a little awkward, I didn’t understand why at the time but now I do, it turned her on.

That same day she invited me around to her new house for a shower. Her house was beautiful, I asked if it was definitely ok for me to come in, I was worried encase her parent saw a homeless guy standing in their house and either have me arrested or shoot me! That when she told me she lived alone. She had never told me about her rich family, I soon recognised them in the various photo that scattered her house. I’d seen them in the newspaper I used to keep warm, her father was always doing things for charity which explain led Carla’s generosity.

After showering and shaving my year long chin fluff off, I dressed myself in the clean clothes Carla laid out for me and thanked her from the bottom of my heart. She asked me to stay and have dinner with her, she was roasting a turkey with all the trimmings, I couldn’t resist.

After stuffing my gut with turkey, Carla admitted to me that she had feelings for me, I couldn’t believe my ears, how could a beautiful, rich, elegant girl like Carla be attracted to a waste of space like me? I told her she was the most beautiful woman in the world. We started making out before moving things to the bedroom, I’ll be honest, I was a complete virgin, I hadn’t ever seen a girl naked in real life, I couldn’t believe how perfect her body was and I especially couldn’t believe I was allowed to enjoy it completely naked!

After that night I moved into her big beautiful house. It was hard to get used to at first, I guess living in the street changed me. Carla was always encouraging me to eat and I couldn’t refuse! But about a month of living with Carla I couldn’t help but notice my weight gain. The clothes she bought for me were already getting snug. Carla seemed to find me even more desirable than ever though, she would fuck me senseless every single night! Plus it was nice to finally fall asleep with a belly completely stuffed full of food, so I didn’t complain.

Another month went by and Carla finally confessed her secret, she was a fat admire. She had a burning desire to feed me and make me fat! I was a little thrown off at first, how could anyone fancy fat people? Especially someone like Carla! Then I thought about how much I’d enjoyed eating to my hearts content, I thought about how comfortable I was sleeping in a king sized bed with a stuffed belly instead of a cold sidewalk sleeping my hunger away. It wasn’t a hard decision, I agreed to let her fatten me up!

She was relentlessly feeding me around the clock and I didn’t complain once! We soon got married 6 months later and I walked down the aisle weighing 230 pounds, 100 pound gained in the 9 months of knowing Carla. She told me that it was just the beginning.

I ballooned rapidly, it seemed like I was outgrowing clothes weekly! As the years went on Carla was constantly adapting the house to accommodate my ever growing body. I didn’t care how fat I was getting, it felt good to eat a huge feast all by myself then let my belly hang out whilst Carla rubbed it lovingly with approval.

here I am now, 8 years later, happily married to the woman of my dreams, weighing close to 800 pounds of pure fat! Carla really knuckled down when she became my feeder and instead of being a spoiled princess, she focused her energy on spoiling me! It’s crazy to think that I’ve gone from being homeless with not a single dime to my name to now having anything I want and more!

Although I’m absolutely huge all over now, It’s my belly that has taken the biggest hit, it now sits between my spread thighs past my knees and stops just before my chubby feet! It’s so big and round that you can’t ignore it, it’s in my field of vision when I’m laying in bed! Clara absolutely loves playing with the massive ball of flab, she especially loves exploring underneath it, if you know what I mean! Although my belly is my biggest feature, that doesn’t mean my other body parts aren’t massive as well, I’ve never seen thighs and ass this big before, legs are made up of 3 rolls descending all the way from my ass to my ankles! Obviously my face has filled out a lot and even formed a large double chin that wobbles and jiggles every time I eat! Last but not least my moobs, they’re so big and flabby that they actually sag down either side of my gut, they put most woman’s breast to shame!

‘I sure hope you’re hungry!’ Carla laughs wheeling the cart closer to my bed side

‘I’m absolutely starving! What have you got me?’ I ask impatiently

‘2 quarter pounders with bacon and cheese but instead of a standard bun, I’ve replased it with 2 glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts per burger! 3 Breakfast burritos filled with sausage, bacon, egg, cheese but with this one I’ve replaced the tortillas with maple syrup soaked pancakes instead and finally a pounds worth of fries, covered in chilli and more cheese!’

‘Jesus Christ Carla! That’s a lot of food!’

‘Oh…you don’t want it?’

‘Of course I do! I’m just saying it’s a lot’

‘You’re a big boy, I’m sure you’ll eat this and more!’ She says placing the platter of food onto my shelf of a belly. I instantly reach out and grab a burger with 2 hands and squash it between my fingers to flatten the doughnut burger causing grease to ooze onto my chest.

I take a large bite, followed by a second even bigger bite. Chew and swallow. A grin forms in the corner of my mouth.

‘Oh my god! This is delicious!’ I exclaim as the sweet and savoury treat fills my mouth with flavour ‘how do you think of these wonderful things?!’ I laugh taking a third and fourth bite

‘I dunno really, I guess I’m just trying to get as many calories into that little belly of your as I possibly can!’

‘How many..Mph…calories is this breakfast?’

‘Close to 8,000…’


‘Yep, it’s basically 2 meals worth of food, so less talking and more eating please!’ Carla insists being the pushy feeder that she is.

I nod and finish off my current burger whilst already grabbing the first pancake burrito, a line of maple syrup dribbles across my chest as I bring it up to my open mouth, where the pancake have been swimming in syrup, the exterior have turned soggy, so I decided to fold the entire burrito into my hungry mouth, much to Carla’s approval! She watches me work my way through my breakfast feast whilst rubbing and squeezing my gut and occasionally giving me some words of encouragement.
5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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BeSoft 1 year
THIS is what I exactly dreamed! Having a feeder GF to fatten me beyond immobility
Built4com4t 3 years
That was intense…wow
Videos900 3 years
Glad you enjoyed it!
Chunkygamer 3 years
That man is truly living the dream
Videos900 3 years
Certainly is!
Stevita 3 years
I love this! Hope to see more juicy BHM stories from you!
Videos900 3 years
Thanks! I certainly will be doing more