Emily P.o.v - 650 Pound

Chapter 1

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20th September 2014

After I moved in with Tom me and Aunty Dee fell out of contact a bit, we’d still message each other now and again but we wouldn’t ring each other like we used to, I had Tom and Dee was busy playing the field like always, so we kind of drifted apart.

She rang me last week randomly for a catch up but it turns out my mother had been nagging her, although me and my mother were sort of talking again she still couldn’t except the fact that I’m never going to be skinny again! I told Aunty Dee everything, I told her that I can’t diet and I’m completely letting go, no longer caring about my weight or how much I’m eating! Of course Aunty Dee was fully accepting and asked if I’d like to meet up with her for lunch next week, so I agreed.

We decided to go for lunch at a little place in town called ‘Big Mary’s’ known for their large burgers, obviously being a greedy glutton, I couldn’t refuse!

And here I am now, late due to the fact that I couldn’t fit into Toms car so I had to ordered a 8 seater taxi just for me! This is the first time I’ve been out for months, I even ordered new clothes because literally non fit me! God clothes are so restricting, for months I’ve been either completely naked or just in a large vest top now I’m stuck wearing a pair of tight yoga pants that I can barely fit my ass and belly into!Tom said he could see my newly ordered panties through them so I’ve had to buy a t-shirt big enough to fit my tits and long enough to cover my ass!

‘Wow you wasn’t kidding when you said you’ve let go!’ Aunty Dee quips as she watches me slowly waddle towards the table, I’ve noticed a lot of people staring at me, almost like they’re not used to seeing a 650 pound girl

‘Hello...Aunty Dee!’ I say trying to catch my breath from the short walk to the table

‘Look at you girl! You’ve got so big!’ Dee remarks standing up a giving me a big hug

‘I know I know!’ I say slightly embarrassed

‘Waiter! Can we get another chair please’ Dee asks the waiter standing at the bar

He quickly rushes over with another chair and I collapse onto both of the chairs and feel my ass fat overhang both of the chairs

‘Won’t be long before you need three chairs Ems!’ Dee chuckles pushing a bowl containing a few slices of bread towards me

‘Very funny!’ I snap grabbing a slice of bread and heavily buttering it before cramming it into my mouth

‘Nearly lost a few fingers there!’ Dee continues making fun of me

‘Are you just gonna take the piss out of how fat I am all night?’ I ask grabbing another slice of bread

‘I’m sorry Ems! I can’t help it!’ She chuckles ‘it’s quite a shock though I must admit, how much you weighing now?’ Dee asks up front

‘About 650’ i says casually

‘Wow Emily! You’re the heaviest person in our family’s history!’

‘I know Tom told me’ I shrug grabbing another slice of bread

‘Does Tom...mind?’

‘Of course not! He loves me!’ I huff

‘Good, at least you’re happy’

‘I’m so happy Aunty! Everyday is heavenly! Do you know how good it feels waking up to the smell of breakfast in bed every single day! Then I literally don’t have to move a single muscle because Tom cares for me so much! I literally only get out of bed to use the bathroom!’ I says with enthusiasm as I butter myself even more bread

‘And you’re sure you’re happy with that life? You don’t get bored or anything?’ Dee asks

‘Mmpp! Bored?! It’s literally impossible to get bored nowadays, I’ve got a xbox, PS4, laptop, Netflix, amazon....I’m more then happy Aunty!’

‘Good, sorry for interrogating you Emily, I’m just making sure you’re ok, up here’ Dee says pointing to her head ‘shall we order?’ She follows up

‘Yes please I’m starving!’
8 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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