The Wizard’s Tube

  By Blubblehead22

chapter 1

Melissa laid on a extremely large bed fit for at least sixteen people and rested at its center. Her head was laying back, comfortably, against a pair of pillows that were stacked on one another. There was only two issues: Firstly, she could NOT move a muscle. Next and secondly, she completely stark naked. Her fit and tight form was open and exposed to the enormous dimly lit room. The only source of light was the hanging (and quickly fading) bulb dangling from the concrete box she was interred in.

Melissa eyes (after waking from a DEEP and FORCED slumber) dart about the room in panic. Her D-cup breasts rising and falling furiously as her anxiety spikes through the roof. Her six-pack abdomen becomes rigid. Her thick but toned arms and legs tighten to the point that she is shaking in pure fright. Her cute button nose is her only means of air as she takes in quick and quaking breaths. Her luscious lips pursed and paralyzed shut by an unseen force. Her face is that of a square one, including a flat jaw and pleasantly high cheek bones. Finally, her eyes are green and her hair is long, flowing and black as a raven.

Melissa’s peepers become fixed on the humongous steel door at the end of room which was directly in front of her. It remains closed as a long tan tube descends from an opening in the ceiling towards her maw. She has no choice in the matter as her lips part and accept the tube, thanks to the force holding (and controlling) her in place. A thick and creamy substance fills the tube. She licks and gulps it greedily, not realizing she was so hungry until her stomach let out a storm of growls. She is suddenly calm and drowsy as the addictively soft drink flows down her esophagus into her waiting (and starving) gut. It makes her SO HORNY and SUPER high.

Something seemed slightly, oddly off, though. Well, a little more so than currently, WAS HER STOMACH BIGGER?! As a matter of fact, her entire form seemed to be growing softer with thick, succulent fat. Her strong face is softening with a double chin forming around her neck. Her breasts increase to an extra cup size as her nipples harden enough to cut diamonds. Her blossoming stomach starts to fold on itself with chub as cute love handles begin to take shape. Her upper arms develop into fat wings with her lower chunking with adipose. Lastly, but certainly not least, her thickening, beautiful legs no longer have a thigh gap and her calves quickly becoming like hunks of ham.

The smooth and frothy substance is consumed at a leisure pace. The flow only stopping, seemingly and effectively, when Melissa was out of breath and needed quick intakes of air through her nose. She has been drinking for half-an-hour and a hundred pounds (45.45 kilograms) had settled into her once petite, yet exceedingly, fit form.

Melissa is highly obese, now. Coming in at two-hundred-fifty pounds (113.63 kilograms). The magic substance continues to add to her already burgeoning form with no signs of stopping as of yet. It left her stretch mark free, gifted her with hyper digestion, and near instant weight gain. A scale with bright red numbers, like that of an old school digital alarm clock, appeared out of nowhere right above her head on the roof of the room. The numbers only continued to climb.

The addicted, stoned and fleshy woman could only watch as the numbers struck three-hundred pounds (136.36 kilograms). Her face was rounded and puffy, now. Her breasts ballooned bigger and bigger. Her stomach becoming heftier and heftier. Then came her legs growing thicker and thicker. She was helpless to the growth but... felt happy...

Yeah, Melissa was being held hostage by somebody, yet it didn’t bother her. It felt like she always wanted THIS; to be a FAT and unbridled GLUTTON. No more ridiculous DIETS and STARVING herself. No more EXHAUSTING workouts and STALE routines. Just her, a tube, laying back and becoming EXTREMELY obese. She closes her and hums to herself as she takes in the tube’s contents GREEDILY and, most importantly, GLUTTONOUSLY...


The numbers on the roof strike five-hundred (227.27 kilograms) and a quick BEEP of an alarm goes off. Melissa eyelid’s fly open, notices the numbers and looks down upon herself. She cannot see past herself. She still continues to suckle on the cream, sees and feels that she is not struck with paralysis anymore. She begins to explore her immense form with her hands and wiggles her legs excitedly. She giggles as her body jiggles and smiles elatedly.

Melissa’s face is beyond rotund, now, like a puffy little blueberry. Her boobies could be compared to two large, and in charge, watermelons. She grasps and jiggles her bean-bag-like gluttonous gut, which she can feel grow fatter in her palms and phalanges, thickening in between her fingers. She shakes her thick, creamy and tree-trunk-like thighs and calves. Her smile only grows as she does too...


The numbers read eight-hundred-eighty (400 kilograms) and the creamy substance has stopped flowing. It would seem Melissa had consumed it all. Oh, boy, was she FAT, now. Beyond, so.

Melissa is so fat, now, that she will never walk again. Perfectly, completely, and contently immobile. Her face is swallowed by chunky fat goodness with three chins! Her arm-wings were fatter than her head, now! Like big hunks of ham thighs (if they could get that large, that is)! Her boobs parted across her titanic belly, like mini bean bag chairs! Perfect for snuggling and groping, so much flesh to caress! Her large and abundantly bulbous gut was a hallmark of her newfound weight! It was so huge, that one could use it as a bed with her breasts could be used as comfy, big pillows! Then her legs, oh, her beautiful fat encompassed legs (my personal favorite) were chunked beyond belief! They were so fat, her thighs rivaled even that of barrels, with her calves taking the new role of being like thin, but still big, tree trunks!

Melissa was happy, although, sad she could not have more. She jiggled and wiggled her abundantly obese body as she, finally, lulled herself into a deep slumber. Forever to be content right where she is...

1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
3   1   1508


God4331 3 years
Nice story