True Story: My Girlfriend's Incredible Gain

  By Creepingbeluga

Chapter 1 - The Story

Before we met, years ago, my girlfriend was apparently very thin. She is 5'7 and was I believe as little as ~110 as an adult at one point. I didn't know her at that time, but I have seen what are now very much the "before" photos, and she was tiny, with a totally flat stomach.

That was no longer the case by the time we met on an online dating app when I moved to the area in 2022 and we hit it off. Over the past several years, she had put on average of roughly 10-15 pounds a year. As a result, the first time I met her she was, to her best estimate, around 240 pounds. She had my absolute ideal body type- large breasts, wide hips, great butt, and a perfectly round belly that sat in her lap and was fairly firm in spite of its considerable size. I think the first photo of her stomach she sent me probably arosed me more than the more explicit offerings. We got progressively more serious- she is a lovely person, incredibly smart, creative, and thoughtful, and eventually had sex, during which I admired her belly but, since I wasn't sure she'd be comfortable with it, avoided touching for the time being (which required a Hurculean effort).

When we first started dating, I didn't have much food she liked and she got sick around that time. As a result, she probably lost 10 to 15-ish pounds. I remember her telling me as it turned colder that a jacket that had not fit her last year was fitting again. I learned her tastes, however, and I think she got more confident eating around me, and around the holidays she had probably gained that all back plus a little extra. I was thrilled, and made it clear I liked her plump although didn't tell her I was into feedism or anything.

She moved in early in the new year, and as we got into a routine, she really started to pack on the pounds pretty quickly. Her snacking really started to take off- turns out she loves to eat when she has food she likes- and she started eating a full bag of cheddar popcorn most days between meals. I watched her belly start to swell and some new stretch marks start to develop. She made some comments about how she had been putting on weight at this time, which of course I found exhilirating.

By the middle of last year, I had made it pretty clear to her I enjoyed her growing body, and she eventually got us both drunk and teased out my interest in feedism, which at that point was of no surprise to her. Her reaction, to my delight, was one of significant interest. That very night, we had sex where she ate giant chunks off a block of cheese. It was the hottest moment of my life to that point.

She read about this community and asked me a bunch of questions about it. She even posted some before and after photos of herself elsewhere on the internet (Reddit kept deleting her posts for some reason). I certainly got off to people online praising how sexy her gain was, and I hope she did as well. She seemed to enjoy it.

She told me that she wanted to try the full lifetyle on a temporary basis, and after that she absolutely gorged herself constantly for six heavenly weeks. She let me make her milkshakes that contained over 1000 calories, started ordering pizza with shocking regularity, and stepped up the snacking even more. She'd send me photos of her eating and tell me things like that her belly was now nearly touching the desk at work. I think she gained probably fifteen pounds in that month and a half. She weighed herself around the second week, and my scale (which maybe weighs a couple pounds light) said she was right at 280. By the end of this period, she had outgrown half the pants in her wardrobe, and some of the dresses. For a while, she'd try on the same pair of jeans every week or so as they became progressively tighter and she struggled more and more to button them, which was beyond sexy to me. She probably ate over 4000 calories about half the days of this six week period and over 3000 three quarters of them (and this is a girl with a sedentary job). Her belly was so incredibly taut to the touch throughout this time, as if its growth outpaced her skin's ability to contain it. Her arms got noticably plumper, her breasts grew, and her always very large and round butt had gotten so big it practically folded in on itself when she lay on her stomach, something that was at its most noticable when....bearing down on it from behind. Sex was amazing- her belly was so constantly bloated and firm, in addition to its size, that it was almost in the way when I was on top, but that was only a bonus.

This was always explicitly a temporary thing, and at the end of those 6 weeks or so she said she was ready to slow down, and did so. She was still eating to her heart's content, but watching herself a bit more and definitely not trying to gain. I think she probably lost a tiny bit of weight around then, although we still had a few sessions where I'd make her milkshakes and the like (always fucking right after or during, of course). Still, by the time that winter rolled around, far from being able to fit into old jackets, she could not comfortably fit into the jacket she had worn at her previous high weight. She bought a bunch of new clothing in higher sizes. During this time, we went to a concert and she could not fit in the seats (which got us a free upgrade, just another perk).

Around our second set of holidays together, her eating noticably picked up again. The snack quantity wasn't what it had been during those six weeks, but she started going to town on some popcorn again, and added Cheetos and Chex to the Mix (pun intended). We had some pretty large meals (featuring eggnog) around this time as well, and once again I noticed her belly straining her clothes and new stretch marks making an appearance.

This last week, she went to the doctor's office, and they weighed her. She is now 309 pounds- more than either of us thought. Her immediate reaction was that she should lose weight, and I know she is going to try to exercise more. Of course, she had known that knowing how big she'd gotten would turn me on, but that's not something I brought up. Still, today as we got into foreplay, she asked me repeatedly about my desires and what I'd like for her to do. The conclusion was of course that she should eat a chocolate cake while we had sex. I went to a grocery store that is, thank god, right across the street and purchased her one. It was absolutely incredible- first, fingering her as she ate the cake (with her hands and with my free hand) ravenously, as I told her how fat she'd gotten and how much I loved it. And then fucking her from behind as she ate the cake hands-free off the plate, taking gigantic bites. I now have a new hottest moment of my life.

Thank you for reading. I cannot believe my luck in finding this girl (in many ways, not just this one). I am not sure what the future holds but have had an incredibly good time so far.
1 chapter, created 6 months , updated 6 months
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