Karen's affinity for food: a side story from: the goddess

Chapter 1

Karen was so conflicted, she didn't know what to do? She'd always been naturally thin, but with good feminine assets, including a decent rack and a curvry lower half, consisting of flaring thighs and a soft little bubble butt. However, since joining the gym and working there as a trainer, she'd managed to transform her "slim thicc" body into what could only be called a "stripper lover's" wet dream. And life was good, fun, and easy. But that all changed the minute she came into Madame Venus' cross hairs by insulting the Goddess.

Unaware that she was under the most powerful of celestial spells, Karen was equally parts mortified and sexually electrified at the same time. Ever since she agreed for some reason to take the receptionist position at the front desk, her life took a turn for the fatter. Karen even had thought about leaving the gym altogether, but her belly wasn't the only thing always full these days, as her pockets were now flush with cash as well. And with her new salary virtually quadrupling her old commissions, this greedy and growing piggy was going nowhere any time soon.

"It's not that bad", she told herself looking in the mirror, as she let her fingers glide over her still relatively flat but smooth belly. By no objective means, was Karen even close to fat, at 5'10" 130 pounds. No, the roughly ten pounds or do that she'd gained, actually accentuated her already robust femininity, by softening her up just a bit. However, her once ripped abdominals, could now barely be made out through the thin, yet thickening layer of subconscious fatty tissue that was developing over them.

The revulsion of gaining ten pounds so quickly was muted, by her newly found fascinations for everything soft. Maybe it was the new position, she mused, trying desperately to rationalize her undeniable attraction towards fat people, coupled with nightly sexual dreams of growing much fatter herself.

Karen moaned, and let her fingers drift down over her softened belly and mons pubis, before remembering that she was running late with the towns fattest and "hottest!?!?!" young man, Chad.
5 chapters, created 4 months , updated 2 months
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