How do you tell a close friend or a significant other that you might want to get fat on purpose?

Why do you have to tell people? Just start buying fattening foods and just eat eat eat. It will become obvious as you grow wearing a fat gut that sticks out for everyone to see. Even if I suck it in I still look fat but my moobs now really stick out. This is just something you will get use too as you become obese.
3 years

Tell me, how do you cope with negative reactions due to your weight?

I'm an adult. Bullys are everywhere. I'm very clear at work and my own time that I'm a big guy. Plus covid is a great excuse for all of us putting a few pounds or 30 or hopefully more. Lol. Dont let anyone put you down for their own demons they live with. Haters got to hate and most likely they are the ones who need a shrink.

Cheers all!
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

This happened to me recently. I manage to wear 36 waist pants under my belly even as I've put on weight. Recently I can't get them fastened. When I went to the store I grabbed some 38's and they are WAY more snug than I planned on them being. Going to return them and get 40's because I know the 38s will be way too tight after the holidays.

Broh... I feel ya... I ordered some Levi's 550s and tried on some 42s today... they were a tad snug. Ordering some 44s tonight. I'm so proud to be a fatty. Lol. Its so not cheap gaining!
3 years

Alternative people

Ramones, Smiths, B52s, the cranberries, L7, big audio dynamite, nine inch nails, tool and I will end it all with 120 minutes was epic on MTV
3 years

Do you get embarrassed?

When you go grocery shopping do you ever get embarrassed buying so many fattening items? My cart looked like a little kid filled it full of all sorts of obvious fattening foods.

I'm getting use to it, but yesterday even I was a little
3 years

Let's all share!

This type of post has been around before but let's update it....

What is your goal weight for yourself? Why?

If you have a partner that you're helping to grow fatter, how extra large do you want them to grow? Why?

For us,

After many naughty conversations with my wife, we have decided that I should set a goal of 325 lbs. We guess at this weight I will be unable to lose it easily and it will be a fun size for my frame to have difficulties fitting in booths and finding fat guy clothes. Maybe getting to a size that requires a seat belt extender would be our next goal if its not achieved already.

As for my wife, I'm either for her losing about 50 lbs or gaining another 50 lbs to 250 lbs. I have never seen her that fat before so it would be cute. The size contrast would be great or us both looking like a oversized fat couple would be fun. Her size is up to her so it will be a surprise over the next few years.
3 years

What do you think is sexier in regards to gaining?

When I met my wife she was very thin... She was maybe a small roxy tee-shirt. But over the last few years and especially the covid quarantine she is becoming quite the big girl. Lane Bryant is her very near future and her XL tops are seeing a lot of stress.

She enjoys making me larger and I have to say, I really enjoy watching her belly grow larger as well. I hope she puts on another 20 to 40lbs and her fluffy belly sticks out well beyond her breasts and gets nice and saggy.

So my preference is watching others go from skinny to obese.
3 years

Over or under?

My belly is sticking out pretty far now and in my office it is very obvious that I have gotten alot fatter.

I was wondering is it more fat fashionable for men to wear their dress pants waistline below the belly or over the belly?
3 years

Fat lifestyle tips?

I'm only a small-fat, but a few things:

- when doing much walking, wearing bike-short style boxer-briefs to reduce thigh chafing

- loosening my belt a notch or two when sitting down for any length of time

- leaving my shoes on when I come inside if they are reasonably clean and I'll be going back out later, so that I don't have to take them off and put them back on. Or wearing flip-flops for quick trips into the yard.

- before I sit down (to read, play on the computer, watch TV, etc) I make sure I have everything I may want for the next while (water, phone, maybe a mug of tea or whatever)

- I'm better at heading out for the bus earlier, or waiting for the next one if the time is tight, rather than risking having to run for the bus (not that I've had to take the bus to work for months, I'm not sure I could run for more than a short block even if I tried now)

- Occasionally stepping aside on a sidewalk to let faster walkers pass me (especially now with Covid distancing)

- sometimes resting my belly on the counter while washing dishes, to reduce back fatigue

- When getting up from seated, I pretty much always swivel to be facing the direction I'll be standing up (like twisting sideways in the car seat, or turning my chair away from my desk). (Getting my gut centered over my feet can be a bit chancy if I'm getting up in weird ways)

Edxl you're awesome!

I have noticed many of the same similar changes in myself after reading your list.

When I'm at a table or desk I now have to slide the chair back and twist it due to my belly rests against things.

I ask my wife to park closer to stores and she's very accommodating especially after meals. The opening of the car door is very true!

I haven't experienced any size related issues with booths due to the quarantine but I am looking forward to see if its going to be an issue.

I have to sit in a chair I now when putting shoes on. Bending over to tie them just doesn't work out anymore.

Shopping for belts that have small buckles is a must due to my belly overhang especially when seated.

There is no way I can do sit-ups anymore. Doing one just to get out of bed must be funny to watch and I more roll out of bed.

I dread having to wash the inside of the front window of my car and now prefer car washes.
3 years
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