
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada  
Edxl 6 months
Confused about kink
In some variation or other, it is really common.

A couple of quick notes:
- fat is not always unhealthy (although possibly the way you'd like to be fat would be unhealthy)
- what aspects of y...
New forum post
Edxl 1 year
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is it the estrogen?
Seriously people? I'm a 50-something guy who doesn't listen to pop music stations and even I know that Lizzo is amazing, a great performer, a outspoken plus-size icon, and all around force of natu...
Edxl 1 year
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fattening boyfriend
I'm loving these updates!

Things don't always go in a straight line. He can love the eating and the turning you on, and still have times when he feels uncomfortable about how much belly he is g...
Edxl 1 year
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what age did you discover you were into this
I agree with the comment about keeping it pretty casual. But at the same time I think it is important to emphasize that she doesn't need to change to please you or to turn you on (well, assuming t...
Edxl 1 year
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fattening boyfriend
Stomachs can also be quite sensitive, so a lot of people might enjoy attention there even if they are not specifically focused on their fat parts being given attention. (my wife is not in love wit...
Edxl 1 year
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something you wanted to know before you started gaining
Budget for clothes as well as for food, so that you don't hit the point of having nothing comfortable but not able to afford anything bigger.

Everyone has their own version of what is easy to ea...
Edxl 1 year
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want to get your opinion on that
I would say it was one of those moments when two paths diverged. Had you followed up with more of a display of interest, you might have gone down another path. But at the time you didn't, and now...
Edxl 1 year
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fattening boyfriend
Oh how fun! I'm sure that for a visit like this he was not going to be dieting anyway, and when you can physically express how much you are enjoying all of his eating I'm sure he'll really abs...
Edxl 1 year
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fattening boyfriend
Another angle you can use, if it is true for you, is how to you large size is masculine. Just some time when watching something on TV where the men are very skinny pout a bit and say "I don't see ...
Edxl 1 year
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slight underarm rub? when did it begin for you, if or when it did?
For me I really started noticing it around BMI 34-35 (about 230 pounds for me). Trimming the hair short maybe helped? But there was a slight bit of bother all through the hot weather.
Edxl 1 year
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told my partner about this fetish and now idk how open i can be about it
Or let your actions speak for you.

In a situation like that get up and wrap your arms around her, maybe running them up and down her figure, possibly making appreciative noises. That says tot...
Edxl 1 year
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always out of breath
You can have fitness with fatness. I mean, eventually even if you are quite fit you'll breath heavily in a lot of situations due to how much weight you are moving around, but for sure you can push...
Edxl 1 year
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my hot chubby wife and her a1c
Diabetes really does a number on the body, and it is sort of a wear-out mechanism, those rising A1C numbers are sort of like brakes that aren't stopping your car as quickly as they used to, a sign ...
Edxl 1 year
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the psychology of it all...
I've been around various online discussions where people have tried to find some common cause, and really nobody had much luck, there were a lot variables.

I've seen a few people attempt academi...
Edxl 1 year
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do fat women feel the need to be protected ? how ?
Fat women are not all the same, so obviously it will depend on the woman.
Edxl 1 year
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husband wants me fatter
I've always been torn between wanting to be fat and wanting to fit in unnoticed, not to look out of control, etc. For better or worse what I did was give in for a bit, gain ten pounds or whatever,...
Edxl 1 year
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gaining and mobility
Tight muscles can also be a factor in knee pain (muscles don't have enough flex to make good shock absorbers). So don't neglect stretching and maybe consider some massage.
Edxl 2 years
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bending down
This issue is why I always find it odd that stores seem to put the biggest jeans on the lowest shelves. Turn it around, let the thinner folks do the bending down!
Edxl 2 years
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on the fence: how do you decide to take the plunge?
One thing to consider is that having a fat wife will make it no surprise if you gain weight -- it is a pretty common thing after marriage (or living together for long enough) for lifestyles to conv...
Edxl 2 years
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gaining and mobility
That level of mobility is a great theory, but in practice I think it is not a very stable point. One bad step that twists an ankle, a prolonged illness leaving you in bed for a while, fat rela...
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