
Yreka, California, United States  
AskDrFeeder 4 years
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
Don't be a "Kyle"!
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
Of course it's fun, but sometimes it actually IS an unexcuseable crime. It's possible and indeed important to draw a line between the two. In fact, for me, if feeding is done in an evil. non-co...
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
Sorry, I'm not gonna educate people on this one!
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
Hopefully it usually is playacting. But if it's an abusive relationship the victim may not truly be able to grant consent. There are also subtle techniques to fatten people without their knowle...
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
I suspect this is playacting on both your parts and thus morally okay.
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
I'm not saying stealth feeding is as bad as rape or child molestation. I'm talking about this particular argument in its favor. It's the same argument a rapist or child molester might use a...
AskDrFeeder 4 years
new topic in gaining forum
pushers vs. letting goers
It seems to me we can divide feedees into these two categories:

Pusher (not to be confused with drug dealer!): You can't gain unless you push yourself (or are pushed by someone else). If you jus...
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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if you're getting fat, there is no way back? or it's not true?
Ha! Unfortunately, for some, stuffing like that is the best part of feedism.
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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if you're getting fat, there is no way back? or it's not true?
I don't have any hard data, but it seems to me the ones who go out of control are those who stuff to the absolute maximum once a week or more. Even if they stop stuffing like that they keep gaining...
AskDrFeeder 4 years
new topic in gaining forum
stuffing or snacking?
I've noticed that some people gain by periodically stuffing themselves to the max. Others don't stuff but just snack constantly. Which do you do?
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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thoughts on fattening without permission
This is the logic of rapists and child molesters.
AskDrFeeder 4 years
new topic in gaining forum
fat-piphany stories?
Anyone been on the fence about gaining and then somehow, suddenly realize that it was right for you? Did some event or thought push you into the fat side? Let's hear your story!
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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nervous to embrace gaining
Have you read "Deciding to Get Fat"?
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?
Goal creep is definitely a thing. Many increase their goal before they even get there!
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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when does encouragement go too far?
I agree with Conan. You've got to come clean. I think you know that; you may have come here looking for a loophole. But there really isn't one.
AskDrFeeder 4 years
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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when was the moment you decided you wanted to gain?
It very likely is with us all along, at least in a latent way. But the choice to actually gain is a different matter.
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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my perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder
I didn't mean to generally shame sex workers above. Sex workers are fine, but the pushier ones may be annoying.
AskDrFeeder 4 years
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how hard is it to meet people into this?
I have met feedees at meet-ups. I'm wasn't in the right demographic to get anywhere personally, but it certainly is possible (albeit difficult) and does work for some.