Dopamine machine

chapter 1

The first thing he saw when he regained his consciousness, where the blinding LED lights. Their brightness made him aware of his killer headache and he tried to think what could have caused it, but it felt like a fog had clouded his mind, making him unable to acces his memories. After this realization, panic started to grow inside him as he noticed that something was very off about this whole situation. He started analyzing the room he was in: no windows, 4 thick walls that seemed to be soundproof, a metal door, a tv screen, a camera and a tube hanging right above him. He noticed he was in his straining underwear and tied down in a dentist chair, reclined slightly. It felt cold against his bare muscled torso and his underwear was extremely tight in the back and in the front. His bulging biceps and massive legs were straining against the rope that tied him to the chair. As all these questions were racing through his mind, the metal door opened and a tall, muscular man wearing a lab coat and glasses walked inside.

“Welcome back Mason, I am happy to see you regained consciousness. We thought we lost you there for a second, but luckily the doctors were able to bring you back.” Now realizing his name was Mason, he asked: “Who are you, and why am I here? I don’t remember anything.” to which the man responded: “We were afraid this might happen, good thing I have all of the answers. My name is Louis and you are here because you were wounded in an experiment. Scientists are trying to enhance soldiers for an upcoming war, to which you signed up for. Usually, the experiments were about enhancing muscle mass and increasing reflex sensibility, but you were selected to try a special dietary experiment. The goal was for soldiers to be able to last multiple days without going hungry by reprogramming their brain to rationalize calories, but something went wrong during the operation. Now we have to monitor you for a while to see if you get any side affects.”

Mason was in awe. he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Upcoming war? Soldier? failed science experiment? It sounds like he had just woken up into a poorly written dystopian movie. He also found it strange as to why he was tied down like this. Louis noticed his confusion, came closer and gently grabbed his beefy forearm with his large hand. “Don’t worry, everything will be okay. The ropes are just there for your own protection. I will go get you some headphones and the remote control so you can listen to music and watch tv on that screen. Also, if that tube comes down while I’m gone, drink from it. It contains a special nutrition formula which will help you recover.” His voice was smooth like butter and very reassuring. Mason slightly nodded to let him know he understood what he said and with that, Louis left the room.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Fatnick43 5 months
great story wow keep writeing storys like this i love it
MangaBL 4 years
I'm hard just reading! I LOVE LOVE LOVE immobile male blimps!! 😍