Sierra Miss'd

  By SaturnLuvsU

chapter 1

Sierra was an overweight 18 year old geek-y chick, she hated football and all that. She was into comics, anime and science fiction, she was into all sorts of nerdy stuff. She spent all day playing computer games and reading comics. "You're so freakin cute." Xavier said. "I'm so lucky to have you around," Xavier said with a smirk. "You're the best boyfriend everr! You make me so happy. You're amazing." She exclaimed and embraced him tightly. she hugged him so tight that he practically couldn't breathe. she finally let go and they continued talking. "Babe. " she said. "I thinkk we should go watch some tv or something." xavier didn't say a word, he just nodded. she kissed his cheek and went to the fridge for a bottle of coke. Sierra had always been known as a very passionate eater, her eating habits usually included lots of ice cream, soda and chips. and if she was especially passionate about her work, she'd slip in a couple of soda from the fridge. "hmm. " she hummed. "did u take the last bottle?" she asked and turned to face xavier. "nahh. babe, I got it right here." he said and pointed to a small bottle on the counter. "Omg. that's literally what I needed after that speed run i did last night." Sierra giggled as she grabbed her soda and returned to the couch. Her weight shifted as her thick thighs and pudgy belly settled against the soft cushions. " ok, so lemme get this straight. I wanna know if you're a peter fan, or a homer fan." she said and giggled again

"Well.. I think that homer is a better parent overall. But Peter is funnier." Xavier chuckled. Sierra's tight black crop top hugged her curves. It made her look a little more feminine, softer, more approachable. the top barely came to her navel, her soft belly was fully visible underneath. she had a nice set of moderately large tits, and at the age of eighteen the fact that her stomach was so plump that the bulk of her breasts were resting on top of her stomach was quite a feat. Xavier could see her nipples, through the thin layer of fabric the top was composed of, and he felt a sudden jolt of excitement. "Babe, your top. It kinda rode up a little bit." Xavier said and he reached out to grasp her shirt. Sierra giggled, grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couch. " Come sit next to mee. " Sierra ordered in a singsong voice. "so, now I've got you on my couch.." she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, her soft and plump thighs touching his, they dwarfed Xavier's slender frame. Sierra's belly was tight, restricted in the stretchy fabric, and clearly visible in her shorts. it lightly brushed against xavier's side. "SO babe. got a quick question real quick." Sierra's tone became a little more serious, but still the soft, teasing tone that he knew so well "When we first started dating , you said you 'd never slept with a big girl." she smiled and then leaned her body even closer now overlapping with xavier's. "Well... maybe I wasn't then." she laughed softly. Xavier's face went red. He could feel his cheeks heating up and his face beginning to redden in response. "but.. I think I am now." Sierra continued. xavier could feel his face start to cool down as she smiled, slowly. He felt the weight of her body resting against his, the heat radiating from her body through her clothes.
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Karenjenk 3 years
This was a nice morning read. lots of room to keep it going if you want.
i like about all of your stories