Chapter 1
Abby and Sarah walked around the streets of downtown stopping here or there in various shops. The two best friends had known each other for years and shopping was one of the many activities they did together. They had met in grade school and had grown up together even going to the same college. Now graduated and out on their own they had settled in as roommates.Abby glanced at their reflections in the mirror as they walked between shops. Her bright smile and blue eyes beamed back at her. Long blond hair cascaded down her shoulders and rested around her perky C cup breasts. Below a sliver of her slim middle peaked out from her shirt and her toned legs carried her 5’5” 125 lbs figure in stride with confidence.
Abby then looked to her friend’s reflection. Sarah and Abby had always been similar growing up, playing the same sports, doing the same activities, hanging out in the same friend groups, and even crushing on the same guys. That had changed slightly when they reached college though. While Abby had kept her slim somewhat athletic form, Sarah had thickened up. Also clocking in at 5’5”, but 180 lbs, Sarah had long lustrous brunette hair tied back into a ponytail and deep brown eyes. Her chubby cheeks and slight double chin were cute in Abby’s eyes as she excitedly chatted about the skirt she had found at their last stop. Abby’s eyes lowered to her full double D cups that strained the form fitting t-shirt she wore. Abby had always been jealous of those girls. What she had not been jealous of was the belly that filled out the shirt beneath them. It bounced along with her stride and connected to thick love handles at her sides. All of it bunched over her jean’s waistband. Her jeans clung to her chubby legs and bubble butt. She actually looked somewhat shorter and stubbier compared to Abby because of her wider form and her stride was more of a shuffle. Though Sarah was chubby, Abby always thought her friend carried the weight well and managed to find the outfits that worked best for her curvaceous body.
It hadn’t made sense to either of them when it started happening, they did the same workouts together and often ate the same meals, but try as she might Sarah had gained some weight. What made things worse was that as she gained weight she began to withdraw from the more physical activities they had once engaged in together. It was harder for her to keep up with her fit friend and so she decided to not keep up at all rather than embarrass herself with attempting. Abby felt bad for Sarah, but she didn’t know what she could do to help. She tried encouraging her to hit the gym more and tried to cook healthier meals, but no matter what she did Sarah still seemed to gain and often grew frustrated with Abby’s insistence that she could get back in to shape.
Abby was brought back to reality with a soft jab from Sarah.
“Hey? Hello? Where to next?” Sarah asked finally getting Abby’s attention.
“Uh I don’t know, maybe grab some food? It’s a little passed lunch.” She replied looking at her phone.
“Yeah sounds good. Lets try that new hot chicken place, I heard its great.” Sarah replied heading of in the direction of the restaurant.
That was one thing Sarah was always great at. Knowing the best food spots around town. Abby followed behind her chunky friend.
They arrived and ordered. It had become more and more common for Sarah to order more food than Abby at this point. While Sarah had tried to keep up with simple salads and small portions she had found herself to be much more irritable during this period and so she had started giving in to her hunger which left her much more clear headed and satisfied overall. Abby had sensed that she didn’t want advice from her skinny friend who had never had to try hard to be that way in the first place. Abby had continued to eat whatever she wanted and still never gained a pound. After the first few times of suggesting healthier options Abby had given up in favor of her friend’s overall happier mood.
They both ordered a sandwich with fries, but Sarah tacked on some nuggets as extra. They ate and enjoyed the food, it truly was one of the better sandwiches they had had recently.
As they were leaving Sarah brought up their empty trays to the garbage. A group of guys entered the store, one making a low whistle as they passed Abby. She simply rolled her eyes in response while she waited for Sarah. Sarah wasn’t paying attention when she turned to meet Abby at the exit and bumped the group on their way to order.
“Watch it fat ass.” Another of the guys quipped as the group moved around her.
The others snickered as they passed leaving Sarah completely embarrassed and dejected. Abby had witnessed the whole thing and immediately came to her friends rescue.
“Come on Sarah, lets get out of here. Don’t pay any attention to those assholes.” She said grabbing her friend by the meaty arm and pulling her out of the restaurant.
Sarah had never come out and said it, but it was tough being compared to Abby all the time. Both of them had had the same habits and yet it was only Sarah who had ballooned up in recent years. It wasn’t that she hated her body, she just hated all the judgment that came with it and the constant comparison to Abby standing next to her didn’t help things. It just hadn’t seemed fair to Sarah. Why had she gained all this weight and while Abby stayed skinny? What could she do to stop it?
Tears were welling up in her eyes as they walked away. Abby continued to console her friend, but it was to no avail.
“You just don’t get it Abs.” Sarah finally said.
“Its always been easy for you to stay in shape and have a great body meanwhile I’m right there next to you and no matter what I do I still gain pound after pound. Its not fair, we used to eat and do the same exact things and we still do for the most part yet I’m the only one getting fat.” Sarah finally opened up to her friend with all her frustrations.
Abby was a little taken back. She hadn’t thought about it too much, but it was true that they did a lot of the same things and she had remained perfectly in shape while Sarah had grown fairly chubby. She had observed the obvious changes, but had never thought about why they had happened.
“It must be your metabolism. Genetics. My body might just be better and processing calories and staying in shape than yours. I’m so sorry Sarah you know I love you and I’d do anything for you. I never realized how tough it might be comparing yourself to me constantly. We’re best friends always and I think you’re as gorgeous as ever. I wish we could trade metabolisms so you could get the body you feel most confident in.” Abby was tearing up now too, empathizing with her friends struggle more directly than ever before.
Just then a women’s voice came from over Abby’s left shoulder, low and sultry almost. “Do you really mean that?”
They both jumped and turned to see a tall slender woman in a form fitting black dress. It looked like evening wear and was out of place on the street in the middle of the day. She had an attractive hourglass shape and burning green eyes that seemed to pierce into their souls.
“Who the hell are you?” Abby asked still slightly surprised.
“Me? I’m just a girl who might be able to help you two out. Did you really mean that about your friend there?” She asked again nodding to Sarah.
Abby looked at Sarah who was also still surprised with the tears from earlier still streaking her chubby cheeks. They locked eyes.
“Of course I do, I love you Sar, I’d do anything for you, but who are you and how would you help her out?” She finally said clasping her pudgy hand.
“Then it is done.” Was whispered from the woman’s direction and when the two friends turned back she was gone.
“What the fuck was that?” They both said in unison, an odd feeling descending on them as the autumn breeze picked up.
“I’ve had enough for one day, lets get back home.” Abby finally broke the creepy silence.
Sarah nodded in agreement and they headed back to their apartment.
Magical Realism
Friends/Family Reunion
Mutual gaining
Fit to Fat
8 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years
it would be cool if unexpectedly they swapped again later
and knew it was coming
like in a year or if she reaches a certain weight