The Fat Hatter (fantasy Feeder Version)

Chapter 1

This has been altered as the origianl version was taken down, i have changed the parts that made thta possible and hope its okay now. origian lversion it up on my Deviant Art still :)
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There was an urban myth running around town lately, a series of stories and events that most deemed irrelevant, but not to Alice. She was always researching the mysterious and wrote an online blog about them as she wrote articles on a few things that interested her. She had already gotten the addresses of three people who had openly said they had been visited by the dream entity that had nicknamed The Fat Hatter. A Lewis carol looking Hatter that was obese himself and during a dream tea party made people balloon by hundreds of pounds. The thing that got her attention was all of them had no connection or had talked to each other but matched when it came to a description of the Fat Hatter himself. Her first visit was to a Julian Myers, from what she could tell he was a thin man in his early 30s and when looking at his social media, it looked as if 5 years’ worth of his timeline had just vanished or been deleted. She knocked on the door as his wife answered; she was rather chubby herself and let her in to see her husband. She was a little taken aback by the huge 600 pound man sat in an armchair he was spilling out everywhere.

“Ah you must be Miss Alice Smith” he beamed up at her as she was motioned to sit in an armchair opposite. She sat down and got her laptop out to begin her interview as she asked him various questions. The questions were when this all happened and how it happened. Mr Myers told her it was about three months ago when the phenomena began and in his dream he was sat across from a man dressed in a colourful manner as he served tea and cakes that made Mr Myers blow up like a balloon, only thing was he didn’t panic or feel angry or freaked out. He felt content and comfortable, and still did now at his current weight. He recalled waking up afterwards still as fat as he had been when the dream ended and said the Fat Hatter wasn’t malicious and seemed to be a light hearted fellow.
“So you woke up this big then?” Alice asked,
“Well at 550 pounds, the last 50 or so have all been my wife’s doing, she likes me this way it seems” he chuckled as his wife giggled and winked at him before Alice thanked them and left to go on to the next two victims she had on her list.

Miss Hannah Lewis, 26 lives alone in her flat. Alice looked to make sure she had the right address and then entered making her way up to the third floor and knocking on the door to flat 3D. She heard heavy footstep and panting before a voice called
“Hold on I’m not as fast as I used to be” as she then saw the 500+ pound Miss Lewis before her. According to her research Hannah Lewis had been a cheerleader and slim all through her life. She wondered what connected them all as a random man and a cheerleader didn’t have much in common after all.
“Hello I’m Alice Smith we spoke over the phone about the Fat Hatter incident” Alice smiled and Miss Lewis beamed at her,
“Oh yes of course come in and make yourself comfortable and I’ll get us some snacks” Miss Lewis smiled as she waddled back towards the living room. Alice’s interview went much the same way as her last, Miss Lewis had been like this a couple of months and like Mr Myers was more comfortable and happy like this then she was before. She even described the same tea party and cakes and gave a similar description of the Fat Hatter character.
“Thank you Miss Lewis for your time”
“Not at all its nice to have the company, though hang around me too much and you may end up big yourself” Miss Lewis chuckled as Alice smiled and left.

“Okay one last stop for today” Alice said as she looked up the name and address. Miss Bethany Small, an 18 year old student. She lived with her parents but she had agreed to meet Alice outside at a nearby café. Alice entered and saw the 400 pound girl sat there waiting wearing a baggy hoodie and yoga pants. Alice sat down opposite her,
“Bethany Small?” Alice asked and the girl nodded in the affirmative as Alice smiled and got her laptop out.
“You wanted to know about this?” Bethany said placing a hand on her belly as Alice nodded.
“I can’t imagine how your parents felt, how did they react anyway given you are still under 20 and living with them?” Alice asked as it was a unique angle due to the girls’ living situation.
“They just shrugged and thought I had always had a big appetite and knew this was coming as I had started getting chubby at some point but like all the others in this boat couldn’t place when it started” Bethany replied. Alice found that interesting,
“What about recent photos?” Alice asked as she looked at Bethany and pegged her as someone who was very shy and nervous. Alice knew everyone else’s time was altered and that the period they were supposed to have gotten fat during was missing in everything from social media but not family photos as it was mostly adults who were targeted.

“Well the man in the dream said he’d fix it specially for me, so when I awoke like this, all my old photos were changed with me showing me getting fatter over time from when I was 12 and up” Bethany said as Alice found that interesting as she made a note of it. Alice went over the other questions and found the description again was similar as was the setting of the dream and what happened in the dream.
“And last one how do you feel about all this, like are you unhappy or happier now that you’re…….bigger?” Alice asked as Bethany smiled gently.
“Happier strangely, my parents always put too much pressure on me and now they don’t so I feel freer” Bethany said as Alice smiled and knew the feeling well as her own mother had been a fitness freak and had drilled healthy eating and fitness regimes into Alice at a young age, something she still does now even living on her own out of habit.
“Thank you for your time Bethany” Alice said as she smiled paid for her coffee and left to go home to write her report up.

Alice locked her door and sighed as she put her bag down and took her laptop out putting it on her desk and plugging the charger back in as she went to shower before she started writing. She turned the shower on and looked at herself in the mirror. She was always a little pale, and she was thin with a bit of muscle and abs showing as well as she wasn’t the tallest person at 5 foot in height. She untied her long red hair which fell to half way down her back as she took her contacts out of her green eyes. The shower was just what she needed to energize herself to write the article on the Fat Hatter as she got dressed in a white tank top and pair of pyjama bottoms before she sat down and began to type away deciding to come up with a title after she had written the main article. She was writing away when drowsiness came over her as she felt her eyelids were getting heavy as she had to pause what she was typing to rub her eyes as she tried to continue but made the mistake of closing her eyes at one point as she felt herself drift off to sleep. She felt a warm aroma wash over her as the smell of cake and tea hit her nose as she wondered where she was before a gentle voice said
“You know if you are going to write an article about me I do wish you would have called first” it sounded jovial and light like he was having a little joke.

Alice opened her eyes and found herself in what she could describe as a round room with light rose patterns on the walls and large open windows letting a gentle air in. she looked in front of her to a round wooden table with a tea pot and cake stand on it with a few plates in front of her and in front of the man in front of her. Before her in a high backed maroon leather armchair was an obese man who looked to be in is late twenties with curly blond hair and blue eyes. He had boyish looks and was smooth skinned as he had a brown top hat on his head and was wearing a purple frock coat and beige pants that looked tight around his belly. Even his terracotta waistcoat looked tight and even had triangles between the buttons as if they were going to pop any moment. He had a plain white shirt and red cravat on. She couldn’t think of a better description other than an obese boyish version of Gene Wilders Willy Wonka. It matched the description the three interviewees had given as she looked around and was a little distressed as she knew what was going to happen. The obese man smiled gently and said calmly,
“Now Alice I know you have questions but don’t be afraid of me I mean no harm” he said.

Alice looked at him and simply asked “Why me? And why them?”
The man smiled gently again as he took his hat off and bowed whilst siting down before he introduced himself,
“I am Alistair Morgan or The Fat Hatter as I’ve been come to called, I rather like it actually” he chuckled. Alice just looked at him as he coughed and looked sheepish,
“Ah yes that didn’t answer you did it, well my dear I am someone who only comes to those who need me, not those who want me” he explained, Alice chuckled,
“Did you nick that from Nanny McPhee?” she asked and he barked in laughter,
“No but I know what you mean in yes I work in a similar way” he remarked. Alice thought for a moment about his response, how did everyone else need him?
“Why…..” she begun as The Hatter smiled and put a hand up,
“I’m getting to that but I do like an inquisitive mind, How did the others you spoke to need me hmm? Well simply put I’ll tell you, Mr Myers was having problems in his marriage, his wife and he weren’t on the same page, she wanted him to be freer and enjoy her cooking but he was told as a child that indulgence is bad and was punished by his very strict grandmother for eating a little too much when it did happen, so in his case it was for both parties, to bring them closer, you saw how happy they were right?” he smiled and Alice remembered how his wife giggled and winked at him at his remarks about his weight. She nodded and looked at him to continue.

“Now Miss Lewis, she had always loved to eat and found it very difficult to be herself growing up, she felt boxed in by her family and social group becoming a cheerleader for their sakes to fit in but was never happy with it and needed to break free but that meant letting go and being indulgent, so I helped her by talking to her and comforting her that it’s not so bad being herself, now look at her, happy and loving life, even has a date tonight with Mr right” he said as Alice looked transfixed as he simply said “And you know why for young Miss Small right?” he asked and Alice thought back to what Bethany had said at the end.
“Happier strangely, my parents always put too much pressure on me and now they don’t so I feel freer
“So you made them happy by making them who they needed to be to be happy?” Alice said and the Hatter applauded and beamed,
“Yeas exactly my dear, So I’m not malicious or harmful, just a friendly Dream maker in this….pardon the Alice in wonderland reference with me being nicknamed the Fat Hatter and all…..Wonderland” he said as he sat back a little and looked at Alice who was processing everything. Before he saw the look he wanted to see and heard the question he wanted asked.
“So why summon me then? Alice asked curious and a little hesitant.

“For the same reason as everyone else, I mean sure I like that you love mysteries and are writing an article on me and all, but I was always planning on getting to you at some point anyway” he smiled gently as he clicked his finger and all manner of cakes appeared on the table and the tea pot began to emit steam.
“What is in my life that’s holding me back then?” she asked as he gently smiled and placed his hands over his ponderous belly.
“Think back to your childhood and the answer presents itself” he simply said. Alice thought back as Bethany’s words rang in her head again and how she could empathise with her as she remembered how controlling and strict her mother was, how her whole fitness obsession made Alice almost friendless and made her somewhat retreat into a shell during her teens. Alice hated she couldn’t break the habits of her mother as if she was still controlling her and remembered how she wished she could just eat all the food she wanted. Alice looked up and felt a sense of release wash over her. That was why he was here, to finally break her mother’s hold over her.
“Thank you” Alice said as she prepared herself.
“Not at all my dear, now eat and enjoy” He chuckled as Alice picked up the first cake and took a bite.

Alice felt the wave of warmth in her as she felt her waist band of her pyjama bottoms tighten around her belly a little as she finished of the cake. She let out a little moan of pleasure as she looked embarrassed as the Hatter laughed,
“Not to worry my dear, enjoy and if it pleasures you so be it” he smiled as she grinned at him. She took a sip of the tea and felt her bottoms get tighter again as she didn’t hesitate to reach for another fairy cake with pink buttercream frosting on top as she felt herself swell with each bite and felt pleasure and contentment. All the time the Fat Hatter talked and told stories and entertained her with various jokes and anecdotes as she belched, moaned and felt pleasure as she got fatter as she indulged. She felt tight and uncomfortable as she realise her pyjama bottoms and tank top were skin tight and close to bursting. She must have been 50 pounds heavier already she thought as The Fat Hatter spotted this and grinned.
“Not to worry my dear, I fix that” he said as he clicked his fingers. Alice suddenly felt freer and looked down to see she was wearing a light blue dress with a black bow tied around her belly. She looked up as he winked,
“I like a little irony so I made you Alice from the book and don’t worry about the bow, those clothes will stretch with you” he smiled as she nodded and picked up another cake and took a sip of tea.

She loved the taste and the feeling as she felt her body swell with was like a rush of pleasure and ecstasy each bite and each time she bloated up. Her angular face was soon gone under a full puffy cheeked double chinned face and puffy shoulders with large ham like arms. Her breasts which were modest before had ballooned and sat atop her now slightly creased belly that was now sitting a little between her thick thighs and the armchair she was sat on was expanding to accommodate her growing impressive ass as she was getting wider and with all the fat sitting lifting her up in the chair. She had put on 200 pounds in minutes as she found The Hatter entertaining and friendly as he had said as he looked at his pocket watch.
“Last round I’m afraid we don’t have all night after all” he said as he clicked his finger one last time and said for her to enjoy it as she smiled thanked him and dug in. she felt herself balloon up as she moaned in pleasure at the feeling of getting fatter and the taste of the cake and she belched a few times and felt good and satisfied as she took more sips from her tea cup and felt in heaven as she gave more pleasurable moans as she felt bigger and bigger as she felt the dress begin to tighten as she felt the bow snap around her middle and then she reached for a now empty table. It was over as she felt sleepy and saw The Hatter opposite her smile,
“Nighty night Alice and when you wake up a new life will be yours” he said as her eyes closed and she went back to sleep.

Alice slowly yawed and then opened her eyes as she was laying back in her chair that felt weird, she looked down and smiled as she saw her now 570 pound frame filling a much larger heavy duty chair with her belly pressed into the desk she was writing at, her pyjamas now fitting her perfectly at her bigger size. She managed to slowly stand and had to get used to her wider stance as she waddled to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Just like in her dream she was now puffy cheeked with a thick double chin hiding her neck under it with her heavily padded shoulders. Her breasts were big and heavy like water melons as she played with her fat and then got to her belly that she couldn’t even fully get her hands around as her fat belly and arms were getting in the way. Her belly hung half way down to her knees at her height as she truly looked swollen all over. She was impressed with how wide her hips and ass were and how it was forming a shelf now. Her thighs were rubbing all the way down to her knees that ere engulfed like her elbows along with her very fat calves and feet. She was surprised she could stand yet alone even waddle. She made a stop to her wardrobe and saw that as she had researched all her clothes had sized up with her as she got dressed. She looked over and saw the article still open on her desk half written as she finished it and then finalised it with her own account of events and how happy she was and that if anyone gets visited by The Fat Hatter, they will be all the happier for it, so Happy Dreaming.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
6   1   3191


Fanedfox 2 years
Very well written! I really enjoyed the plot and characters. I’m usually not into massive weight gains, but you handled the plot so well. Great job!
GhostFA95 2 years
Thanks this was just a random idea I had at work one day so thank you for enjoying it 😊