The Dairy of Big Ass Annie

  By FilmFetishist

Chapter 1 - Dear Diary

Here we have a 20-year-old college student, Annie, alone in the privacy of her dorm room, surrounded by books and papers scattered everywhere, writing in her diary about her fate suddenly shifting toward a slow, but undeniable steady weight gain. Noting and jotting down her experience dealing with an appetite that felt so, so, out-of-character, for someone who was once so lithe, lean, borderline bird-like in build that was once quite boney and frail for someone her age only a few days ago. The feeling of this newfound desire to eat felt so foreign and alien to her, like a creature from another planet had crawled down her throat while she slept, and taken residence inside a body that would be considered just short of perfect in every other way imaginable.

Her short beach blonde bob style hair that complimented her deep blue eyes and the delicate freckles across her nose practically radiated an aura of adorable nerdy cuteness that could melt the coldest man’s heart with a glance as her hair required a great deal of emotional willpower to resist running your fingers through it and ultimately entice a soft moan from her lips if she was in the mood. As nerdy as she was easily perceived, and homely as she perceived herself in solitude, there was no denying that despite her slim waist, bird-like frame there was the perfect amount of curve, that pronounced her modest bust as her best selling point for marriage. With the usual attire of wearing an algebra equation themed t-shirt that hangs loosely over her smooth and supple looking abdomen, and comfy jean leggings that bind to those shapely legs and small but easily holdable set of firm apples that was her apple bottom behind, while far from being a cartoonishly dramatic imagery some imagination might lean to when mentioning the perfect hourglass figure, there was no denying that Annie had the makings to become that all men would crave.

That is…until recently…

Pages containing lines and lines of descriptive text outlining the narrative of her body… transforming, into this new person. A new person who could feel herself *STREEETCHING* at the sides and protruding further from the front and back in order to land around 200 pounds by the end of the previous month, and counting, and she was not sure how much bigger she was gonna get with an almost otherworldly appetite of hers audibly gurgling aloud and visibly rumbling the flesh as her fingers shake in place, physically struggling to continue writing her thoughts on paper as the thought of hitting up a late night donut shop and devouring a whole box of those cream filled delectable craving inducing circles of dough shot through her mind again and again without mercy. There was a growing feeling of anxiety about her new body gnawing at her insides just as ravenously as her newfound hunger for all things fried and densely packed with belly expanding calories. But at the same time, she could not pretend to ignore this need to write down the truth in her personal diary, this burning, bubbling need to confess something so personal to no one else except those vanilla colored pages binded in leather and sealed with a golden lock and key…

That there was a strange feeling of excitement that came with this new transformation slowly taking over her body…

7 chapters, created 7 months , updated 5 months
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