Weight gain stories

Bellies at a Birthday 2, Epilogue

my original story, "bellies at a birthday-2" follows one of the characters from my first bellies at a birthday story, Ashley, who was skinny in the first story, but meets a football player in class and puts on fifty pounds.   More ▼

Symphony of Gluttony

The sounds of gluttony were comprised of five parts.   More ▼

Too Much Ice Cream

Mammon the demon (Obey Me) eats too much ice cream and his little human comforts him Stuffing and tummy ache and comfort   More ▼

The Manhattan Getaway

A trip to Manhattan has never been so fulfilling.   More ▼

Plump My Pumpkin

A disobedient piggy finds himself at the mercy of a very festive punishment   More ▼

Always More for the Babies

The Pretty Woman at the Train Station

This is a short story of a young man who sees a beautiful fat woman at the train station. (Story complete)   More ▼

Steph's Bloating Date

The journey of a new community member and her date with with someone who finally loves her for who she is   More ▼

Bed Bath and Begrudgingly

A nurse who is absolutely turned off by fat guys does what she must to bathe an 800 lb man chapter 2 is his perspective   More ▼

Eager to Please

When Linda discovers hidden feeder fetish porn on her husband's computer, she decides to make his wildest dreams come true.   More ▼