Weight gain stories

Weight gain

The Day After

I hope your trip is going well. i found your note that you wanted me to write and tell you everything. all my sensations and feelings from our incredible month together. every detail.   More ▼

The Video Star

An online feedee model meets a supportive fan and sparks fly.   More ▼

The Pleasure of It All

i am very nervous. i haven't been naked, this fat in front of another human... ever. Self discovery and resulting arousal   More ▼

The Perfect Date Weekend

A man comes home from the gym to find his girlfriend curled up on the couch, living her best life. Gently waking her up, to take her on what’s the start of a perfect date weekend. Mutual eating.   More ▼

The Play Room

i slowly awake, my head spinning. i realize i am suspended face up. A tale of forced fattening, lovingly administered   More ▼

The Reunion (free Preview)

Two old college friends reunite after years of being apart and confess their attraction for one another. He's an FA, she's a BBW who's gone through transformative weight loss. Will she let him fatten her back up?   More ▼

Gaining for Love

A guy and a girl date for a while, however they break up do to differences in their desires for each other's body and weight. While a part both gain weight and then "hook-up" again.   More ▼

Betty Eats for Two

When Betty told Freddy she was pregnant, he was horrified. But when he saw the way her body changed, he was thrilled. But something's wrong -- that was eleven months ago and Betty just keeps getting bigger and bigger...   More ▼

A Little Encouragement Can Go a Long Way

Your roommate's gotten a little fat over winter. Acting as a quiet enabler, you help them along. (Gender neutral POV, gender neutral roommate).   More ▼

There Is a River in Egypt

Continued from "Good Company" Carrie and Stephanie are lounging on the sofa, pigging out on junk food and gossiping about their friend Geena, who seems to be in denial about how fat she is getting.   More ▼