Hinata's Valentine's Day Gift

Chapter 1

Hinata had been eating again.

It's not like she meant to be eating so much, or at least that's what she told herself. At only 19 years old, she's worked quite hard to help protect the village, you know. She deserves a break. At least, that's what she's telling herself, when in reality she's been enjoying the extra attention from her husband. Granted, Naruto’s been busy lately running the village as Hokage, but when he is home he cannot seem to keep his hands to himself around her.

Not that she was complaining, of course. Then again, her weight gain wasn’t intentional either, but she just got SO BORED. It’s currently peacetime, and the former ninja had retired to be a ‘housewife’ in spite of her husband’s protests. She told herself it would allow her to do the things she loved, whatever they were, and find new hobbies. Or even help the Hyuuga with anything they’d need.

Instead, Hinata Hyuuga found herself eating. All the time. Most of it was healthier food, sometimes BBQ would be mixed in or fatty rice balls. There would be plenty of meat to be enjoyed, but the chubby woman would always find some way to balance it out with various fruits and vegetables. You know, to keep it at least healthy, it was just, well, A LOT of it. And as a result Hinata would pack on the pounds.

The weight gain itself would start innocent enough. Just a little softer around the edges, maybe a slightly plumped up belly or fuller thighs that made her clothes feel a little more snug than usual. Exercise was still in play of course, and worked to help her pass the time to go out on a run around the village, working up a good sweat. It was when she hits the market that would get her in trouble, though. The aroma of various meats and baked goods were simply too irresistible to pass up. 

Again, that’s what she tells herself. More BBQ, sweets, donuts, pasta.. the world of the many flavors and aromas of the marketplace would swirl around her nostrils first and only moments would pass before they would decidedly make their way to her mouth. Then to her stomach. A lot of it would go to her stomach, let’s be honest. Every day the ninja found herself stuffing herself on the various offerings of the market stalls, and then waddling home cradling her overstuffed gut.

As a result, not surprisingly, despite her running and exercise, she’d always end up a little softer. A couple pounds heavier, every day. And every day Naruto didn’t say a word, but he rarely needed to, much to Hinata’s surprise. Instead, they’d end up fucking for hours, his hands wandering all over her body. Like before, she’s always loved and appreciates his intense stamina he’s had for so many things in his life, and sex was no exception.

As her breasts would get fuller, her belly would soften and plump out, her thighs thicken, her arms and shoulders puff with soft fat, her ass grow more pronounced; all of it would be like her body and curves were being explored all over again. Every night found his hands exploring her all over, his lips often joining soon after. Careful attention would be paid to her growing belly, breasts, her fat rolls… even the fat around her pussy would be given some soft kisses and love, before her husband’s tongue would follow. Every night, Hinata would find herself so worked up, so incredibly hot and bothered from so much tender and loving attention she’d get, he never failed to make her cry out in orgasm only moments after he moved to her clit.

The strange part came once they began to make love. As Hinata gained weight, Naruto became more and more passionate during sex and often got a little rougher. He never hurt her, though, always careful and soft with his touch, making sure she was comfortable. As their love-making session would go on, though, she could swear he’d sometime glow a little red, or his chakra would change just a little bit. Hinata would always chalk it up to his stamina and the nine-tailed demon fox he still carries with him. It’s always been the reason for his high amount of stamina, no reason it would change now they were in their 20s.

The following mornings after sex seemed to change, too. See, before, Hinata would usually start her morning off with some oatmeal, maybe a muffin added in for something sweet. Other days she’d make some egg, along with some fruit and toast. A few days after she was packing on the pounds saw a change to that. First, the portions started to get larger. Then they doubled. Then changed altogether, replaced instead with scrambled eggs, pancakes or waffles drenched in syrup, sausages, bacon, donuts, sugary muffins, among others.

Whatever she decided to eat that morning, the former ninja would find herself stuffed to the brim with such fattening foods. She’d sit around rubbing her stuffed gut, idly thinking about how bloated she was feeling after breakfast lately (when, in fact, she was simply heavier). When early afternoon rolled around, her morning stuffing given enough time to digest and pack on to her fatter frame, Hinata would go for her usual run. Thanks to her previous exercise, she could still push herself almost effortlessly, likely to the surprise of every onlooker that passed by as every inch of her flabby frame would jump and jiggle and jostle on her. A couple times she nearly, her fat jiggling around nearly exposed her growing breasts and flash people, but she caught her shirt just in time before they were freed.

Still, and without fail, every run would end at the market, and Hinata’s growing gluttony – and waistline – fulfilled by stuffing herself with all sorts of foods from the vendors. It got to the point, especially as she surpassed 400 and 500 lbs, the vendors would prepare extra just to serve Hinata’s generous business, Unknown to her, besides loving how her hunger lined their pockets, but many of them would continuously look forward to seeing Hinata leaving stuffed only to return the next day a little fatter than the last. Her clothes a little tighter, at least until she’d have them adjusted or replaced that day when she needed to, of course.

One stall Hinata found herself steering away from, however, was a surprise given her husband’s fondness for it. It’s not because she doesn’t love the food there, when in fact that is the problem. Well, to be fair, it’s only one part of the problem. The true reason really comes from her recent visit to that stall, and a surprised that awaited her. Much like Naruto, though she’d rarely admit it, Hinata considers ramen one of her favorite dishes. So much so that, much like her husband, she tends to overindulge and leave room for little else. She even prided herself in having “allowed” herself to try out, and subsequently pig out on, the other vendors’ food offerings instead. However, even after she’s stuffed herself silly and finding her body to be packing on the pounds faster than should be possible, the now-nicknamed “food ninja” finally treats herself to some ramen.

10 large bowls of the filling meal later shocked her with ripped clothes and red faces, both her own and the stall owner, when the food shockingly blew her up at 75lbs fatter. And a broken stool.

She didn’t even notice her growth, though everyone around her certainly did. Bowl after bowl would be consumed, broth and all, her clothes tightening around her curves as the then-400 lb woman’s belly and tits plumped up, her ass and thighs spreading thicker and wider. The stool would begin to creak, bend, and splinter much to Hinata’s ignorance as she continued to stuff the savory noodles and meats down her throat. Her clothes would start to rip and tear, her breasts and belly freed before the stool finally collapsed, sending Hinata crashing to the ground and her fattened body fully exposed for all to see.

It took several members of the village, both men and women, to help her out. Every one of them either trying to hide their sympathy for her sake, or their arousal. Sometimes both. Somehow not embarrassed regarding her recent, and incredibly dramatic weight gain, Hinata instead was blushing and apologizing for exposing her naked body to the village. In her shame of immodesty, she explained about how it was not her intention, and finding ways to explain her ignorance to the ramen as not only somehow incredibly fattening, but that she has no intentions to expose herself like that and embarrass the Hokage. Thankfully, someone from the tailoring shop came by and interrupted her, offering to help her into some better fitting clothes for her new… girth, to which the “food ninja” gratefully agreed.

When she got home that night, though, Naruto could barely help himself. He praised her new gains and subsequent curves, his hands and lips exploring and caressing every inch of her fatter body. Groping and jiggling, nearly worshiping his wife’s curves as they embraced, before his lips and tongue moved slowly down to between her legs and massaged her incredibly wet sex. His tongue bringing Hinata to new heights of pleasure, surprising herself as her own hands began to run over her huge curves of their own accord, and continued when they began to earnestly make love. She felt the nine-tails’ red energy stronger than before that night, but even as it radiated off the Hokage with such intensity it never felt threatening. In fact, it felt like it harmonized with Naruto’s own chakra, always gentle, always loving, just incredibly passionate.
4 chapters, created 3 years , updated 4 days
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