Second Hand Fattening

Chapter 1 - part 1 (1 of 2)

There is another universe, where the rules are different. Where things affect other people in a more unique way than they do in ours. I mean, you’ve seen the ads, right? All the dangerous side-effects of smoking this, eating that. Every one of them always talks about second-hand effects for people around you, like second hand smoking or jealous skinny people as you enjoy that 2nd cheeseburger feigning concern about your body.

We all know they just want a 2nd cheeseburger. Go have one, random fit person, we won’t judge you.

But what about when people simply eat around others. Sure, most of the time it does nothing, right? Other times, especially when it’s really well made, or fried and greasy foods, it has another effect on you. Sometimes bad if you don’t like it, sometimes good like it sparks a craving in you. Sometimes it’s a little more neutral, maybe you make a comment like “Ugh, I feel fatter just smelling that.” Not always meaning something mean or negative. You just crave it, desire it, but you know it’ll break your diet. Makes it unbalanced.

In another universe, one parallel to our world, it comes a little more literally. I mean, no one smokes in this universe, tobacco never really took off as it did here. Fast food though? Junk food? Man, that’s another addiction altogether. Oh but if you eat it around others? Whole other story.

That’s where Jamie comes in. See, Jamie has this addiction for junk food and fast food herself, and she has the body for show for it, weighing over 500 lbs herself. A body she’s quite proud of, I might add, though it’s taken some work to make it this big. Not even in the way you’d expect. Oh no, see fast food in this universe is incredibly fattening, and not as easily accessible as you’d think.

I mean, how would you expect society to handle a double cheeseburger that could make you gain 5 lbs as soon as you ate it? Well, better than you think, since losing excessive weight is also pretty easy, but anyone who eats it is expected to eat in private, or else some poor soul will also get fatter.

And like anyone else, Jamie always had to hide her eating, having it eat in private, like her room or car. Many restaurants had dedicated “eating rooms,” even, just to help to protect the local populace from the unwanted “risks,” which was coined “second hand fattening.”

“Welcome to McFatties! How can we plump you?” a fairly plump girl, maybe 300 lbs, stood behind the counter, ready to take her order. Jamie stood before her, taking a second to catch her breath, her soccer ball like tits heaving up and down, hands on her lap filling belly barely contained in her shorts.

“Hi.. phew. Had to park further away than I intended to. Hi, I’d like to order 5 McFatty Shakes, 20 Double FattyBurgers, 10 GivEmFries and… a large soda, please!” Jamie ordered her food. She knew, just as the look in the poor cashier’s face was telling her, that this was not only a very large order to be placed. She might not walk out of here.

A thought that, as Jamie wiggles in place as the heat rose between her legs, is probably the idea.

Money is exchanged, and Jamie is handed a card with her order number. Turning her back to the counter, she eyes the two rows of “eating rooms” before her, settling on Room #4. That’s where they told her to meet them. Taking a deep breath, she begins to waddle down the aisle to her destination, taking almost a minute to do so. Yes, partly because Jamie is very fat, but the rooms are also very large themselves, a well-known fact regarding such fattening food places like McFatties.

On reaching the door, Jamie leans against the wall, once more feeling the strain of hefting her huge body around and catching her breathe before opening the door.

“There she is!” a woman’s voice called out.

“Hey, took you long enough! We’re wasting away here, having to wait for you!” teased a second woman.

“Heh, sorry sorry, ladies. You know how it is with us mobile folks,” Jamie smiles and chuckles nervously as she steps in, placing her card in a slot by the door so they’d know where to deliver her food. A small and a green light came on, indicating that it registered properly and now she simply needed to wait.

“Oh my god, you’re both even fatter than your pictures!” Jamie observed, stating the very obvious.

It took her a minute to take them both in, given how massive their bodies were and overtaking half the room on their own. The first woman to see Jamie, and speak up on seeing her, a Japanese woman named Liu, is sprawled out in the only way a 4,500 lb woman of her size could be. Her ass and legs were thicker than most cars spread as far as they could be for her huge belly that could probably fit two full grown cows. Her breasts were her biggest asset though, spreading wider and fatter than she did, their areolas wider than Jamie and nipples long bigger than her Jamie’s head. Her straight dark brown hair is pulled back into a pony tail, likely to allow her to eat without it getting in the way.

The other woman in the room is a black woman named Sandra, herself almost as fat as Liu, at just over the 2 ton mark. Her breasts were quite hefty, like twin beds but her belly and ass were the ones fighting for dominance, both covering her probably massive thighs to such a degree that Jamie could see them, but not enough to gauge their size in any meaningful way. Her hair is braided and pulled back into a knot, giving anyone who looked at her to focus on her big brown eyes.

As spread out as they were, they left plenty of room for the much smaller white woman who just waddled in, their fat still touching all the same.

“Well of course we are, we sent you those two pictures like 2 weeks ago,” Sandra explained, “We ate since then.”

“Yeah yeah, exactly, now hurry up and get settled. We agreed on a FEAST, today. I hope you’re ready, beanpole!” Liu hurried Jamie, a look of hunger and excitement in her eyes as she verbally rushes her to take her seat.

“S-So.. how does this work?” Jamie asks the two mega fatties, looking up at the two blobby goddesses before her. She couldn’t help but still feel nervous, as nice as they’ve been to her, given they’re still the two biggest women she’s ever met. She couldn’t help but feel even a little aroused at their size, and idly wonders if she’d be able to get as fat as them. Fatter, even.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Liu answered, “It’s like we talked about online when we arranged this. We eat, we grow… the rest of us enjoy the second hand effects. Mmm, I can’t wait. We never had a third, and look how lucky we are. Boobs, ass, and now we got a belly girl with us. Though, you’ve got some catching up to do.” She giggled at the end of that sentence, her smile warm as ever.

“Since this will be your first time, Jamie,” Sandra chimes in now, “We’ll probably take turns, so you get an idea of what to expect. I’m sure you know what happens when you eat, probably in your room or your car right? Now you’ll know what it’s like to finally eat with someone else. And trust me, girl, we eat.”

Only a couple more minutes pass before Jamie’s food arrives, followed by a couple large carts for the other two ladies. Despite their incredible size, she’s surprised to see they could still move their arms as Liu reached out for one of her gallon buckets of fries. The smell of the greasy finger food is both strong and mouth-watering, a testament to how they arrived fresh and ready to eaten. With how much food that’s been delivered and set into the room, Jamie looks down in shock as she can feel herself growing fatter already as 30 lbs pile onto her frame, her hips spreading just a little wider, her belly plumping a little fuller.

“W-wait, is this how the second hand fattening works? The smell?” she asks aloud, looking up wide-eyed to see the much heavier women visibly swell a little more as well. She remembered her body feeling a little fatter whenever she usually got her own meal, but just chalked it up to her feeling horny as she looked forward to eating it and feeling herself grow for sure.

“Mm, not really,” Sandra replies, her eyes closed as it plumped up further. “But it certainly doesn’t hurt, now watch and enjoy the show.”

As she finished speaking, Liu begins shoveling fries into her open mouth, moaning as she chews and swallows, shoving more into herself. Jame’s eyes stay locked onto her as she slowly begins to grow even fatter before her eyes, her gigantic breasts inching further and wider a little more as she picks up one of several dozen burgers and tears into one after another.

“Mmm, it’s sexy to watch right?” Sandra pipes up, breaking Jamie’s hypnotic stare as she looks over, a lustful smug smile crossing Sandra’s lips, making Jamie blush. “Oh, oh here we go, mmm! God it does smell delicious, I can’t.. unf.. I can’t wait until my turn.”
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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