Quarantine Streamer

Chapter 1

The image comes along as the camera begins streaming. A friendly woman’s face moves into a view, a kind smile that reaches her eyes as she looks into the lens, giving a brief wave in greeting. As she backs away from the camera, you’re able to see much more of figure, making your eyes go wide in shock and your jaw go slack. She’s gained weight since her last show.

As she settled down onto the armchair nearby, you can see she’s wearing a cozy button-up that was apparently far too small for her plump breasts and big belly, the very buttons already looking very strained. The view for her legs start to come into view, showing she’s not wearing any pants. In fact, because of the size of her gut covering so much of her thighs, it’s hard to tell if she’s even wearing underwear. Her thighs, plump and soft, press into each other as the woman settles down, obscuring any further view of her underwear for the moment.

“Hi there, guys, it’s Catie Candy,” the fat streamer greeting her fans with another friendly smile, “So, as you know, my content has shifted somewhat, and, well, apparently so have I! Ever since we’ve had to go into quarantine, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but I’ve gained a little bit of weight.”

She giggles as she’s saying this, a major understatement given that she actually used to be much thinner. Not that she was ever as thin as a model, and barely counted as chubby, despite her mini-muffin top. No, when you first found her, she was modestly curvy and certainly conventionally attractive in all the right ways. A little more than well-proportioned, you could understand your initial attraction, thanks to her large breasts and an ass you could probably cup with both hands.. and still have room for more. Something she’s certainly demonstrated for some large tips, at that.

Of course, this is all well and good for many people, but what originally caught your attention was her soft stomach. It had just enough plush to it, it was just soft enough really, that it caught your attention. As if that wasn’t enough, she was constantly snacking and rubbing her belly, occasionally mentioning how full or even “stuffed” she was.

Then, quarantine hit and She. Blew. Up.

The now incredibly obese 500lbs woman has since switched her content to more feederism and fat-based streams, thanks to the recent changes to the streaming platform allowing adult content. To be honest, you’ve been kind of relieved for this change, but for the policies and her content, especially now that Catie’s focus has moved to something more suitable to your overall tastes: chubby vtubers.

“Anyway,” the fat vtuber continues, “I wanted to treat you guys to something special since you all helped me reach my subscriber and donation goals. You see, I--”

A loud gurgle is heard, like a growl of hunger emitting from your stomach and… is she fatter? It’s hard to believe your eyes, that’s for sure, but it’s hard to deny the sight of her belly suddenly growing further down her thighs, those same thighs look a little thicker. Her shirt looks even *tighter* now, the very buttons straining against her plump breasts and bigger belly. She lets out a moan as one hand rubs the front of her belly over the shirt.

“O-oh my, I didn’t expect it to kick in so quickly! I had ordered these supplements, see, and they--” Catie was interrupted again with another gurgle, her body plumping up some more, a button popping off the shirt as her belly surges forward. This time it was undeniable, she is definitely getting fatter right before your eyes!

“Mmph! They enhance any food I’ve eaten, or will eat, making it all incredibly more fattening than it--’’ her body grows even heavier, her fat pushing against her shirt fabric even more, more buttons popping off. Catie’s belly fully exposed now, she throws her head back in a moan as both hands grip and grope the rolls on her sides and move towards the front of it. Her breasts having grown fatter as well, strain against the rest of the shirt. You see the fabric is barely hanging onto the buttons, her cleavage spilling into the gaps and out the top.

“Fuuuck, I wish I knew how good this would feel… ugh, this supplement makes food more fattening than it normally would be. And, ugh fuuuck,” enraptured, you continue to watch the streamer moan orgasmically as she continues to grow even fatter and surpass 600lbs. Her shirt finally loses the battle as the last few buttons finally pop off, freeing her magnificent bare tits into view for everyone tuned into the stream.

“Damn, this is fucking me up in the best way… where was I? Oh, right! I had a huge stuffing all day long just for this, too. I...mmmph!” Plumping up further, the sound of tearing is heard through your speakers as you see the shirt’s very seams now strain against her growing bulk. Her legs attempt to spread more to make room for her growing gut, but as you watch you can see she’s grown too big. Her belly spreads closer to her knees, her entire body seems to be raising slightly as her thighs and ass gain more mass, or so you theorize. Plump and round as ever, her breasts are surprisingly still quite round despite having become fattened so much in the last few minutes.

It’s admittedly getting harder and harder not to unzip your pants.

Catie is breathing heavily, her face still flushed as she continues to continue to grope her huge belly, her hands occasionally moving up to feel the heft and sheer massive size for her breasts before squeezing them in an act of pure arousal and,,, joy? “I-I think I counted up to 9,000 calories? Maybe 10? It’s certainly-- Ohhh fuuuck.”

More sounds of ripping and tearing, as you watch the seams in her shirt come apart entirely and it falls away. The chair creaks and groans under her weight, her as and thighs so utterly huge now as it contains to hold her girth. Her breasts plumped so big as though basketballs, but softer and more malleable were attached to her body. They rest and sag as they spread over the top of her giant belly, so full and pumped with fat that it covers past her knees now. Now that you can see her bare arms, no longer restricted by the shirt’s sleeves, you’re able to more clearly see just how incredibly fat Catie is getting with each new surge of fat. They’re both incredibly wide, larger than your thigh or waist.

The streamer is shaking, her entire body jiggling and almost.. vibrating with movement, her eyes squeezed shut as her mouth stayed agape in a now silent moan. Is she… is she having an orgasm? Goddamn, this is unbearable, the arousal overbearing. She must be over 800lbs now, each surge of fat pushing her to bigger and incredible sizes. Just how much fatter is she going to get??

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Guys, this sensation is incredible! I don’t even know how this works I just.. I… I kind of want to keep growing. To get...mmmm, yes yes yes. Fuck meeee..!”

The sounds of wood cracking and splintering suddenly make their way through your speakers, your pants already on the floor as your hand had moved down to furiously masturbate. Your nether regions pulsating and swollen with arousal, watching as Catie Candy’s chair breaks apart and collapses underneath her massively fat body. You don’t understand, and hell you’re probably too turned on to really care, but each surge of growth seems to be making the woman even fatter than the last.

She’s got to be over 900lbs now, maybe even bigger, it’s getting hard to tell. Her thighs and ass must be double her original size now, her belly so plump and massive you could almost compare it to an overfilled beanbag chair. Her incredibly huge tits, spilling to the side of her belly, shake and vibrate as her body seems to be wracked with orgasm after orgasm. Even as she grabs and fondles her own growing curves as they continue to grow fatter, it’s impossible to miss her arms are moving slower as they’re no longer immune to the same plumping treatment.

Enraptured at the spectacle, your self-pleasure reaches a whole new level as a new fattening surge rocks her body. The sound of splintered wood is heard as her flab crushed what little remained of the armchair under her now half-ton body. You could only stare, afraid to blink as her thighs and ass were pumped with more and more fat, raising her slightly higher as her belly swelled against her thighs. It was impossible now to move her arms now as they’ve thickened so much they looked to weigh over 100lbs each. As Catie shook with every orgasmic moan, her breasts brushed against her hands as they tried to grab at them.

That was it. It was too much, your body shaking as an intense orgasm of your own rocking you just as she started to talk again.

“Ohhh fuck. That was intense! I… phew. I think that was it,” the streamer grinned, certainly happy with her current state, “but uh… I can’t get up, and…” she eyed a bottle of pills just barely within sight of her webcam. Your eyes go wide at the implication. “You know, I don’t think I’m fat enough yet, and I AM kind of hungry again.”

A grin crosses her face, barely able to turn her head but she looks directly into the camera all the same. Your gaze hasn’t broken once as you continue to watch the 1,200lb woman intensely.

“Anyone want to come over?”
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
18   2   8547


Sir Kata 2 years
Thank you! 💙