Chapter 1
**Note: Contains a very fat USSBBW catgirl, pampering, self-aroused fatness, Master x Servant dynamic, and some sexual content**** This is written in 1st person male POV on request **
Milky is totally one of those famous celebrities that only have one name. Like Bono, or Cher, or… uh, one of those people, you get the idea. Ever since I first saw her in the Space Felines trilogy, something washed over me and I just… I couldn’t get enough of her. I looked up her other movies and watched them. I laughed, I cried, I drank in her beauty. What curves! What sex appeal!
Like many fans, I followed news about her, watched the occasional interviews. This catgirl just blew me away. Sure, she’d act regal but she’d always be so nice! Donating to charities, making time to meet with her fans, cracking jokes with reporters during red carpet events… just an all around amazing person. Especially after making millions on her recent movies, helping out random people, sometimes giving them shelter in her new mansion.
Which explains the rumors of her her flirting or even teasing her servants. Thankfully, no scathing scandals or worse came from it, even most of the rumors said she’d be respectful if she ever made someone uncomfortable. Still, I can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to not only have the privilege of working for her, but be able to flirt with such a gorgeous soul. I mean, just looking at her, I’d only feel it a cliché to say she’s “out of of this world”, except for the fact she is quite literally from another planet.
A planet whose home to many such beautiful people like her.
Well, I’m rambling. The reason I talk about all of this is actually because I got the job! Sure sure, I’m narrating this in my own head as I park my car and walk towards that front door, but don’t get me wrong. I don’t expect anything wonderful. I just… I wanted to savor this opportunity to work for Milky.
Before my finger can reach the doorbell, however, the front door immediately swings open and a finely dressed young man greets me with a warm smile and my name.
“Hi, yes I’m for the--” I start before I’m swiftly, and yet so incredibly politely cut off. Normally, when someone raises their hand like that, I take offense but… did he have to be so *nice* about it?
“No, no, don’t worry! I know who you are, the madam made sure of that. We’ve been expecting you, and so has she. Please, will you come in?” the butler steps back from the door, letting me pass through before softly closing it behind us. I suspect I’ve seen too many films, as I absentmindedly tugged at my shirt fully expecting to have a coat on to hand over to him only to realize my mistake.
“Oh, I guess.. haha,” I nervously chuckle as I turn to look at him. He offers an understanding smile, almost amused even, as he meets my gaze.
“No, no, I did the same thing. It’s normal to be nervous before meeting her, if that’s any consolation. Please, follow me.” the well-dressed servant I still assume to be a butler gestures and I follow him through he grand hallway.
Let me tell you, this mansion is BEAUTIFUL. Warm brown/tan marble flooring, soft welcoming rugs and lighting and.. well, Milky’s posters are all over the place. It’s very clear she’s made it her not only her own, but very warm and comfortable at the same time. And really, if how this man’s first impression is anything to go by, she’s made it homely for her employees, too.
The room we walk into is no exception, with nice royal blue carpet with wide golden curls, and wooden lockers lining the wall. I’m led to one particular locker with my name on it, where he unlocks it and hands me the key.
“Here’s your uniform, tailored to your measurements. Once you’ve changed, someone will be by to guide you to the madam’s chamber,” the butler says with a small bow and another smile. I nod and thank him, taking a few minutes to change out of my clothes and into the new uniform. Well, he was right, it fits perfectly on me. Dress pants, socks, button-down white shirt, with a black vest and a nice black tie. Comes with a black belt and suspenders I wear under the vest.
Surprisingly comfortable, too. A pleasant surprise, to be sure.
Stepping back into the hallway, a beautiful young woman greets me. Her uniform is similar to mine, as tailored to her own shape, including her own generous curves. While none of the cloth is tight on her, it’s impossible to miss her generous breasts, rounded belly and thick thighs. Catching myself staring longer than I meant to, I shake my head and lower my gaze to the floor as I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Out of the corner of my eye, however, I catch her doing the same with a shy smile, before straightening back up and clearing her throat.
“Ahem, excuse me, sir. I’m Ms. Milky’s personal maid. If you’d please follow me, the madam is waiting for you,” she says with a small bow of her head before gesturing towards the stairs. Following behind her, I quick step up beside her, my curiosity quickly overtaking me.
“Hi, I’ve been dying to know before we arrive. Milky has been oddly absent the last couple years, right? To be honest, the job advertisement is the first I’ve heard anything about her. Is there anything I should know, like any special projects or health issues or--” the maid promptly stops me as we reach the stop of the stairs, her gaze lingering on a nearby set of double doors.
“Listen, there’s been… a couple of changes. We’ve all talked to her about it, but she’s not telling us. You, though….” she trails off, before saying my name and pressing on, “Apparently, you’ve got something she wants. Maybe you’ll be the one to find out.”
“Wait, found out what?” I asked, but my question goes unanswered as she smiles again and steps away. The double doors she was eyeing only a moment ago are bizarrely unassuming, though at a glance around they otherwise resemble the other doors on this upper floor. Like many larger homes, mansions especially, the upper floor tends to house the bedrooms and similar spaces.
“Try not to stare,” the maid’s words are firm, a warning despite her otherwise still warm demeanor. She turns to the double doors and gently opens them.
Her warning turns out to be wise, though I can’t help but let your jaw drop in shock as Milky – all of Milky – comes into view. Relaxing on a huge bed, with an impressively sturdy frame underneath, a mountain of pillows supporting her from bid back up to her head. Her massive beachballs for breasts slightly jiggle as she finishes the last few bites of an incredible large fish-based dish. As her hand leaves her mouth, it rests atop the fattest belly I’ve ever seen in my life, her dark sun-kissed skin rippling as her hand then slaps one of her huge side rolls before caressing it lovingly. I can only imagine how incredibly plump her ass is, as her thighs, thick as I am wide, are barely visibly past her massive gut.
I could only imagine her weight, but the mental math that processed anyway places her north of 1,200 lbs of pure
The only thing more embarrassing than my jaw dropping at the sight is just how incredibly hard I become as I drink in every inch of her visage. At a pleasant surprises, though, is how well both her turquoise hair and even light make-up is so well maintained. I can only assume it’s with the aid of my now-fellow servants. She looks up at me as the maid introduces me, and like everyone working for her I’m greeted with the same warm and welcoming smile.
Only this time my heart skips a beat.
“Oh, you’re finally here!” Milky happily exclaims. In any other circumstance, if she was standing, or even mobile, I’d have expected her to clasp her hands as she says these words. Unfortunately… no that’s a lie, her massive body and rolls of fat won’t let her and you won’t get a single complaint from me about that.
“Yes, ma’am. Here and happy to serve!” I answer proudly, feeling confident and relaxed, especially so with the warm welcome I got so far.
“Well, good, because I have your first assignment,” she says with a wink, my erection twitching on its own. I don’t dare try to adjust myself, despite feeling a bit uncomfortable at this point as she continues, “I just had a huge meal, which is sure to add to this massive belly of mine, but I sure could use a couple of strong hands to rub it. Wanna help me out?”
“I-I-I…” I’m left totally stunned. On my first day and this… this goddess of a woman wants my hands on that beautiful soft mountain of flab she calls her belly.
“Now keep in mind,” Milky’s expression becomes entirely serious, “I will never want you to feel pressured, and I would not hold it against you to refuse.” Her expression softens again, biting her lip, “but I hope you won’t.”
My legs are moving on their own at this point, my hands finding the conveniently placed nearby bottle of lotion. As I swiftly spread it onto both palms, I sink down to my knees as they find themselves already sinking into her soft folds. Milky’s head rolls back onto her pillows, letting off a relaxed sign, her own hands joining in and occasionally squeezing her fat in various places.
“Mmm, yeah, just like that. Gods, I’m so fat,” she then moans, causing me to stifle a grunt of arousal. How does she know how to press all my buttons like that? I keep my hands moving, rubbing and – despite my desire not to take advantage – lightly squeezing her fat on occasion. My hands moving up her enormous gut as I move, my hips arched back to avoid poking her with my own arousal fighting to be released.
I guess it must look pretty dramatic, though, since Milky’s half-closed eyes soon open fully as I catch her gaze hover on me. And such wild timing, too, as I had soon found myself so engrossed in the mix rubbing and groping her incredibly huge belly I found myself stopping short of squeezing her huge tits. God, ‘huge’ is an understatement too, just a pair of fleshy fat boulders sitting on her chest, contained only by the purple shirt she’s got pulled on, though revealed with cavernous cleavage. The shirt itself purposely and obviously designed to only cover her chest, leaving her gut free for anyone to view.
“You can touch them,” Milky says, grabbing my attention. Looking up to her face, my cheeks hot as I feel myself blush, I freeze at seeing her biting her lower lip. I can’t move, my throat is dry, my dick harder than ever. As if to further tease and tempt me, the half-ton plus catgirl keeps her gaze locked on mine as her meaty arms move down and she slowly pulls the shirt up. Inch by gloriously soft inch, the shirt moves and uncovers the vast mounts of soft tit flesh before me.
It feels like ages, but soon I can see her dark areola and before I can stop myself I’ve dived in. Pushing one side of the shirt out of the way, I’m only faintly aware of Milky’s aroused gasp and an “Oh my” as my lips meet her thumb-sized nipple. Both hands grasp and massaging her huge breast, eliciting a moan above me. To my right, my peripheral view catches the other massive tit being freed and I reach over towards it. It’s further than I expected, making me pull myself further to Milky’s body and my still-clothed hardened cock presses into her soft rolls. I’m able to grasp some of her fat breast, though, my fingers sinking into the soft doughy flesh as they slowly inch towards her other thickened nipple.
“Mmm,” Milky moans, “Yes. Just like that. Don’t stop.”
One of her hands, seemingly instinctively, attempts to reach out for my head, only for her to realize her tits are far too fat and I’m entirely out of reach. Dropping back to her side out of my sight, Milky rolls her head back in a moan as her hands reach out to squeeze and knead what she can reach of her fat breasts.
“Oh god, yes. I can feel you poking me, I need you inside of me,” she moans, her eyes still closed and squeezing her fat.
I’m so worked up I don’t think I could’ve refused if I wanted to, and I can say with certainty I have no regrets. Feeling hot already, I stand back up and quickly strip off my clothes. When my belt and pants, dropping to the floor, I suddenly feel her soft warm fingers gripping my cock and pulling me closer to her. Shifting her massive blubbery body over, I’m suddenly met with her warm wet lips on me and moans escaping from my own lips.
Neither us are surprised, either, at how fast I cum. My body going rigid, I’m barely conscious of the catgirl before me lowering her ears in delight as she swallows spurt after spurt of my semen. When it’s over, my eyes open to find my hands gripping her head, fingers curled behind he cat ears still lowered as she gazes warmly at me. I quickly pull my hands away, disgusted at myself for gripping her in such a sensitive and intimate spot.
“O-oh my god, I’m so sorry, Milky. I didn’t mean to--” I stutter out before she stops me with a slow blink and a smile.
“It’s okay, it was a pretty intimate moment. Besides, next time you can make it up to me by fucking me real good. If you want to, that is.” Her warms are soft and sweet, my heart melts as I relax.
Oh god, I hope I’m not falling in love with her.
Sexual acts/Love making
First person
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years