Ice Cream Is Fattening

Chapter 1

**Note: This story contains male weight gain, some feederism, and gay sexy times.**

Sitting in the living room, the redheaded rabbitboy Alex is kneeling in front of his much fatter wolfboy boyfriend, Sky. The wolfboy lifts one last spoonful of ice cream, mostly melted at this point, up to his mouth and neatly deposits the soft dessert. Pausing for a moment to savor the flavor before swallowing, his body visibly puffing out as his stomach immediately processes the fattening delicacy.

“Look at you, you big softie,” the rabbitboy Alex teases Sky, rubbing his hands along his boyfriend’s bloated and now-larger soft belly, “eating all that ice cream. If I didn’t know better, I would think you got this fat on purpose.”

The wolfboy blushes at his boyfriend’s remarks. The rabbitboy bought the ice cream this time, of course, knowing Sky wouldn’t be able to resist eating it. And with his incredible metabolism, being so slow yet so efficient at plumping him up with every bite, the wolfboy would predictably fatten up as he consumes it. Leading to the couple’s current position, with Sky leaning back and freshly plumped up to 300 pounds, and his much skinnier 150-pound boyfriend rubbing his fattened tummy and teasing him.

Alex’s fondling and teasing gets the two worked up, their mutual arousal visible in the outlined bulges in each other’s pants and their reddened cheeks. Alex’s fingers continue to gently squeeze and fondle Sky’s soft middle as he plants kisses, too. Slowly making his way down his rounded soft gut, slowly moving down towards his groin. Just before he reaches the bottom of the woflboy’s rounded middle, though, he pulls back and smirks and gives his belly a light pat.

“You know what, I think you should get more ice cream, big guy,” he teases, much to the wolfboy’s frustration.

Sky glares at his skinny feeder boyfriend for a moment, slightly annoyed.

Then again, more ice cream does sound like a good idea…

With a sigh, the wolfboy rolls his eyes and rolls his flabby body off the couch, quickly getting dressed before heading out the door. They were originally pretty baggy on him, while also stretchy, all by design. Alex, however, observes in amusement that his boyfriend’s clothes are noticeably snug as he proceeds to head out to buy some more ice cream. Knowing full well that Sky would likely stuff himself generously before bringing any back.

As soon as he is gone, the rabbitboy springs up from his spot in front of the couch and heads into the kitchen. Opening the freezer he digs around inside, tactically moving one frozen food container out of the way after another before finding his prize: a tub of his favorite ice cream hidden deep in the back. Mint chocolate chip flavor, and name brand too! He knew if Sky would find it, that it’d be gone before Alex would have a chance to object.

Alex grabs it out from its hiding place before putting everything else back and closes the freezer door. A spoon is produced from a nearby drawer, and he heads back into the living room with his prize.

Leaning back on the couch, his formerly stashed ice cream in hand and opened, he digs the spoon into the frozen mixture to take his first bite. It gives in easily, surprisingly, despite having been freshly pulled from the freezer. The moment the first scoop passes his lips, his eyes close as the creamy smooth mint-flavoring washes over his tongue, followed by the chocolate chips meeting it soon after. The flavor is almost orgasmic in how delicious it is, his teeth chomping down on the chocolate chips as the creamy dessert soon flows down his throat and into his stomach with the first swallow.

His lips and tongue meet with another bite from the same spoonful he had scooped up, the intensity not letting up as he ate more and tried to savor every bit before it was chewed and swallowed down. Instead, his stomach fought against his desire to take his time to enjoy it, immediately demanding for more of the wonderful delicacy.

Alex’s rabbit ears have perked upright in excitement at the flavor of the ice cream as he continues to scoop more of it into to eat. Every moment unaware he had not seen the piece of masking tape on one side of the carton that simply reads “magic!!”. Though, in his defense, that is probably because it’s facing away from him. Not that it would matter by now, the rabbitboy simply enjoying himself too much to stop. Combined with the reality that was initially going to be a few bites of his hidden dessert has instead morphed into the desire to stuff himself with the entire half-gallon tub. Each lick, chew, and bite simply being too delicious to resist.

Ten minutes pass, Alex is now laying down on the sofa. The tub previously full of mint-chocolate chip ice cream laying on its side on the floor. Empty. He runs his hand over his domed-out stomach, now stuffed with half a gallon of the dessert, eyes half closed as a warm tingling sensation slowly washes over his body. His stomach feeling softer with each passing of his hand, a faint feeling of his skin stretching and feeling both fuller but not tighter. Alex doesn’t pay it much mind, feeling so full and content for the moment as he fondly remembers the taste of that mint chocolate chip flavor soothingly flows over his taste buds and down his throat.

The distraction doesn’t last long, however, as he soon feels his clothes begin to tighten. Opening his eyes, Alex gasps as he watches his body rapidly growing fatter before his eyes. His shirt pulling tight as his belly swells outwards bigger and bigger, forcing it to ride up and expose more and more of his fattening gut. The new sudden and increasing weight holds him down, his flabby arms not used to their new bulk as he tries in vain to sit up. Heaving a couple times proves fruitless before his belly swells too large, his moobs and shoulders plumping up more as they slowly start to tear the t-shirt at the seams.

The waistband of his cloth shorts grabs his attention next, digging into his skin as his thighs and ass swell out with fat. Relief is momentarily savored as the drawstring snaps, but just as he digs his thumbs under the waistband his fat pushes them out as it fills the little space it was holding back. Soon, his shorts also tear, the seams ripping apart as his thighs and ass squeeze through the new holes.

The rabbitboy’s eyes dart over his expanding rolls, a small panic begins to rise in his chest, his mind racing to figure out why he was suddenly expanding like this. It wasn’t like he…



Just like that, it dawns on Alex what happened as he grabs his fattening belly, feeling it swell against his fingers. He could already feel his dick rising from arousal.

Fuck, this feels nice.

No, no, concentrate!

That tub of ice cream he dug out of the freezer, he must have grabbed the wrong one! Of course it had to be mint-chocolate chip, the ONE flavor that neither of them can get enough of. Damn his own greed, too, so quick to eat this tub that he finds himself laying on a couch growing fatter by the second. Alex’s thought punctuated by his shirt and shorts ripping clean off. His fat pushing the torn fabric aside as he watches his belly continue to rise like dough, surpassing 300 lbs and continuing to grow.

Thoughts race through his head to think of a way to stop this… well, the beginning of such thoughts, really. The sensation of his skin stretching as fat continues to pour itself into his expanding rolls continues to be surprisingly pleasurable. His fingers squeezing his growing gut as it swells, every pound feeling warm… and soft… and heavy. Is this how Sky feels when he grows fatter… and fatter….?

‘Oh fuck, this is too hot,’ is Alex’s next immediate thought as the intoxicating feeling of his skin stretching over more and more blubber successfully distracts him, feeling his belly and chest weighing him down as they swell. His arms and legs feel heavier by the moment as he continues to grow bigger, plumper, as his fingers instinctively fondle and squeeze his growing belly fat and side rolls. Soft moans push their way up his throat as the rabbitboy slowly loses himself to the sensations of rapidly growing fatter underneath his fingers and before his eyes.

Rather, it would be growing before his eyes if it wasn’t for the fact the rabbitboy soon absent-mindedly closed them. Squeezing his fat sides as his rolls push against his fingers, their softness unchanging the relentless swelling as he grows. The couch creaking as he expands past 400 lbs, then quickly past 450 lbs. The fat piling on his neck and shoulders making it harder to bend his neck to see his obese body as he soon opens his eyes.

Thankfully, though, and to his continued arousal, the dome that is Alex’s fattening gut continues to rise and make itself easier to see with every passing moment.

The fat growing around his still-hardening cock has been putting the slightest and softest pressure around his shaft. Combined with the sheer size of his belly and his pillowy arms continuing to plump up fatter and fatter makes reaching down to stroke himself to be a chore. Yet the feeling of feeling his skin stretching to accommodate even more fat, the tingling sensation of his growth and the total fetishistic appeal of it all has quickly become too much to resist getting off.

And yet, his burdensome rolls and building adipose didn’t care that this rabbitboy wanted to masturbate to growing fatter. The magic from that tub of ice cream relentlessly pushing over 525 lbs and ongoing to the 600 lb mark, while also pushing his heavier fluffier arm and thickened hand away from his now full erection. His belly and side rolls, combined with his now thicker and fluffer arms, all proving simply too wide and fat to reach past. Untouched, his cock continues to throb in arousal as Alex watches his belly and rolls continue to swell even bigger.

A loud *CRACK* and the opening of the front door sound out simultaneously just as Alex’s magic-spurned weight gain proves too much for the couch to bear his massive fat body. His rolls jiggling violently as he’s suddenly dropped a solid foot lower under the collapse of the couch’s support giving out.

“Oh shit!” he cries out in surprise as he sinks suddenly.

“What?? What just happened??” Sky’s voice carries from the front hall as he shuffles inside and closes the door behind him. His footsteps are noticeably heavier as he rounds the corner from out of view and stops immediately at seeing the near-blob of a rabbitboy before him. Alex’s massive weight gain has rendered almost unrecognizable if not for his familiar red hair and matching green eyes… and how red his cheeks turn as Sky stares at the man who has essentially quadrupled his weight in the short time he was gone.

“I-- Alex?” The wolfboy stands in shock, his ears folding back slightly and his mouth agape as the bags with ice cream slip from his hand and land with a . It had only been roughly 30 minutes since he left for the ice cream place down the street – mostly because he couldn’t help himself from stuffing his face with several quartz of the frozen dessert – but in that span of time his boyfriend somehow blew up with 450 lbs of fat into the now 600 pound fatty before him. A million thoughts running through his head at the sight, mostly about how it happened and why it happened. Was it on purpose? Did he plan this? Was there something he left out meant for himself (Sky) to eat but Alex found it instead? Or…

Alex had involuntarily shut his eyes when the couch collapsed, but on hearing the wolfboy speak and a heavy thud from what was likely more ice cream being dropped on the floor, he opens them with a small gasp. ‘Oh shit, I totally forgot,’ Alex thinks to himself. The whole reason he sent Sky out was to get more ice scream to bring back home, besides the obvious plan of stuffing him with it and making him plump up further. Knowing he also wouldn’t be able to help but stuff himself with even more of it, and without his boyfriend’s encouragement, resulting in the wolfboy blowing up even more before coming back home to finish their fattening foreplay and likely sex.

Minus the errand of course, this sort of thing being a pretty common way they’d spice up their sex life.

This time, though… No, this time was different. Alex never gains weight himself unless it’s by accident or by a prank – though that was only one time. This time around, even with all the fattening foreplay furthered by sending the wolfboy to get more ice cream knowing he’d come back fatter (even if he didn’t bring back any more), neither one of them expected for Sky to come back to Alex being even fatter than him.

“Um, hi,” is all Alex can manage to respond as even as he takes in the view of seeing Sky ballooning up from about 300 lbs when he left to being over 500 lbs now… and successfully bringing back a couple gallons of the frozen dessert on top of that. The rabbitboy can feel his cheeks growing warm as embarrassment starts to set in… or is it arousal? He definitely felt his balls swell slightly larger as he couldn’t tear his gaze off of his quarter-ton boyfriend, despite being fatter than him and entirely unplanned at that.

“W-what happened??” Sky asks, waddling over to Alex and offering a hand as he sees him start to roll to get up from his precarious position. ‘God he’s gotten so heavy, that is so hot.’

Taking his outstretched hand, Alex manages to roll himself into a near sitting position and then, slowly and carefully, starts to stand. Unfortunately unlike Sky, being unfamiliar with the experience of going from 150 lbs to 600 lbs, he wasn’t accustomed to being so heavy. Much less to being so fat, either, as his bulk quickly and easily reminded him that he isn’t as limber anymore as he loses his balance. The surprise of the fall keeps his grip on Sky as the two obese men fell down onto the broken couch, breaking it further with their combined 1,100 lbs.

“I-- oh fuck!” Alex cries out as he falls backwards, his 500 lb boyfriend joining him as they hear the wood inside the cough crack apart even more, eliciting a laugh from the rabbitboy. “I guess I’m not used to being so fat, hahaha!”

Sky’s eyes go wide for a moment, before his expression turns devious. Deciding that finding out what happened can wait for later, he pushes himself off of Alex and immediately strips off the now-tight clothing, exposing his fattened naked body to his boyfriend as he kneels back down and kissing his lips. Alex reacting with a “Mm?” before relaxing and kissing him back. Sky’s pudgy fingers tracing the rabbitboy’s rolls as they start making out, and occasional squeeze here and there between his huge belly and newly formed moobs. Their fat squishing together an unexpected turn on for both of them as they both start to lightly moan as they continue.

The wolfboy’s gropes and squeezes getting more aggressive as his hand soon wanders downward, the resulting jiggling and shaking proving to be stimulating Alex’s cock more than the rabbitboy himself expected. His own hands reaching out to grope and squeeze Sky’s rolls as his pleasure builds, and his moans get a little louder. Much to his surprise, not that he should be too surprised given his earlier arousal combined with his then-quickly interrupted attempt to masturbate, Alex felt his pleasure spike a little faster than he was used to. His cock was feeling rock hard, Sky’s jiggling and shaking his new rolls consequently causing the fat surrounding his rigid member collide and ribs against his shaft, stimulating and bringing him closer to orgasm.

As Alex’s breathing quickens and his soft moans get a little louder, a little more desperate against his boyfriend’s lips, Sky decides to jostle his fat faster. Pulling back from the kiss, the wolfboy smiles deviously at his blushing rabbitboy love, Alex’s eyes closed as he edges closer and closer to climax.

“Time to make another fatty cum, just like he does to me after blowing me up like the horny man he is,” Sky teases.

His eyes drift down to Alex’s crotch, his rock-hard twitching for a moment before it starts to erupt with spurt after spurt of thick white semen. With his fupa pushing it to angle downward, glob after glob of his hot cum would land on his legs or the couch, and some on the floor. The magically fattened rabbitboy grunting and moaning as the orgasm washes over him, and Sky smiling at the arousing and satisfying display of making his boyfriend ejaculate so fervently.

“Ohhh, fuuuuuck…!” Alex manages to cry out as something else quickly begins to happen as well. Catching both men by surprise, that familiar tingling sensation crawls over their skin as they both watch themselves slowly swell even fatter. Their bellies swelling outwards inch by inch as their arms and legs plump up thicker, their faces and chins blowing up with more chub. As their chests and shoulders join in the thickening, too.

And oddly enough, yet not truly surprising, as their fat pads grow too, their hard cocks – Alex’s erection staying despite his orgasm – almost stroking getting stroked by their fat for a moment before stopping. Sky’s hands moved to his much flabbier and larger gut as he stares down in shock and arousal, before looking just past it to see Alex’s even bigger belly. The rabbitboy’s cheeks are still flushed red as he takes in the sudden growth spurt, such as it is, and each of their much fatter bodies.

It becomes quite clear they just piled on another 100 lbs, and evidently from Alex’s orgasm.

A devious thought crosses the wolfboy’s mind, that same smile curling his lips again as he reaches out and grabs his much fatter boyfriend’s flab. Normally, or as normal as you could call their unique relationship combined with their frequent fattening shenanigans, Sky wouldn’t become so dominant. But with the years of teasing, their sudden exponential weight gain, and the blue balls teasing he got from Alex earlier after some kinky foreplay… well, Sky was just too fat and horny to care.

You see, weight gain for Sky has a special effect for him every time it occurs. The feeling of his skin stretching, the heaviness of every pound piling onto his body. Knowing each one is not only making him bigger, but softer, fatter. Feeling his pillowy fat expanding every part of his body, squeezing itself against other parts of his body in both places and way he’d never feel when he’s skinny. His pelvis fattening up and swelling to encompass more and more of his often-hardened cock until, sometimes, it was swallowed up completely. Where every shake and jiggle of his rolls would tease him. All of it drives his arousal through the roof, and often pushes him to want more.

With that desire for more pushes him to be more dominant. And today especially, seeing as he wasn’t the only one to become so much fatter from… well, he doesn’t really care at the moment what Alex did to make this happen, all he knows it’s hot as hell, and he wants more.

But first, that last surge of growth was driving him wild and Sky wanted nothing more than to get off.

So with a great shove, and a lot of jiggling that came with it, the 700lb blob that is Alex is rolled over onto his huge stomach. A moment later, given Sky’s own 600lb bulk he needed to maneuver, Alex could feel his boyfriend finding a way to straddle his massive ass and the sudden but familiar cold touch of lube, eliciting a gasp. Given their more unique relationship, the couple deciding to always have it nearby given how often they find themselves wanting to fuck in the most random places sometimes.
2 chapters, created 4 days , updated 4 days
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