Shay's Magic Chocolates [patreon Commission]

Chapter 1 - Full story

*This story contains male weight-gain, XWG, rapid WG, and mega blob sizes. Also gay sexual content*

*Naven and Abel are both kemonomimi, that is human with animal ears, tail, and horns when applicable*

*Huff, puff, huff, puff*

Naven breathes heavily, leaning with one hand against Shay’s front door as he works to catch his breath. His other hand grabs his belly, as he looks at his 330 lb frame.

“Dammit, Red, when you said the potion would wear off, I was hoping the weight would, too. Just my luck,” he mutters to himself, thankful his groin was at least back to normal and allowed him to wear pants. Thanks to Red, his original outfit magically was expanded to fit his now-200 lbs fatter body before he left her tower.

Or at least, what remained of it, once he fed her that 2nd blue potion…

Still, the hike back out of the woods was miserable, but the dragon made it back home, showered, and changed, before heading to the elf’s house. And, even better, he notices that no one seems to be home when he arrived! With a mischievous grin, he tries the doorknob, just in case it’s unlocked.

No luck, door doesn’t budge.

Taking a step back, still panting, he casts about looking for another way in. Aha! Just a few feet away, a window sits cracked open, leading straight into Shay’s living room. Making his way under, he eyes it carefully for traps or any tales of magic. Not that he knows any, but he likes to think he does.

Especially since Shay once pranked him into fattening into an immobile blob, and was stuck in front of his house until he got home.

Seeing no such signs of booby, fatty, or other traps, the obese dragon man steps up to the window and with a firm PUSH, opens the window up fully. With a struggle, Naven manages to hoist himself up and just BARELY squeezes his 330 lbs of flab through and flops straight onto the floor.

“Ow,” he rubs his elbows, lightly bruised and aching from the fall, “I meant to do that. Ahem. Oh, hey, pastries!”

As he turns around, nearby on the coffee table sit a small assortment of baked goods, their aroma nearly making Naven drool with hunger. Donuts, a couple pies, sweet buns, and some cinnamon rolls lay splayed out in their respective boxes on the table; their combined aroma demanding to be consumed. He nearly obliges, too, but stops himself just short of reaching out and opening one, reminding himself why he is there.

And thievery is not it.

“Right, can’t mess with their stuff, they’d know I was here. Besides, this looks like Abel’s work, buttering up Shay for a favor I bet.” Naven whispers to himself and reaches into a pack he’s carrying with him, pulling out a seemingly innocent box of chocolates. “Now, these would go perfect with this assortment. Oh man, this is perfect, I can’t believe it’s so easy!”

The deed done and the dragon man satisfied that he’s put them where, he again squeezes back through the open window and falls. Standing back up, some dirt smearing his clothes, he carefully pulls the window back as best he can to the just-cracked-open position he found it at. He then hurries to get away before Shay or Abel get back, or else risk being caught.

Thankfully for Naven, his timing was perfect as only a couple minutes later as Abel walks up the sidewalk, humming quietly to himself. Glancing over, he thinks he sees Naven’s tail disappearing around the corner..? Nah, couldn’t be him. That would just be weird.

Abel shrugs it off and heads inside, the aroma of the freshly baked goods hitting him all at once.

“Oh my gods, what is that?” the sheep man, albeit rhetorically, as he quickly shuts the door behind him and looks over to see the coffee table nearby stacked with the assortment of buns, donuts and pies Naven spotted earlier.

And right in plain sight, sit the box of magic chocolates Naven left behind. Intended for Shay, but then again…

Abel doesn’t know that.

“Oh man, Shay must’ve decided to surprise me with a treat! I wonder what we’re celebrating?” he wonders aloud, making his way over to the couch and sitting down. “Ooh, I’m going to have to start with these chocolates, though. He’ll live with the disappointment.”

Immediately opening the box of chocolates, he ignores their odd uniform shape instead of a variety, and pops one right into this mouth. The flavor is overwhelming and filling for his mouth, causing Abel to moan from just how delicious it is before he swallows.

And immediately packs on 200 lbs, the now-450lb fattened sheep kemonomimi man’s eyes going wide-eyes.

“Oh my gods, this is DELICIOUS!” he exclaims, one hand rubbing his much fatter lap smothering belly as he grabs another chocolate, moaning in pleasure from the incredible flavor of chocolate and caramel flooding his mouth before swallowing.

The couch creaks and breaks as he expands even more this time, his belly forcing his legs apart as it inches towards and rests on the floor. His side rolls fill the remaining space completely, his thighs and ass double in width and lifts him slightly as the couch legs collapse underneath. His arms turning into thick pillows of flab as his neck and shoulders begin to merge, his cheeks puffing out.

Without missing a beat, however, the 850 lb blob doesn’t react and simply reaches out for the box that’s found itself resting on his huge stomach, picking up the third piece. Just as quickly popping it into his mouth, watching in amazement as he doubles in size again, growing and crushing the couch entirely under his rolls before overtaking the remains entirely. His massive belly pushing the coffee table away as it grows fatter, but also pulling the chocolates away. It certainly doesn’t help matters when his arms grow so fat and heavy that he can barely move them, nor that his moobs and neck rolls swelling out to make it harder to reach up enough to get even near enough to reach the chocolates.

Still doesn’t stop the blob from trying.

“Nnngh! Come on, get over here! I’m hungryyy~!” Abel whines, his arm barely reaching past his fatty chest but nowhere near the box. He continues to wordlessly whine, despite the futile attempts to reach the highly addictive and immobilizing chocolates sitting on his huge body.

“What is going on in here-- oh.” Shay, having just gotten out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist with another in hand drying off his long blue hair, stops on seeing the 1,650 lb Abel reaching for a box of chocolates he doesn’t remember buying. The entire feast of baked goods themselves, which the elf does recall buying, lay untouched and shoved away by the immobile sheep’s huge body.

‘I bet this was Naven’s work. Heh. Might as well help the poor guy out, though,’ he thinks to himself, strolling up to Abel and climbing onto his huge rolls, snatching the chocolates on the way.

“Hey, big guy, did you get hungry?” the elf teases, holding the chocolates aloof and still out of reach of his barely mobile arms, towel still tied around his waist.

“Shay! Don’t tease, I’m hungry!” Abel whines back, his meaty fingers making grabbing motions as he fruitlessly continues to reach for the box.

“I bet you are, it’s probably how you got yourself into this predicament. Here, let me help you,” Shay picks up a chocolate and plops it into Abel’s open eager mouth, watching as he chews and moans, before swallowing. His eyes widen, his cock stirs as the sheep man underneath him begins to expand fatter once more, his skin stretching as his body billows out fatter and fatter. Looking behind him, he sees Abel’s belly roll forward and eventually over the coffee table and the baked goods atop of it, before it meets and presses against the wall. Behind Abel, his ass and back fat merge further as they squish against the opposite wall, his side rolls threatening to do the same.

“Holy shit, Abel,” Shay whispers, his dick hard and throbbing with arousal at the now 3,250 lbs of blob resembling his good friend.

“Mmm, so big, so hungry,” Abel moans, his hands all but buried in the mounds of fat piled onto his arms, still twitching as though to reach for more.

“I bet you are, you greedy fatty. No wonder you got so fat, these chocolates must be delicious,” Shay eyes the chocolates, a horny smile coming to his lips. “I bet you want even more, don’t you?”

The immobile blob jiggles slightly before he notices that he can’t nod, and instead simply says “Mm hm.”

“Good, because I am going to keep feeding you,” the blue-haired elf says, popping another chocolate into his open mouth. Then a second, and a third, watching as the greedy sheep chews and moans as the flavor floods his mouth.

Then, as he begins to swallow, he begins to expand again, bigger and bigger. His fat presses against the walls as his sides meet the other two walls, raising the pair up as his fattening body fills more and more of the room. Soon, the sounds of cracking and crumbling is heard as the walls soon surrender to his relentless flab, his ass and back flowing out one side of the home as his belly and man tits take up more and more space inside.

Moments later, the rest of the house soon gives away as Abel’s body grows still fatter and more massive, the debris rolling off his huge rolls as Shay uses his ice magic to shield himself and Abel’s face from harm, then clearing off any stray rubble from his house-sized body.

“Mmm, gods, yes, so good. I need more, Shay, please feed me more. I’m so hungryyy!” Abel moans, his 25,650 lbs of fat shaking and jiggling as his stomach growls loudly underneath it all. His hands and legs are completely buried under his massive fat belly and side rolls, though one can only imagine how wide his legs would be if they were visible, though the elf imagines him smothering cars with them.

“You are just so damn cute when you’re fat,” Shay teases, “So hungry and greedy, just growing fatter and softer. Too bad you’re part sheep, I’d swear I should call you a pig.”

Abel moans, though it’s unclear whether or not he can understand what the elf is saying, but his desires for more chocolate are very clear. Another two chocolates find their way past the ravenous blob’s lips, eliciting more moans of pleasure as he chews and swallows. The elf finding himself fighting the urge to thrust, watching his fat surge outwards as more and more adipose fills is ever-growing immobile form. His body growing fatter and filling out the land the house sat on, then pressing into (then over) the houses surrounding them. Occupants forced to run from their homes as the ever-fattening sheep takes them over within mere minutes, smothering their land entirely before stopping just as he starts to press into the next “circle” of homes around them.

The ice mage, pleased with Abel’s growth, spots the last couple chocolates and pushes them into Abel’s mouth without further hesitation.

“Mmm, more, yesh, fatter,” he mumbles through the magically mouth-filling chocolate and caramel.

These final two, as Shay suspected, prove the most potent, as each chocolate Abel consumed easily doubled how much weight he’d put on from the last. And as his 50 ton body begins to shake and quake as his massive fat rolls soon flood out into the neighborhood, lifting them up higher and higher, his theory could only be proven true.

Abel moans as his mountainous body grows fatter and fatter still, his face and massive cheeks awash atop his swelling form, arms and legs long buried under several tons of flab. He’s turned into all belly and ass, his side rolls joining them both, his monumental blobby body surging further outward and upward, a lake yet mountain of fat relentlessly plumping him into higher states of fatness the world’s ever seen.

By the time he’s finished growing, Shay’s resistance had worn down and his fingers were stroking his hard throbbing cock to Abel’s massive body. News and military choppers hovered around him, as though trying to measure his massive town-smothering form, maybe even find his head. The sheep has become a world wonder, at 409,650 lbs of blubber.

Still the pair don’t pay them any attention, as Abel slowly blinking as his mind comes clear of the insatiable body-transforming hunger that carried him to this height of gluttonous size.

“Sh-Shay? How did… oh my god,” he notices he can’t move, his mouth and eyes the only truly mobile part of him now. Yet, surprisingly, still does his best to take himself in. “Oh my god, I’m HUGE. And..mmph, so horny. I can’t believe I got so fat. How big did I get, I can’t tell.”

Shay, his masturbation being blocked by one of Abel’s many fat neck rolls, slows down as he pants from the arousal, his towel tossed aside. “You, uh, you’re the size of a small mountain, my greedy p-- I mean, friend. You’re over 200 tons, and it’s so fucking hot on you.”

“Y-yeah? Gods.. that’s… Shay, I need your help. I’m so turned on, I’ve never been so fat before.” Abel pleads, his cheeks turning pink as the arousal fully washes over him. Miles down, buried deep inside his fat, his own dick is erect and throbbing, demanding release.

“You do, huh? Well.. mm, I gotta say, I think we can help each other. You know I love fat men, and you’re like a DREAM right now. So--”

“Give it to me, you horny bastard. Give it to me, and in return you use your magic to get me off, okay? I just need to CUM!” Abel’s demands bring a smile to Shay’s lips, as he silently answers by carefully scaling Abel’s neck rolls to get closer to his lips.

“Open wide, fatty,” he teases, the sheep rolling his eyes and complying as Shay pushes his hard dick pass his lips. Immediately, surprisingly, Abel begins to lick and suck him off, his tongue massaging and licking his head and shaft as the elf finds himself thrusting in pleasure.

“Oh fuck yeah,” Shay moans, snapping his fingers to form two large hands of ice that soon zoom off to Abel’s sides.

While still cold to the touch, the mage managed to keep his focus enough to dampen their touch for Abel’s safety and comfort. On each side of the massive blob, they grab his fat and slowly but steadily begin shaking and jostling his fat. Each one adjusting as they track the tremors to locate Abel’s dick first, then changing to ensure his quaking fat rolls stroke and pleasure him.

“Mm-mmm! MMM!!” Abel moans, his eyes closing to the pleasure, working harder to suck on Shay’s hard hot dick, the elf moaning alongside him, the pleasure peaking higher and higher, his own fingers grasping and kneading Abel’s fat, bringing him further enjoyment.

“Ohh fuck, Abel, you’re so-so… oh fuck I’m gonna cum!” he moans, involuntarily thrusting into Abel’s mouth, the sheep relaxing his throat as his tongue keeps stroking Shay’s underside as warm cum spurts into his mouth. Swallowing it down, he seems to cum for a while as a few pints pump their way down his throat. This along side Shay’s magical ministrations is enough to push Abel into his own climax, as he moans against Shay’s cock while coating a comparatively small part of his own fat.

All said and done, the blue-haired mage pulls his softening dick from Abel’s lips and lays down next to his face, his naked skinny body spent yet satisfied.

“Mmm, man that was good,” Abel says after a moment.

“Mm hm. Wish you could stay this cute for longer. Maybe at a more…. manageable size,” Shay responds sleepily. Abel watches his friend drift off, as the first news helicopter starts its approach to finally finding his face amongst all his blubber. The sound drowning out Shay’s mumbled sleepy words before he falls asleep.


Did he say “love”??
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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