Contemporary weight gain stories

Our Wildest Dreams

Old story I found on my old phone. Thought I may as well save it here. couple into feederism indulge their vices until their lives are ruled by them. Dark ending.   More ▼

Beafeedee Buffet

A couple start frequenting a buffet and their physiques undergo extreme opposite changes   More ▼

A Post Easter Treat

The continuing story of the narrator's girlfriend Ivy and how the days just after Easter have changed for them.   More ▼

Lisa - ‘twas the Night Before Christmas

Lisa sipped her wine as she finished her sixth piece of pizza. She grunted as she stood up and waddled to the bedroom. As she closed the door and saw herself in the full length mirror the dread of what tomorrow would bring creeped into her mind.   More ▼

Queen of Hogs

Closeted feeder, Misqueen Duchess, steps out of her comfort zone to explore her sexuality. Find out what feedism means for her - the good, bad, and ugly.   More ▼

Fat Sex in the City

Two writers meet at a reading in San Francisco and sparks fly as they use art as a means of negotiating the boundaries between vulnerability and desire.   More ▼

A Half Ton of Fun

Two heavy lesbians move in near a hetero feeder and gain like never before   More ▼

Adventures at Fat Camp

A young women, though still in high school takes a job at a "fat camp" that works on overweight girls self esteem rather than weight loss. She gains weight and enjoys it to the point of becoming obese to marry her boyfriend   More ▼

The Slow Softening of Taylor Swift

You Tube Gain

I heavy guy marries a total slim hottie. After a few years of marriage, she decides to gain and document her gain on YouTube.   More ▼