Akeno's Food Addiction - Part 2
--Illustration coming soon!-- In part 2, Akeno and Issei keep up with Akeno's new addiction, and all the fattening that comes with it. *Contains sex, immobility, some gay action and lactation. Also commissioned by Frank. Art by FeferoKun! More ▼
The Surrogate Diaries
Sasha makes a life altering career choice. More ▼
A Witch’s Meal (short Story)
Tristan makes a fatal mistake accidentally bumping into witch. She sure bites off more than she can chew. More ▼
Funnel Story
A second-person one-shot about being force-fed with a funnel More ▼
Thinking of Larger Days
A prospective feeder fantasizes about his feedee partner's growing future More ▼
Bad Day at Work
Your girlfriend comes home from work and stuffs you with McDonalds.
[Complete] More ▼
Love's Eternal Round
A love letter from my imagination to the belky of a lover More ▼
Mother's Acceptance
second story More ▼
Justice (preview)
A scam artist in the near future runs afoul of the local mega Corp and goes to prison. More ▼
The Thinking Feedee
A feedee thinks about life while he waits for his feeder More ▼