Resistant weight gain stories


Bristol, Ks: Revisited

A journalist travels to a small Kansas years after its residents mysteriously started growing fat and obese   More ▼

Joe Meets Rose the Baker

A chance 2 a.m.meeting in a donut shop holds promise of pleasures to come as chubby Joe meets someone destined to change his waistline.   More ▼

You're Filling Out Nicely Pig Part 3 (end)

The end of the story of how a stripper got tricked by his ex girlfriend into gaining weight   More ▼

His Projected Cravings

Your boyfriend's been struggling with his weight for as long as he can remember. In order to beat his unhealthy cravings and lose some weight, he decides to push them onto someone else; you.   More ▼

The Metamorphosis

His Guardian Angel

Little Girl Lost 6

conclusion of the story. warning: contains my usual erotic sensuality as well as a happy ending. for previous story parts go to my profile/stories.   More ▼

I Tried...

poem about an unsuspecting soul that succumbs to a sinister feeder... (artwork by @thatspookyfeeder on tumblr)   More ▼

Becoming Gloriously Out of Shape

Evil feeder fattens up his wife to immense proportions without her realizing it.   More ▼

Adrien"s Dilemma