Romantic weight gain stories


Delicously Dispicable

Fit and attractive Dayle had being dating his bubbly, beautiful, slim girlfriend Ashley for the last 2 months and she has no idea of his dark side. Dayle is a warewolf who preys on vunerable young women, fattening them up to eat.   More ▼

Nb Feeder X Nb Feedee

100% gender neutral feeder/gender neutral feedee reader insert stories. POV shifts between feeder and feedee, but always in third person. Originally from my AO3. Some stories are reskinned versions of stories in other categories.   More ▼

Female Feeder X Male Feedee

Third person POV. Includes both dominant/submissive male feedees and dominant/submissive female feeders. Originally from my AO3. Some stories are reskinned versions of stories in other categories.   More ▼

Newly Chubby Hubby

A recently-married couple realize that they have each been holding back on expressing their strange desires, and now they are embarking on a fat future together.   More ▼

The Homewrecker (free Preview)

A loving couple moves into a new neighborhood with their soon to be bundle of joy expected to come any day now when the next door neighbor comes to greet them and immediately becomes attracted to the husband.   More ▼

A Feeders Plea... to Eat for Me

Sometimes the temptation of a stuffed belly is too much. I crave. I need. I desire a stuffed, tight belly pressed against me.   More ▼

Zoom Belly

A couple who were dating before the pandemic and now isolated. They both gain weight, but he the most, forty pounds. He show his bloated, overweight form in just briefs and a t-shirt at the end of a "Zoom" meeting, fortunately she's the only one on   More ▼

A Feeder for Christmas

Old story I had on my previous account that was popular. Personal shopper for a YouTuber realizes she likes feeding her client.   More ▼

Settling Down and Filling Out

A short-ish story about two girlfriends who discover a fun new interest they have in common   More ▼

All Hands Below Decks