Girlfriend weight gain stories

Flesh on a Woman

A story published in the early 2000's by Tulsa Brown on the now defunct website 'Scarlet Letters'. Republished here without permission, but because it's no longer available anywhere online and it's absolutely superb.   More ▼

A Christmas Tale

Lily is convinced that Brandon is her one true love, but why does he disappear all of a sudden back to Alaska right before Christmas. Lily is about to find out and has it in for a huge surprise.   More ▼

Cheeseburgers and Stethoscopes

Mark is single, in a bad mood and as if things couldn't get worse, he's injured his shoulder in the gym. Will his luck turn around when he falls in love with the handsome, pot-bellied Doctor who treats him?   More ▼

Another Day, Another Decade

Young professional Hannah is tired of the rat race, and wishes she could fast forward to having a family   More ▼

You Gotta Teach Her a Lesson...

Rolling Meadows

(NOT FINISHED, much more to come, Chapter 7+8 added) Autumn signs up for a weight gain study, not realizing what it entails. This will involve several characters gaining weight, feeding, etc. Slow build up if you like that kind of story.   More ▼


Matt and Mark are identical twin brothers, other than the fact that one is "the fat twin". The two go to the club find what they did not expect.   More ▼

Couples Wish

This is not one singular story. It is a collection of stories that have the same protagonists. Each chapter is a different adventure or mishap.   More ▼

Draft Belly

A worried mom decides to fatten up her son so he will fail the draft physical. This takes place in the early seventies during the Vietnam war, he worries what his girl friend will think of him fat, but her grandmother fattens her up too.   More ▼

Blind Date With a Feeder

Freddy has no idea what to expect in his first date with FFA/feeder Nancy. Will their dreams come true in a romantic feast of epic proportions, ending with a night of passion? You know the answer already. Enjoy the romance.   More ▼