Girlfriend weight gain stories

Broken Heart, Healed With Food and Love

This is about as sweet as anything I have ever written. Hearts break, but food and fattening can heal the wounds. About the redemptive power of love and brownies.   More ▼

A Stuffed Secret

A little hedonism lasts a long time on the hips. A short stuffing scenario I may add to in time. Again. I base this muse.   More ▼

My Ex-boyfriend and My Next Boyfriend

A sexy woman's middle-aged boyfriend grows fat under her care, but he escapes from her. And now she’s yearning for a new man to fatten.   More ▼

Make Me

A short story of a young woman persuading her partner to make her huge   More ▼

Ashley and Tammy

A Castaway

A little bhm/ffa gothic style romance for someone else   More ▼

Softness Ensues

Protagonist describes seeing their partner slowing growing over time and all the secret signs of the change to come   More ▼

Spicing up Our Marriage

A couple in a relationship crisis seeks help.   More ▼

The Cleansing

Being Fed

I guy gets caught "padding" by his wife. They embark on a journey to obesity!   More ▼